Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi what’s up peeps be back remember sowe’re back at Rio because part that onethird of us is sitting right there weneed this full right wait wait wait wegot to explain the situations the dateis March 6 March 16th and nobody caresokay so it’s March 16 we are probablynot good so we are not in quarantine yetand actually in a week we might be backin the home country so you never knowcan you please shut upwhat can you either just mean the videoand be positive or shut up I don’t thinkyou know[Laughter][Laughter][Music][Laughter][Music]so anyway first we have a bowl here yesI know what we should do have you seenthat I can tell you in the pictureswater[Music][Music]there’s a pot add water add the water aswater[Music]