This recipe actually worked on me, after 30-45 minutes of eating 2 cookies, I can already feel breast fullness. It’s so delicious I finished the whole batch in just 3 days LOL! It’s so delicious and it’s so effective, I’m killing two birds in one stone!
It took me four days to edit this video because my little one wanted my attention all to him haha. Please excuse my awkward double chin face 😝
Delicious Lactation Cookies Ingridients:
* 3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
* 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 3tablespoons brewers yeast
* 3 tablespoons flaxseed meal
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 225ml butter
* 4 tablespoons oil
* 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
* 2 large egg
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 1/2 cup of chocolate chips or chunks.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello welcome back to my channel I amday and today we are going to be anAlicia’s lactation cookies so I’m verysure nomura si no lo mein hello welcomeback to my channel I am vague and todaywe are going to bake a deliciousupdation cookie I’m very true memorizingmommy sad and um I got an octopusthere’s no supply so yeah my mom Jenbehind or the goodwill of the massesabout nah but guy in metallic soundthere’s not someone sub also means ontop of everything I don’t have the datafor that no but maybe there should beanother topic groups Fritzie rebellionhalf a drain know how the mood I canopen my hi-tops I have not got enough nosweets so native gonna go and earn afacial cookies so I didn’t you going topending you ready to eat try learningenough Asura telega so remember I knowit just edge of smile let’s get it onchopper a harsh olam so let’s get it on[Music]para su mamá mr. Nagaya had no way toboost immunity apply it on caucus nightOh is my creaming individuals Nana ha haha Guzman meal so at a young blacks eatyour oatmeal at Ohio goobers years yeahso tomorrow is another one for nabilla :and the 30,000 alto permeability sharpIssa lozadabe easily yunalesca description umanaand a common suka and championship andNerissa scream right so you’re in alarge bowl put one in 1/2 cups ofall-purpose flour three cups ofold-fashioned oats[Music]- tablespoon of raw veggies there wasany anko bishop and octagon threetablespoon of flaxseed meal[Music]I am Aaron iturra 1/2 teaspoon of bakingpowder at 1/2 teaspoon of baking sodamy paper for union attempt ray one quartof soul you are you guys ready now andthen chambray 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamonand hollow in Milan and yet I could bepudding catalyzing Gino and Joey Messiahin a large bowl blade Mulligan is humblebutter or 225 250 grams and butter nextin a game or on portable spoon ofcoconut oil para la comunidad makes iteven tougher Deena and simply canola oilok an oil heiress of Ohionothing but the opposite of am oil Igive is nothing and butter at oil havedone something creamy shopjust like that char add 1 and 1/2 cupsof brown sugar or white sugar or presentamong combination of brown and whitesugar and then viz Messina Hungamajean-claude Vito MS Morgan back ongambit mom God I’m a laissez-faireanything Mexicans we can anticipate dropmy mana Seguin didn’t involve ouranonymous I am honest as mahaganeshayeah in the preschool aheadthe spelling bees and you get sloppy toeand a puzzle novel j’tia and then addtwo large eggs getting an upper classexcept laws[Music]yanogapa[Music]bhisma Langdon Alito with[Music]but Loretta and include teaspoon ofvanilla extra[Music]with[Music]pocket abu sayyaf on TV nothing in agang in a lunatic joy envisions caninaher smokin dark one cup at a time in aguy on dry ingredients and then abysmaland Sylla Kodama delica I am but ofsnafu and then pocket oppas movie we seean elegant wanna and a young chocolatechips parasara an analogue a cogent isin favorite chocolate cone and a baby isa miracle drugITT on SMA almoner enhancer of therocket train young[Music]and ajumma here acknowledged a hot dogpero Dolan and go but the tapasya ahollow I did a bit naughty shy and oneperson without Ahmedabad and then threehit nothing your opening to 350 degreesFahrenheit and then have an acute eyeswhose nothing you focus not in twoinches apartTomomi Tohono ice creams prepare a pandapanda um– patting suka and Iligananother shot I think open a definite Iwas not so here’s the finished productsyou can see my image popped oh my goshahhhh cuz imagine Malacca special sofeeling kajillion for Gajuwaka neato tome above us a new guy so far less timesuppose you made your peace with anotherthat is physically cannot continue thinglike that is always very technical inour shoe garden PRC device brushvia initial measurement gasps homeless anew major crispy seguro under maybenewest white sugarso apparently excited now thank you forwatching this video Susanna many to lovesenior have a nice big ahead[Music]