#howtomakeroyalicing #icingforsugarcookies #decoratingcookies
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey Gunther Garcia welcome back to thechannel if you’re new to the channelhello welcome my name is Christina andwe are a family vlogging channel so lastnight I read cookies and I blogged thatand then today I made the kids their DIYValentine’s rose a case filled withtreats and bears and stuff[Music]so yesterday I made sugar cookiesthey’re back there in that beanie andthen today I’m going to make some royalicing for the cookies so the kids candecorate them they’re like little heartsa little xoxo shaped cookies so if thissounds like something you want to watchplease continue to watch it if youhaven’t subscribed yet oh hit thatsubscribe button really quick don’tforget to give this video a thumbs upand don’t forget to show some love inthe comments houseful right now in myear screaming crying be loud laughs youknow everything dog barking so so yeahbut it is Valentine’s Day it is for 11p.m. mean happy I’m going out on a datenight for dinner so I’m hoping to getthese done really quick so kids can getthose decorated and then I’m slowly anice crispy cheese and chocolate-coveredstrawberries I don’t I get that bedbefore dinner or after dinner either waywe’re gonna be eating them so and let’sgo[Music]all right so these are the ingredientsfor the royal icing I got two two poundbags of confectioner’s sugar selectsfour pounds of sugar 3/4 cups ofmerengue powder two tablespoons ofvanilla one in 1/3 cup of warm water abowl to mix today I’m just gonna use mybeater for it and you guys if I’m dirtyit’s because I’ve been baking doing DIYstuff with hot glue and I’ve beengetting all over myself all day todaywe’re gonna go ahead and pour one bag intherehopefully this bowl is big enoughhonestly I’m gonna just go ahead and addthis up see what I mean I totally forgotthen I’m gonna just like to gently mixthose two together and then I’ll put theother bag of powdered sugar[Music]yeah I don’t know I don’t think this isgonna be big enough that this is biggerif you don’t have to use can course ofcourse[Music]if you are able to cook and bake withoutmaking a disaster props to you because Imake a big mess as you can see now I’mgoing to add my vanilla to my water thenI’m just going to mix it together andI’ll just go ahead and add it now we’regonna start mixing it you want to startout slow especially the powdered sugarit will go everywhere low even seemskind of really just kind of mix it alittle bit first[Music]that’s what it looks like done so nowI’m going to make others so it’s prettystiff for the piping we wanted theconsistency of like toothpaste and thenfor the bill we’d want it to be morelike shampoo we’re just gonna add alittle bit of water mix it I thinkthat’s good so I can’t remember where Isaw this cold little habit normally youwould put the frosting inside of apiping bag but it can get really messyso if you just put it inside of aplastic saran wrap and then twirl itlike this and then you’re gonna cut itat the tip and then put it in the pipingbag like that and I’ll show you in justa little bit so much easier so muchcleaner you’re gonna love this hat okayso now we’re gonna work on the fill soremember we want the fill to have theconsistency like shampoo so we’re gonnaadd a little bit more water into thisone and stir it until it kind of dripslike shampoo you don’t want to overdo itso just add a little bit of water at atime stir it and then adjust as neededyou can never take away but you canalways add so yeah we don’t want it toorunny but we want it to drip likeshampoo for sure all right that looksgood so now we’re gonna go ahead andpour that into our little bottles youcan also use piping eggs if you want tobut I’d like to separate the piping bagso I know which ones are tougher pipingand which ones are for fill and I gotthese three for $2 at Walmartokay so I basically made the sameconsistency of the toothpaste and thenI’m going to add just a little bit oficing food coloring they add a quarterteaspoon and see what that does[Music]so it tasted a little bitter from thered I seen food coloring so I’m gonna goahead and add a little bit more frostingto kind of you know tame it down alittle bit and then I also needed to adda little bit more water since I addedmore frosting it got thicker and I wantthe consistency of toothpaste but nowI’m just repeating the process that Idid with the two white consistency ismaking one for the piping and one forthe filling I’m just gonna play it infast motion and just finish a darkerpink any lighter pink okay all done nownow I’m gonna show you how to put themin the piping bag and we are gonnadecorate the cookies so I got this cutelittle cake kit from Amazon and it hadthe piping bags it has tips littlerubber bands and all that stuff you canget any of this stuff at any craft storeWalmart’s I’m gonna just put a littleslit on the bottom of the piping bagwith the scissors then go ahead and addyour tip to the bottom of the piping bagthen I’m going to cut the tip of thesaran wrap where I put the frosting andthen we’re just gonna insert it thenyou’re gonna just push it down a littlebitand then with the rubberband you’regonna tie it on top and bam you got yournice little piping bag you can see thetwo that I already have done right thereand then it’s time to decorate I wasgoing to actually that’s really cute asgonna do like a zig zag but then sofirst you want to take your piping bagand then outline the outside of yourcookie[Music][Applause]next pick your fill bottle with thecolor you want and then you’re gonna goand fill in the whole cookie however youwant to decorate it is where you’regonna put it but I’m just doing a holefilled of a key so I’m doing the outlineand then I’m filling it with the fillthen use a baby spoon or a toothpick tokind of smooth it out and get out allthe bubbles and just make it even[Music]okay now you could leave it like that oryou could add sprinkles or make anydesign that you want to with the fillalso if you didn’t have a chance towatch how we make the sugar cookies I’llgo ahead and link down below all rightwe are all done these are our deliciouscute little cookies keep in mind we arenot professionals we just do this forfun so yeah so I hope you enjoyed thisvideo and let me know if your familytries these or let me know how you guysmake them keep in mind you could makethese for any holiday or any season orany occasion these happen to beValentine’s cookies but we’ll also makethem for Easter for Christmas orHalloween for birthdays for any occasionthis was one of the artists well I itwas hard to do but I made this one inlove with the famous there yes sir thisis the other artist cookie crumbles goodyou what time listen that one in thatone and pretty much I made the restbecause the girls are being likeannoying and didn’t wanna oh but look atthat one doesn’t that look like hearts Itried to do this thing I saw on theinternet and I mean I guess alright guysthank you for watching and as always weappreciate all the love and supportdon’t forget to hit that subscribebutton don’t forget this a fat thumbs upand don’t forget to show some love inthe comments we hope you have an amazingrest to your day