Pancakes Recipes

How to Make Homemade Fluffy Pancakes

1-1/2 cup all purpose flour
Pinch salt
4 teaspoon baking powder
2 Tbls sugar opitional
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Maple syrup
Honey butter
Oil opitional
Kerry gold butter
1-1/4 cup butter milk
God bless enjoy 😊

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[Music]hi everybody everybody I’m backeverybody Jeannie young us back and I’mback with yet another amazing recipe Iam so excited because at the Young’shouse I’m making some pancakes guyslisten here I’m gonna share with you allhow I make amazing pancakes thesepancakes are light they are fluffy theyare absolutely simply amazing they’re soeasy to make they do not require a lotof ingredients in you know you make themTina young style they’re gonna be sotasty here at the lovely ingredients youwill need you all never had any nicebeautiful fresh fluffy pancakes ga-youngstyle you better make yourself here’swhat you’re gonna need well first of allyou cannot have pancakes without nicebacon on the side we’re gonna Brown upsome beautiful blake bacon I have someBlack Label thick-cut bacon here you’regonna need one and a half cups ofall-purpose flour okay you can sift yourflour if you like but you don’t have tookay you’re gonna need 1/4 cup of meltedbutternow when you melt your butter you wantto give your butter some time to cooldown you don’t want to put hot butterinto your pancake mix okay you don’twant it to risa little fly back up toits hard State but let it cool down alittle bit before you put it into yourmixture you’re gonna need 2 teaspoons ofvanilla extract you all know me you knowhow I am with that vanilla I just kindof throw the vanilla in pinellas amazingit’s gonna give a great fragrance and anamazing taste you’re gonna need one eggand right here I’m gonna use 2tablespoons of white granulated sugarthe sugar is optional you don’t have toput sugar in your pancake mix if youdidn’t want to so it’s up to you youwill need 4 teaspoonsI know it sounds like a lot but if youwant a nice fluffy pancake put fourteaspoons of baking powder in yourpancake mix I have some Kerrygold butterthat we will be using that’s the butterthat I’ve melted and we’re gonna put ontop this beautiful Land O’Lakes honeybutter I have some pure maple syrup thatwe’re gonna pour on top of our beautifulpancakes and I have 1 and 1/4 cup ofbuttermilk you don’t have to usebuttermilk if you want to use any kindof milk that you have in yourrefrigerator that’s fine but when Ithink pancakesI think buttermilk buttermilk is the wayto go you want some buttermilk pancakesall right you’re gonna need a pinch ofsalt and really just a pinch of saltwill do the trick and a little bit ofoil to coat your pants are you thatperson that likes to cook your pancakesand oil or butter I kind of go back andforth but I lean more towards using theoil because I like that crisp eNOS thatcrispy edge that the oil gives and Iknow some of my family members they likethe butter so it’s up to you whether youwant to cook your pancakes in butter oroil make sure your hands are impeccablyclean let’s get started with this reallyquick and simple yet so tasty recipeokay everyone so the first thing that wewant to do I want to go ahead and cooksome bacon all right I feel like I don’twant to make my pancakes and thenthey’re waiting on the bacon to cooklet’s get that bacon done and then we’llmake some pancakes all rightso I’m gonna go in I love black labelbacon I love thick-cut bacon and I alsolove the sugar Dale sugar Dale bacon isamazing as well it’s like when you haveyou know bacon and pancakes is kind oflike peas and carrots they just gotogether and you cannot have pancakesalongside you cannot have them sorry youcannot have bacon alongside of yourpancakes and not dip your bacon intothat beautiful maple syrup listen heremy goodness my mouth is watering alreadyand we’re just getting started well Ididn’t forget to mention the blueberriesthe blueberries are here because I mightI just might share with you all how Imake blueberry pancakes okay I mightmake one blueberry pancake all right butI want to share with you all thisamazing recipe and show you thatpancakes can be easy the recipe is nothard and they can be light and fluffy Imean like I love pancakes but Iespecially love them when they’re niceand light and fluffy and that’s whatwe’re gonna do todayeveryone let’s check on our bacon I gota few pieces that are almost done niceand crispy I can’t wait to dive in[Music]everyone we have some nice beautifulcrispy bacon take a look at this bacontake a look at this bacon guys oh heyyou can’t have these pancakes withoutthe bacon alright let’s make our pancakemix really quick and simple we have oneand a half cups all-purpose flour siftit or don’t sift it it doesn’t matteryou remember I said earlier twotablespoons of sugar if you want youdon’t have to use the sugar there’s onetablespoon here’s a second tablespoonjust like so we’re going to put all ofthe dried ingredients together and thenwe’re going to make a well in the middleand we’re going to do our wetingredients separate we’re gonna mixthat up and then we’ll incorporateeverything and we want to make sure thatwe don’t mix up this batter too muchmixing up the batter will cause forreallydents pancake and we don’t live that allright so I’m just going to level off forour teaspoons make sure this is myteaspoon of baking powder just like so[Music]perfect