Hi guys! If the stores are out of bread, this is a simple recipe to make your own. I hope this is helpful to many of you.
Here are the measurements I use:
1 packet of active dry yeast
2 tbsp honey or sugar (divided)
1.6 cups water (divided)
1 tsp salt
4 cups of flour (more or less depending on humidity)
Small amount of oil or cooking spray
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody welcome back to our ChannelI’m Lauren and I am here in the kitchentoday to show you how to bake bread Iknow that there’s a lot of uncertaintyright now and tension because of thecoronavirus and it seems like the latestthing is that the stores are now out ofbread as well I just went out earliertoday and there was no bread at eitherTarget or Walmart so I wanted to showyou guys how you can make your own breadI’m just for a few reasons so number oneif bread is really a staple and yourfamily you can do it yourself number twoit’s a very calming and relaxing tasksto do so that’s helpful and this timeand then also it’s a great activity todo with kids there’s so much learningkids love being in the kitchen so forall of you guys who have your kids athome in or you know looking for moreactivities to keep it and engage this isa wonderful thing to do with them andthen lastly you know if I can you knowteach you something new to help you feelempowered and capable in this time ofuncertainty then I am happy to do thatmaking bread is kind of one of those youknow ancient skills ancient skills thatnot many of us do want our own anymore II know personally I don’t think I bakedmy own loaf of bread until maybeeighteen months ago so at like 33 or 35years of age was the first time I everbaking bread so I know also in parentsvolume how incredibly easy it is you donot need a KitchenAid mixer you do noteat a bread machine you don’t need youknow fancy loaf pans or any of that thiscan all be done with by hand with stuffthat you probably already have so here’swhat you’re gonna need you’re gonna needa packet of yeast I have seen thatstores are getting low on yeast too ifit gets to that point we can also make asourdough starter which isthe way that they did it before therewas manufactured packets at leastavailable so I can do another videoabout that if you guys want me to butkeep in mind it tastes about two weeksto get your sourdough starter started sothat is kind of like a longer timelinethere so you need a packet of yeast I’musing active dry yeastpretty much any use that you can find atthis point is fineyou need just any old regular flour thisrecipe works great with different typesof flour you can use all-purpose flourI’m just using this white wheat flouryou’ll need a little bit of salt just ateaspoon or so you’re gonna need waterand then a little bit of honey or sugarand then I use some olive oil or if youhave a spray just to grease the bowlwhen it rises and then the next thingI’ll mention is it does take a littlebit of time to make bread so I’m gonnahave to let it rise and so you’re gonnaneed like probably about two hours totalbut it’s it’s great because you can walkaway set it and forget it do otherthings and then come back to it so let’sdo it the first thing that I’m gonna dois get my yeast activated or wake themup by feeding them some sugar andputting them in some water and for thisit’s really important that you uselukewarm water some people use athermometer to get the temperature exactI’ve never done that but you want thewater to be warm so you enliven thesebut not hot enough to kill them sogently warm water okay so I’m gonna getthat going the recipe that I’m doingtoday it calls for a total of one andtwo-thirds cup of water so I’m doing 2/3cup of water now and then you add therest of the water later this water righthere is just helping to get the yeaststarted so yeast need some sort of sugarto eat right I’m using some honey if youhave regular granulated sugar works justas fine I’m gonna mix just about ateaspooninto this water till it dissolves andthen I’m going to add my yeast on top sothere’s no way around this stuff this isstuff that you have to do and you guysprobably remember or know just that theyyeast will eat through that sugar andone of the byproducts of theiractivities is co2 and that’s the kickerto everything that so it makes the breadexpand and makes the bread fluffy okayso the honey is stirred in and thenwe’re just going to add our packet ofyeast and we’re just gonna add theentire packet and if you’ve never cookedto freddy’s before they just look like alittle light brown little tan granulesand then i just very gently stir it inyou don’t want to a be too harsh herenow the next thing that you do the nextthing that you do is you just set ithere and walk away for 15 minutes whenwe come back we’re gonna check to seethat bubbles have been formed and that’swhen we know that the yeast is alive andit’s working and it’s gonna produce agreat loaf of bread so it’s justactually only been about five minutesand see how foamy and frothy this hasgotten so that is what you’re lookingfor when you make this on your own I’mgonna let mine sit for a few moreminutes but this is a good indicationnow we know that the yeast is awake soif I was doing this and came and checkedon it and the yeast was just not foaminglike this and I would know that theyeast is not alive and you’d have tostart over again if you don’t haveactive yeast the breads not going torise this is gonna be flat and dull um Ihave only ever had it happen to me onetime that I did this step with the sugaror thein the water and my Easton bum andeither I kill it by making the water alittle too hot or it was a bad packetwhich I heard can happen but like I saidI’ve only ever had that happen to me onetime so it’s pretty easy it’s prettyfoolproof so don’t worry about that youcan do this so yeah and I’m just gonnalets it a few more minutes so more ofthose little yeast can wake up and thenwe’ll continue now having given theyeast another 15 minutes look how fluffyand foamy that is that’s exactly whatyou want so now on to the fun part soI’m gonna add that ball to the bowl andthen I’m also gonna add an additionalcup of water remember I already had twothirds I’m stressing this out a littlemore too and now I’m adding theadditional cup so now we have 1 and 2/3cup of water in here and this is whereI’m going to add an additional about ateaspoon of salt just for flavorand then I’m gonna add about atablespoon of honey and this can godirectly down into the water and this iswhere we start adding the flour and turnit into our right now when I’m beginningthe recipe I like to use a whisk toincorporate