Bread Recipes

Stale Bread HACK! How to make Bread and Butter Pudding!!

Step by step guide on the ultimate British dessert to help reduce food wastage! Don’t let your bread go to waste!

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you gonna eat your bread and it’s gonnastay Oh mr. neck flashing right good sotoday I’ll show you a traditionalEnglish recipe for the people who buytoo much bread this is my bread andbutter pudding recipe[Music]swing it so you need read little bitstalenot mold or if there’s more we justshave off naughty bits and – castorsugar vanilla extract some cream doublejamsmilk eggs eggs not sponsored bytonight’s game which is kind of littlemajor it’s this is actually the best bitof the videos after this just turn offit start up by drink all of us versusred my head started going on few daysago hopefully in the freezer has anotherbucket for todaythat’s a disguise I’m sooo nice me we’regonna have space actuallyI think really good pain just went by Ireally like John you do want all of yourslices jammed somehow face hadn’tpreheat the oven I think everything inthe oven is about 180 degrees centigradenow we’re just going to chuck this medalto you into triangles this makes itprettyI’ve got a very oversized knife to dothis butthere you go roll into little trianglesI mean you can do you can’t you can’tlittle triangles so some quartersdiamond trianglesyou can either keep the guysalright we got along just like like this[Music][Music]some pieces are crossed actually goinggoing above the rim of the dish the dishroom we’re gonna make these weapon thesesongs the filling custard cream to comesit always as I said I’m not followingthe recipe because it’s more interestingif you live like not by books some milkokay so I kind of want all of my bits ofthreads to be wet and then our eyeballsall of this as you can seeno bit more you know I really couldactually if you risk some nice in thisbefore you could American saga butthat’s why I was going for my spouse’sjob right I have relatively small legslet’s go through a splash of milk twosplashes of milk that looks goodyou only need a tiny little bit notprobably too much[Music]yeah like very very sweet to us people alittle bit enough I’m such a bit of abutter pudding you spoon[Music]pour it in two steps I kiddonot faint-hearted I think it’s fine Ireally love salt a bit too much itamount likely that means we need highersounds but it’s gonna be white and thatcharred flavor like that end of the daythis is a savory something a little bitlike that I’m just gonna pop out to theothers for 13 minutes maybe 45 it’s notto get quite golden ecardI’ll see you then it’s readyI’m ready and I’m gonna give it upthat’s right[Music]I don’t know if it’s meant hopeful and Iget up late you can see what a chick istrying to little triangles lucky meshut up I’m gonna get a photo of himignore the facts over my screen thereyou go[Music]you[Music]

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