and then just some pinch of saltjust the pitch is all you’re gonna needbut you do need that pinch okay this iskosher salt salt that I’m using and I’mjust gonna pinch it that little bitright there will definitely do the trickokay so then let’s mix these dryingredients up very well I hope you allare having an amazing day as well as agreat work week if y’all haven’t seen myvideo that I did today for the Chinesechicken wings you have to check out thatvideo it was so much fun in the wingslisten the wings are absolutely amazingespecially with that homemade sweet andsour sauce check the video out you’lllove it I’m just making sure thateverything is well combined just as itis perfect okay so now we’re gonna mixup our wet ingredients let me grab myother bowl and I’ll be right back nowit’s time for the wet part of the recipe1 in 1/4 cup of buttermilk you can useany kind of milk you have if you don’thave buttermilk you can make abuttermilk I’m here that there’s a wayto make buttermilk using vinegar and I’mgonna be honest with you I haven’t donethe trick before but I have to do it soI can share it with you all Monday I’mgonna do an experiment and show you allhow to make buttermilk at home cuz Iknow you can’t always find it in yourgrocery store ok so we’re gonna use 1/2a teaspoon of vanillaright there’s gonna do the trick plus alittle bit more a little bit more togrow up I can’t help myselfall right we’re gonna put one egg in andthis is a large egg into the bowl justlike so and then we’re gonna put our 1/4a melted butter that has been cooleddown right in with our wet mixture thatlittle bit that has kind of spilt overput that goodness in there tooall right so now I’m gonna go in I wantto give it a nice whisk just like sopretty simple that’s because it issimple and everything Gina Young does issimple if you do this recipe you’regonna really enjoy these pancakes we’regonna cook our pancakes on this flattoptoday which I’m really excited about nowthat I have everything well incorporatedwe’re gonna make somewhat of a whale inthe middle of our dried mixture and thenjust start to incorporate everythingokay here’s how we’re gonna do itthere’s no certain way to do it beinghonest just get it in there I feel likeI need to grab a soft spatula so that Ican turn the mixture around as I’mpouring okay so now I have my softspatula we’re just gonna kind of movethe mixture around just like so untileverything’s incorporated one thing youdon’t want to do is mix this mixture uptoo much that’s a no-no okay you don’twant it to be really dense and heavy youwant this to be light and fluffy andguess what the good thing about this isit’s okay if there are lumps in this mixI know it sounds kind of weird but it’strue the more and lumpier the better notsaying that you want it like thisbecause you want to make sureeverything is well incorporated you justdon’t want to mix it too much you allunderstand that I know you donow listen here if you all haven’t seenmy video that I made I think two yearsago for the ricotta pancakes I’m I havea video for how to make ricotta pancakesit’s amazing and in that video I sharewith you all how to make a blueberrysauce that you drizzle over thosepancakes listen here check the video outafter this video goes off and have towatch this video firstyeah active alright so now we’re just tothe point to where I’m happy howeverything looks look at thisit’s beauty Beauty babyand guess what that’s enough mixing nomore mixing as needed those lumps inthere just fine don’t stress up now whenyou’re making your pancakes the size ofyour pancakes what size is your pancakegonna be I got a trick for you if youuse a 1/3 cup that’s gonna give you likethe perfect sized pancake if you wantbigger pancakes then feel free to use abigger measuring cup okay but I’m gonnashow you what size this makes here let’sget our pan nice and hot I’m gonna putit on 250 and I can feel it getting hotnow and like I spoke about earlier areyou the person who wants to use butterare you gonna use oil like I’m gonna dolike I said I go back and forth with thebutter I never know which one I’m gonnado I think the oil is the best for menot too much and then I’m gonna go inand I want to take my handy dandy littlecute little brush here my silicone brushand I want to oil a my i want to oil myflattop here I have a little bit extraoil so I’m gonna get rid of that oil andI’ll be right backeveryone so right away I put a littletoo much oil on so I just took thispaper towel and I blotted my flat topuntil I got the perfect amount of oilthat I want for my pan hereokay so then here’s what we’re gonna dowe’re gonna take our handy dandymeasuring cup and we’re gonna start toput our pancakes onto the flattop inthis manner right I’m gonna try to getfour or five so I can stack them niceand high for you all oh I can’t waitbaby I’m so excited my goodness what isthe last time you all had amazingpancakes let me know in the commentsection like I said when I thinkpancakesI think bacon and pancakes and orangejuice that’s all I need and I’m happy sothis give me five nice sized pancakes ohyeah I’m gonna take that extra it’s kindof palatal then you’ll start to seebubbles but with this mix this mix is solumpy there’s a chance that you won’tsee a lot of bubbles just take a peek inevery once in a while with your spatulaand make sure that it’s not too dark ohokayso then I’m gonna do just that with theones that we put on first just keep agood