Pancakes Recipes

Making Pancakes Whilst Chatting About My TIK TOK Fame

Making Pancakes Whilst Chatting About My TIK TOK Fame

Yes… I’m TIK TOK famous, what’s new?? (Obviously joking) but today I spoke about TIK TOK and getting over 1 million views on a video I uploaded lol. Whilst also baking pancakes as the title says ahaha!!

Hope you enjoy!! There will be more videos coming, just reached a bit of a creative block and disliked a lot of things I was making.

Love Maisie xxx

Instagram: @maisie_crompton


Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription

Jesus in today’s video I thought that Iwould bake some pancakes and talk abouttick-tock because to file of ourpancakes and tick-tock and it’s justmeat Pancake Day I’m not gonna lie toyou guys I’ve ran out of video ideas Ihaven’t really ran out of video ideasI’ve been trying to film us so manydifferent videos in the past two weeksand I just hate one of them but I eithercan’t even film them right I can reallydon’t like it all oh when I come toediting them I’m like who would want towatch his so now I’m probably gonnamake another video where I also thinkwho would want to watch this anywaysorry about the swearing we’re gonna geton to making pancakes and I’m gonna talkabout my tick-tock fame you know becauseit’s my only claim to fame so I’m gonnamilk it as much as I canwe are currently in the kitchen if youcan’t tell I’m in so much time herebecause I cannot cook the only time Ispend in here is when I sit at thattable for family dinners Ohthis windows lips you on the pavement soeverybody that was past can see and it’snot really a quiet road I mean it’s notreally busy but it’s not quiet onPancake Day I said to my granny I’mgonna make some pancakes for lunch andshe was like but you brought macaroniand cheese for dinner at this point Iwas like 3 o’clock so it wasn’t really alunch time she was like you’ve gotmacaroni cheese for dinner have adifferent towns like it’s Pancake DayI’m gonna pipe cakes she said I cameover I said yeah I’m not gonna measureanything because who can be bothered toget out the measuring things anywaycarrying on the story she then comes inafter I’ve not measured anything and themixtures completely lumpy just like youshouldn’t do it that way Maisie allright you didn’t help me so anyway thatmakes you turned out nice I mean whatdifference does it make if you put flourin first or eggs in first I don’t reallyknowactually not measuring it because Jamalmeasuring it is just way too much effortwho actually measures their things Ifeel a bit sorry for my future kidsbecause their looks you’re gonna behaving like fish fingers and chips fordinner every day is this self raisingflour island Itry to put it all in yeah we’ve got theflour in the bowlI actually don’t enjoy cracking eggsIII did it there’s some shell in it I’msure we might be able to taste that themixed this absolute state while I talkabout tick tock because you know I hadto combine two things I loved Idownloaded tip top after one of myfriends Bali said to me oh maybe you’regonna have to download it I was like I’mnot downloading that that’s cringinglike it’s for year sevens there’s nowhere download again next thing you knowabout a week later I’ve downloaded itit’s actually looks disgusting look atthat oh my god everybody’s good friendI’m actually like to say about itcooking there’s this like appetizing toyou because who looks like sick to me inthe endI downloaded it at the start and whenyou understand it I was like I reallyget this after about 24 hoursI was absolutely obsessed honestly Ithink at the beginning I startedspending like four hours a day justscrolling through tick-tock and thebrilliant thing about it is you knowit’s just absolute so you can justwatch it and not have to think aboutanything else actually surprise puddinglook at thatthat’s like cake mix fast-forward acouple more weeks and I’m like you knowwhat I’m gonna do a video where I tryand become tip-top famous in 24 hoursnow that video never actually ended upcoming out because frankly it wasn’tvery gooda few mediated tic TOCs on there and Ireally didn’t get any fame I think themost I got at that point was like 1,300views which the tick tock is likenothing okay fast-forward a couple ofweeks ago and my dad downloaded ticktock he also became obsessed went ontomy dad CCTV footage and we saw thisdelivery guy throwing over our parcel hedidn’t knock he didn’t bring thedoorbell because he has to go throughthe gates get to the front door and hejust literally threw the parcel