Easy Recipe to make Homemade Belgian Waffles
– 2 1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
– 2 Tablespoons Sugar
– 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
– 2 Cups Milk
– 1/4 Cup Butter
– 2 Eggs
– 2-3 Tablespoons Vanilla Extract
– 1 Teaspoon Salt
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Video Transcription
[Music]everybody[Music]let’s hope this video give a shout-outto Cesco and Grazia providing thisrecipe if you want a chance to get ashout out on future video all I’m goingto do is comment below if a recipe youlike if I choose to make it I’ll giveyou a shout out gonna do firstpick all that dry ingredients we’ll dothe flour the sugar the baking powderand install and put in a big bowl andmix it together so they’re allincorporated they’re going to do is toget a separate bowl and then I’m gonnado is the add at the two eggs the meltedbutter and the milk I’ve got all in thebig cool we take a whisk like a spoonand which goes together so they’re allwell incorporated I already would takethis dry ingredients Chur and add a tinybit at a time[Music]and then you went to the whisk andwhat’s that and slowly and then oncethat’s fully incorporated want to keepgoing at a little time and continue thistool use all the dry ingredients whenyou’re all done you should have a thickconsistency like this and you shouldhave a few lumps if your consistency islike too thick all you have to do isjust add a little bit more milk and itwill get down to this consistency isvery important because this way helpsboost the flavor of the waffles if youdo now is to mix the mixture again untilthe vanilla extract is well incorporatedcan I make these Belgian waffles into aBelgian waffle maker here I have aCuisinart model and this is a very goodmodel it works very wellwhat you do first is to heat up thewaffle maker until it’s preview time andthen something grease with you to butteror oil to heat it up so after the butterhas fully melted we’re to do was to takethe desired amount of the batter for thewaffle maker and then simply evenly pullit around all the edges get the fullthing covered and then at the end ifit’s all not fully cover you take andhit a spatula and even it out so it’sfully covered where after you poured thewaffle batter onto the fluff maker youwant to close it and then cook it forthe time needed or until the color youwant has been reached so after theBelgian waffle is done cooking you takea heat-safe spatulaand transfer it to a plate and then it’sdone go out there waffles done cookingyou can now add whatever you wantthat’s just syrup powdered sugar throughanything so after you’re done it’s justgoing like this now it’s Pacey’s wafflesand see they turned out deliciouswaffles look perfectly get nice crisplittle extract really boost of flavoroverall it’s delicious you gotta trythis now it’s time to announce thewinner of the giveaway congratulationsto Ryan Maura they claim your prize goform in Instagram and message means Iget your prize team very shortly thanksfor watching this videoHeather I please like subscribe thecompost of occasions there’s a futurevideo[Music]