eye on them just like so they’renot gonna take hardly any time to cookand I told you all I would make ablueberry pancake for you just to showyou how it works let’s make this onehere that blueberry pancake you’re justgonna want to put some fresh berries inif you’re that person that loveschocolate chip pancakes or your kidslove chocolate chip pancakes now is thetime to put the chocolate chips right inokay we’re just gonna do one all rightpretty simple and these blueberries werekind of burst and just oh it’s justgonna be gorgeous in the inside and giveyou a great taste as well okay we’regoing to keep a good eye on these oncethey start to get nice beautiful andgolden-brownwe’ll flip these bad boys over okayeveryone it’s time to turn some pancakeslet’s go I see a few that need to beturned so we’re just gonna give them anice turn just like so if anythingsplatters to the side just kind of pushit back all rightreally simple turn it over oh they’re sofluffy I love this recipe for thatspecific reason they are so fluffy oh Ilove itcannot wait look how thick they are ohand here’s the thing I wish they eachand every one of you were here but youcould taste just how fluffy these badboys right here are oh my goodnessno now I’m getting excited my mouth iswatering let me know anytime during thisrecipe if your mouth started wateringand your stomach started rumbling oncethese get nice beautiful and goldenbrown the other side won’t take hardlyany time because the other side has donemuch of the cooking he only got a littlebit of pancake to cook on the other sideOh as soon as they get that beautifulcolor look at this come on in look atthis look how thick you see thatbeautiful that’s how thick your pancakesshould be nice thick and fluffy look atthis one on the inside look at the lookat the blueberries can you get can youget a whiff of that oh thank you babe beback my goodness everyone our pancakesare done let’s take them off let’s playthem if y’all enjoyed this here videogive me a thumbs up look at this oh andif you haven’t subscribed make sure yousubscribe make sure you click on theirnotification bill so you can be notifiedevery time Gina Young uploads one ofthese awesome recipes tell your familyand friends and everyone you know allabout Ginayoung and what I’m doing in this kitchenon a daily basisabsolutely oh this is like I don’t evenhave to say it girlyou are some puffiness kitchen you hearme let me straighten this one up I wantit just perfect I want it just lined upjust perfect and this one here come takea peek in at this one this one will goon a separate plate that one there I’mgonna give that one to Dakota we havethe beautiful blueberries oh it’s justlike so amazing he’ll be able to eatthat in the morningokay so I’ll set this aside turn mystove off come in and look at this guyslook at this beautiful mess can you geta good view in from right there and nowwe’re gonna take our Kerrygold oh yeahthat Kerrygold salted butter isdefinitely the way that go we’re gonnatake some of this butter and we’re gonnaput it right on top baby oh girl Oh Ginayoung you you you you you you yousomething else you are something elsetell your family and friends andeveryone you know all about Gina youngand what I’m doing in this kitchen on adaily basis absolutelyall right I’m gonna try to keep thisbutter on here so I can get a reallynice picture excuse me let’s get thismaple syrup on here look at this drizzleI am a sucker for a good drizzleoh my word Oh be right back guyseveryone there’s one thing I almostforgot I almost forgot that I wanted touse that land olakes honey butter on topof these pancakes come on in look atthis oh girlmmm mm-hmm heavenly father Lord Jesus wethank you for today and for every dayLord we thank you for your love timeyour mercyyou’re understanding please forgive usfor our sins come into our hearts wemake you our Lord and Savior send yourangels down to surround us day and nightand your Holy Spirit to help us makegood decisions give us peace of our mindin the name of Jesus devil you have noauthority over this household devil youare bound in the name of Jesus HeavenlyFather we thank you for the roof overour head the food the love the peace andthe joy that you bring us Lord we thankyou for that amen let’s dive in whoolet’s dive in look at this I’d catchthat butter before it falls look and Ijust have a plate full of syrup ah Ipoured the syrup on so I could get areally good picture for this video allright come on let’s dive in where am icoming from where am i coming from a manonce again to my beautiful prayer we’regonna cut down into two layers of thisamazing beautiful fluffy goodness and Iwant you all to see the inside of thispancake now this here this is onepancake and I want you to see just howthick this is let me know in the commentsection what you think about that isthat a nice fluffy thick pancake or whatthis is the kind of pancake that youneed to be feeding to your loved onestaste that and let me know what youthinkhoo-wee I’m going in my goodnessmmm I am like so happy right now look atthis beautiful nests oh look at thisguys look down in here that bacon we’regoing in for another bite mmmthis is how this is how pancakes shouldbe look at that look once again just howbeautiful and fluffy look at this hop mygoodness this is it guys this always Godbless you allmmm thank you all for watching goodnight that’s good

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