Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]and today I’m going to be making whatare theycookie you know tell us more so I’ll seeyou in the video for the ingredientsyou’ll need are pre to put them on aplate to flip them on I’m just usinglike because it’s like some Nutellamight be reading that backward so yeahthat’s a Nutella unless you’re allergicto the Taylor on and then I have tospread it with this is this is blunt soit won’t it showed me so right it’sblunt so it doesn’t hurt you that’s notshow you what to do next okay so now youwant to get the Nutella so now you wantto get them Nutella and unscrew it nowyou want to get the spoon and and take asmall amount out about that much thenget your knife and you just want to putit on there at one of their side andit’s out and it should look like that soyou just want to smear it around andwhile you’re smearing it around youmight want to twist the plate but I’mnot going to or if you’ve got one ofthose twisty Turner’s you might want touse one of those it might just be easierthis does get a little sticky thoughand so then with the with the rest youwould put it on the other side just likethat and not get your hand in the otherone just like this if you’ve got anyextra try to put it on there and it’slike it but really they’re working justscrape it on the edge like that so nowyou’re gonna put them back down and thenI’ll show you what to do next so thenyou might want to either just put themtogether like that or you might want towash my lifemy water closet you might not well I’mgoing to cut it might be sticky thoughso you’ve got your ties nice runner andyou see that just going to put it onthere and then you’re doing the sameagain you don’t double it on both sidesbecause when you do that it’ll be toothick and you won’t be much of a day inyour mouth so if you don’t want to putthe marshmallows in you don’t have toyou just you just like see all you haveto do is just put them together and makea sandwich so you can either commentdown below if you go these sandwiches orsmooth so once you’ve got yourmarshmallow one you want to get theother half and tip it over just likethatso you should end up with something likethat just then like a mini small orsandwich everyone cool thanks forwatching and I’ll see you next time[Music]