Hey #ConfettiFam
Hows your day been
i hope it has been amazing
i hope u enjoyed this video and make sure u go and check out other in real life (irl) videos they are really fun to make so i will be doing more in the future so watch out for that and yeah hope u guys are liking my videos and make sure u go and sub and like an also comment down below what u want to see on this channel what type of videos and if i should colab with anyone else be sides Charlotte and make sure u go follow me and Charlotte on twitter and also go sub to Lottie.
Bye -Becky
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey man what’s the matter David crystalmusic attention I’m here with my braces[Music]myself that’s why I smell cooking it’sall hard to talk I’ve seen myself movebut anyways inside here I’m here I’mgoing to make when we’re doing a cookingyes sir let’s get into it so first weneed an egg back of 800 people wind downa little bit so I started kind ofprojectors on that for me butyes the best I can do okay so actuallyjust[Music]okay so okay so we got milk I’m usingAustralian one liter milkI don’t know what normal but I don’tneed that I different home the my sisterdied survey of honor lookingyeah this is really testing Reinereverything in my kitchen and I’m not thebest of my likingbetter really Bank or do anything in thekitchen room so this is gonna end upbeing another 45 minutes trying to hidefrom methat’s my living room your TV my gooGoo’s in thereoh speaking on my google make sure youguys go have a look at my good way I’mdoing Twitter if you guys cotton youguys don’t I’m for that I’ll put it upon the screen right now and guys we haveso close to 10 subs we can do this[Music][Music]look at these taco shells when I got myown these and the best officials areever seen clearly the live ring thelabelling is not the best let’s move on[Music]sugar alright back to the covered withthe plain flour[Music][Music]we don’t even like five minutes and Ihaven’t even stopped Swagger’s oldokay great okayit was just going swell no of course youknow what let’s just can’t let me justyou see you says anything okay we’re inthe freezerthat’s why the greatest behind these gohome there’s a play that’s really reallypretty pray plate like plateokaythere’s the door Twilight under all theFrench doors in these okay what am Ilooking for[Music]in here that could help me know whatjustic[Music]okay got the cups you actually got[Music]sotwo teaspoons of butter almost easilyclearly not cream whipped cream anyhowHeyso after two shots are a bit like waybecause I spoke mighty everywherewas coolbeau Nolte then I was seen up and thenAlbert so I’m I mean yeah yeah so I’mwatching this videoyeah so I hope it’s just gonna be themme okay so you guys let me out actuallysee what I’m doingso right okay sogood enough[Music]I did I what this isThanks[Music][Music][Music]hey yeah but you can stop 18 you soplace eggI’m gonna be[Music][Music]okay so you guys could see like what’sreally a building the ball haunting myface died and you can also see the messnew shellsof my way insurances of others in theJohn Watson as shown[Music]place the egg sugardo a tablespoon tablespoonStanthe table screen now okay[Music][Music][Music]300 Spain not anymore so you don’t needthe sugar go awayyou’ve milkso you just put it early let me spitjust to get back to the spillseverywhereusually I usually have fought the recipetoday for force you know I have atendency employs me I have a tendency toalways on what you call it yeah I have atendency to aways well you know I makethe pancakes of b2b and usually youshould ask for sex more yeah sorry it’sgreatokayokay okaythank you I’m not professional[Music]zucchinisfifteen[Music]mrs. Feeneyyeahyou need nice safety[Music][Music][Music][Music]perfecthey Cleo – you guys with no husband yeahokay okay I’ve done the stick and makestress on young trees all right what’snextI’ve melted butter clean you need[Music][Music]my backtwo days[Music][Music]I’ve got the butter and I’m ready to goput it on there’s a song time stopsincremented loud I started seeing reallyquickly let’s get into it[Music][Music][Music][Music]I can break them I’m just going so I’mstill cookingas you can see which will flip it butI’m going to get back to it to you guysonce I’m finished and we have a specialguest he’s a bit camera shy he doesn’tlike being come I don’t know I LouieLouie yeah and that is my I’m prettysure I don’t know I know but yeah so hewas in the army and you can see this iswhat I see mr. Singh uh yeah that’sthat’s your friend that’s my mum my dadthat’s Georgie and that’s papayeah so he’s lounging but yeah so umokayI’ll see you guys want to me but Imanaged to pick some washing-up and ofcourse after flip the pancake cuz it’sfunny[Music]and all glory nets and then I’m managing[Music][Music]in my own publisher name which is supercool but anyways guys I know you guysenjoy streamers she get to the snow inyour face Nick take a bye and also Isaid it all the washing up so there’s nodishes in there a package for that I’mhoping to hold upI am on a roll today iOS guys hey guysI’m going to be having the first batchof my king cake only because we mustquickly butter look thereNEADS maple syrupI’m not eating they ask you how youalready just have to say that you’refine and you’re not really fine you justcan’t get[Music]I’m gonna have to edit this video ohwait let me guess I’m readingoh yeah mm-hmm that’s imagine he thinkhe can funny thanks so much for watchinghope you guys enjoyed this video but shegot to go like subscribe and turn thatnotification bell see you guys don’tmiss a video because who would want tomiss a video of me I mean it’s mefluffy hair and all anyways guys goodguys and dreads when he met you guys thesmile on your face for me JK