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Pancakes Recipes
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hey gamers gamer vlog here today I’mmaking pancakes pancakes shakerwell um George still making pancakes ohyou know butter a good old peanut butterI’m gonna try that I’m just gonna bringthese out just in case[Music][Applause]and Jason Dino leave a comment if youknow who Jason Dena’s unused 20 like 40years ago I’m not talking about theactor I’m talking about the guy in themovie yeah yeah no Jason Dean likecomment and subscribe if you know whoJason Dean is and also like comment andsubscribe if you don’t know who JasonDean is just like comment and subscribeanywherenice does my knees because Nev knowsadjacent Dena’s why are you talkingabout Jess and Dean were supposed to bemaking pancakes we make a pancake okayyeahthat knife touched a flying pan youcould not use that knife does it touchthe frying pan means dirty now thebutter is in the pan stop dad has made apancake we’re gonna look at it that’s avery saggy pancake sad you probably willnot because you have a terrible me thatwas smooth[Laughter]okay it’s my turn right nowoh yeah the champion of flipping apancake I’m getting all over okay soit’s my turn to make a pancake and addad Skinner from me make a pancakedon’t stop the video right anywayso take one okay do I did no youshouldn’t need any butter this time cuzit’s great stuff for now that’s whyyours all do better than mine use thespeed or speed or use the ladle andmeasure out one and a half ladles fordude wise not as hot because anywaysteak so quickly right okay let go thereyou go quickjust put it in cuz you go to round upwhich sets okay that’s perfecther effect amando blah blah blah blahblah blah okay why okay put it to honethe thing okay the bowl down okay backon[Music]like because that was she went did doabout one-and-a-half get off me are youFoley yeah um I just leave it for aminute it will start turning at theedges just starting to bubbleya know not be a wedding today could bea pancake now be the worst thing today[Music]this pancake he’s not playing ball or ohmy god please get on I have to make thatpancakes and this is not good just bepatientgetting harder lime marmalade inpancakes I wouldn’t say the best I’mgonna bomb pancakes not really that goodto be honestpancake mix though I sure done it myselfflour and eggs I can make quite a nice Iwas a bit too thick probably right okaystart again there try and pick up thefrying pan and see if you can shifty itshifty shifty watch me you know shiftyno not with that just for the frying panis it moving at all yeah give me go okaynot readyI reckon you got Freight now be carefulyou’ve pasted up talk when you mean apiss to top piece of table sincere holyah I told you to be patient beingpatientno you know[Music]nigga right so shifty the frying-pangive it give it a shake yeah be carefuldon’t touch any of your hot bits on thefrying pan you try and be a little bitmore shifty ish give it here she saidI’ll show you look that look again howdid that just stick again stuck it Ohraped because we should have left a bitlonger told you to be a bit more patientit wasn’t because you wasn’t beingpatient another plague when I went byokay that’s when you know you the pinetape basis actually cooked enoughmake sure you don’t pee fingers anymoreover down on the handle because you’lltouch the metal part okay so I should beready to work[Music]what happened so you go bomb by dragonyou can do that now oh she’s shifty init I’m shifty good shifting right sowhat you got doingyou’ve got to try and visualize thepancake in your mind you can’t you cansee it right there so it’s not reallyhard to visualize something that’salready in front of you but you gottatry and visualize this caught this endof pancake going like that so you’ve gotto try and push the pancakeso the pancake slides at the same timeyou gotta pull the frying pan back toallow the flip okay like that see that’sa doublethat’s the single right there you go[Music]don’t be scared it’s just one of thosethings okay you don’t want to go on thefloor because you wanna eat it fineright it should be ready now so if youput it on the plate yeah just just tipthe frying pan over just make sure youdon’t touch the hot bits on the fryingpan no hot bitno more bets okay first pancakelittle bit crispy yeahfirst try first try what you Napoleon[Music]I’m gonna use some of this spread fishcoffee breakso the pancake making failed epicallybut I think that was a pancake mixreduce slightly thicker pancakes nexttime and that might be the difference itmight not get crispy so I hope youenjoyed the video don’t forget to Likeand subscribe if you are new and dangneed a notification bell so you don’tmiss a video bye