over thegamewhen there’s a doorbell on the gate oryou could just walk in the gate my dadwas like amazed that’s brilliant like weweren’t laughing in hysterics for a goodlike on though 10 minutes and then afterthat McCartney kind of walk off fromwhere like okay looks like you’ve gothim upload this to tick tock I was likeit’s not really a tick tock kind ofvideo anyway I was like okay I’ll justupload it to tick tock didn’t reallythink anything of it or it’s a bitrubbish to be honest my dad was like noit’s the brilliant bassist brilliantjust got birdy next thing you know I’velooks back on my phone after a day atwork 290 thousand people had viewed itand honestly my reaction is like thefunniest thing most didn’t expect it asthe days were like passing it was justgetting more of more views and now it’son 1.8 million views which is absolutelycrazy it also got on the Archbishop ofCanterbury I don’t know if any of youknow what that is but it’s basicallylike a an Instagram page for like funnythings and it has like 2.1 millionfollowers or something like thathonestly so those people are taking melike oh my god baby on my board likethey even have a brother obviouslythinking then also a couple of my othervideos have got quite a view so I thinkone’s got like a hundred and fortythousand and one’s got nearly a hundredK I think and then a few of the othershave not that very well because peopleclearly didn’t like them oneswhat happened tick tock is thateverybody loves my dad I’m not evenjoking every tick tock with my dad indoes a thousand times better than ifit’s just me I’m like brilliantI actually think people would prefer itif he had his own tick tock and itwasn’t mine anyway now I am tick tockfavours it’s my only came to fame cannotreally believe the 1.8 million peoplehave seen the video on reflection thevideo isn’t even that interesting butI’m gonna take it now that I’ve sharedmy claim to fame and my excitement thatI had for about two weeks I’m gonna makesome pancakesalso my granny lost a dog yesterday shemessaged me like maybe I can’t simplifythe dog do you know where she would bebut I was I thinksad because she’s always following likesomebody that’s in the house and shealso only stays one side of the house soI don’t know how you can lose a dog nextthing you know I’ve looked to my phoneand my boss has sent me a screenshot ofthis like village page that we havesaying that there’s a loose female blackChihuahua running around this area ofwhere we live and I was like rightgranny has literally lost the dogbasically the dog had managed to escapefrom our back gate like she’d slid underthe back gate panels which she usuallyhas like a barricade against them andshe’s gone all the way to one of my bestfriend’s houses and was like running upand down outside here which isabsolutely crazy because she doesn’tlive too near like she lives relativelyclose did granny lose you that was thatwe got the dog back in the end it’s alsocurrently a Thursday and if you’rewondering why I’m not a college it’s along storydon’t know if I could be bothered totell it in this video but maybe one dayI will Jesus a pancake isn’t look at thebest I’m gonna make the mixture a bitless because I think it’s a bit thickwhat do you guys put on your pancakesbecause I asked this person the otherday could I put no names because franklyit’s disgraceful and he was likeBernardo I was a bit harder do you knowwhat I like clearly all fruit but Iabsolutely hate banana now I don’t evenhate the taste it’s like the textureit’s like all mushy inside your mouthand I know that everything ends upgetting mushed up inside your mouth butI just I just cannot work with banana Ilike banana bread and sometimes bananasweets but I don’t really think thatcounts yeah he was like banana andchocolate spread I was like reallyreally I have no patience like pancakestake well three minutes to cook andliterary board right I’m going to tryand flip it because why not right I’vegot like a mixture me whoa still like amixture left but I’m just gonna let oneof my brother shoots it thank you somuch for watching today’s video I justreally wanted to get a video out becauselike I said all the videos I was doing Ijust wasn’t liking the outcome andplease subscribe if you like this videoand leave a comment and I will see youall soonmy the dog lips you go to some otherprice also these my pancakes don’t knowwhy I made so many because I’m not goingto eat that much so I have to go andgive some to the others

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