everything and then after aminute or two of that it’s gonna get alittle toothpick and I will switch to awooden spoon so the amount of flour thatyou’re going to use is somewhere around4 cups it’s never an exact thing withbread making because the amount of flourthat you might need could vary dependingon your locationand the humidity of where you live sojust keep going so you think it’s a gooddough and you don’t want it to be toodry so there’s 1 2 cupsyou just want to add one cup at a timeso that each cup gets incorporatedbefore you move on to adding another twonow I move on to my third cup and thispoint it’s getting a bit too thick formy whisk so I’m going to switch to mywooden skin and it’s kind of funny butthis wooden spoon is one of my favoritepossessions it’s hand carved and it’smade out of walnut I believe and I gotit at an amazing farmers market out nearwhitefish montana when Daniel and I wereliving in the RV and doing a year-longtravel road trip and I just love it it’sit always reminds me of great memoriesout there on the road and I love that itwas made by a girl who is a localcrafter there and so I just love so I’min about three cups switch them to myspoon I definitely think it’s gonna takeanother cup so you don’t want your doughto be too sticky so now I’m just gonnaadd only half at a time so that I makesure that I don’t go overboardI’m glad I did that because I thinkthat’s going to end up being enough forme so I’m going to end up somewherearound three and a half cups which ispretty typical for me okay so now at thepoint that we should roll this out onthis surface right alright so in the endthey did end up adding about another cupso we were a bit closer to four thistimeand now for the stress relief part thekneading those also really fun part thatkids can help just flour your surfaceflour your dough ball you want to pressit down with your hand fold it over andgive it a turn so there’s differentschools of thought about like how longyou should need your dough some peoplesay to knead it 100 or 150 times otherrecipes say 6 minutes so I don’t knowI’m gonna count to 100 or 50 inch or soand see how long that takes me any timeyour dog it’s a little wet you couldjust always add a little bit more flouroh and I also forgot to mention thereason that we need the dough is todevelop the gluten so gluten is thecomponent that makes the bread fluffyand elasticy and it does need somepressure to to developokay so in the end I lost count severaltimes that I’m pretty sure hmm aboutfive minutes have passed and I’m prettysure I did it at least under fifty timesanother indication that you want foryour dough is if you poke it it springsback and has an elastic nature to it sonow we can put it in a bowl and let itrise so next you want to give these timeto do their thing and let this rise sojust take a big bowl and I just littlesome olive oil in it you can also uselike cooking spray if you have that andthen you just want to coat your ball ofdough awesome Oh probably a little toomuch that’s okay and then you want tocover it and set it in a warm place torise for 45 minutes you can cover itwith plastic wrap or with like a dampkitchen towel it’s really fun at thispoint too with the kids if you want totake a before and an after picture so Ithink I’m going to do that too for funokay this is looking so awesome it’sbeen a little bit over an hour since Ileft my dose to rise and so it’s awesomeso you can even see how there’s the airbubbles that yeast are really doingtheir job there’s even little holeswhere the air has come through so nowI’m just going to cut this in halfbecause this amount is gonna make twoloaves I’m going to put half of it inthis cast iron loaf pan and then sothat’ll be like the traditional loop andthen I’m gonna put the other half andthis cast iron skillet and that’s gonnabe a round bread but if you don’t have aloaf pan it doesn’t matter all you haveto do you can just shape these up andeven put them on a cookie sheet I’vedone that before so and in fact I thinkthat’s what they generally always do forbad guys so I’m just gonna have thisthere we go and so what I’m gonna dowhere the the loaf one is I’m gonna kindof press it into a triangle you can seea little bit better I’m just gonna kindof press this out into a triangle getthe air bubbles out there we go and thenwhat I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna rollit and then I’m going to kind of cinchthe ends and tuck those under there wegoand then you just place it in the loafpan with the seam side down there we goit’s not the most beautiful one thatI’ve ever done but it doesn’t reallymattercool now this is gonna rise again foranother 45 minutes let me just go aheadand do this one just gonna kind of foldit over itself and stretch it so it’slike a little ball and then just placeit in my pan so now another 45 minutesandor that bees can bake this is what’sknown as a second rising so these aregonna rise up again I’m gonna read youthe spot cuz I mess it up just a littletoo long there we go that’s betterthere we goI’m feeling better about this one nowall right 45 minutes then we’ll do thatokay guys another 45 minutes have passedand just check it out just like I saidthese are Ernie fluffed all the way backup again when I had first separated thedough it got punched down and it wasmaybe only up to like three quartersaway full now it’s well over the topthat isn’t any such a pretty lowit smells so good already and get readybecause your house is gonna be smelledwith earth your house is gonna be filledwith the beautiful smell of fresh-bakedbread there’s really nothing like it sothese are gonna go in 390 kind of likelower the rack on the stove and cookthem for like 25 to 30 minutes and whenwe’re done I’ll show you how to knowwhether they’re done or not so let’s doitgreat my love’s a bake for about 30minutes and I’m going to[Music]beautiful color[Music]so gorgeousso one of the ways you can tell if it’sdoneas it should be hollow you should beable[Music]I’m gonna go ahead and free one from itsenclosure because these cast iron pansor teeniebeautiful loaf of bread awesome[Music]sapphires[Music]as well[Music]yeahthere’s the other oneyeahso these turned out really well I hopethat you guys enjoyed this I hope it’ssomething that you can try while you’reat home during this time of socialdistancing feel free to drop me acomment or please let me know if you doityeah I took this is helpful somethingtrying to do while we’re all kind of athome and feeling some anxiety and I hopewe’ll feed your pan my chest so thanksfor watching and I’ll see you in thenext video[Music]