Pancakes Recipes

How to Cook Pancakes

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hello my name is Parker Morrison todayI’ll be showing you how to make pancakesmaking pancakes is a necessity of lifebecause many people around the worldlove them and it is a main dish tomaking pancakes does not take much timeor materials either so to start you needthe pan and you could turn on the stovebut not too high so they don’t burnyou need this spatula to flip thembaking mix 3/4 cup of milk chocolatechips and 1 cup of the baking mix Ohalso add the electronic mixer so firstyou’re gonna pour these ingredients intothe bowl and then measure out 3/4 of acup of milk to put in there afterafter mixing it good and spraying thepan then so you’re gonna pour thepancakes mix into the pan accordingly towhat size you want them after you pourit you let it sit for a few seconds andwhen the pancake starts to bubble thatis when you can flip it after you flipthe pancake you have to make sure thatthe other side is cooked good so whenthey are both brown then you move themtoo and now for chocolate chip pancakesyou’re going to add the chocolate chipsinto the pancake mix so it’s even onboth side then you come back over to themixer then once it’s all mixed can youcome back again you pour the pancake mixinto the size that you want in a circleand after bubbles then you know that youcan flip itand again with these pancakes you flipthem Bowl to make sure both sides arebrown after that and there are somethings that you can do to add thepancakes to make them more enjoyablelike with cinnamon on top of them withpeanut butter and instead of usingchocolate chips you can use any kind ofberry that you enjoy and overallpancakes are not used for just breakfastthey can be used for lunch and dinner aswell they do not take very manymaterials or time to make thank you

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