Stu and I make pancakes💗…the first one’s always dodgy, right? 🤔 🙈
Elly then pressures me into getting a piercing…this is what happens when you’re besties with someone more than 10 years your junior! 🙄 😂
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Video Transcription
welcome to my mommy’s vlog she’s prettyannoying and stupid but I like ussometimes cuz she gives me food pleaseplease click subscribe cuz that wouldmake her happythank you wait in a warranty saying Ijust want it strong Tuesday me andStevie are good make pancakes we can’tdo it on actual pancake be because he’sworking a ridiculously long shaft asalways I’ve just got a simple recipe mr.Starr I think it’s just a BBC good footAmerican fluffy pancakes it’s not triedand tasted I’ve measured everything Ihave not done the egg I’ll do the eggI’m better at cracking eggs in you yeahevery single morning Buffy a simmer heygirlzero shall set the flour baking powdersalt and caster sugar into a large ballright Artie not too big of banksin a separate Bowl or jug lightly westtogether the milk and ink you need whatthey say three fibers rather no recipeyou must learn to be neat there’s yourfour key okayand I say print ball or talk lightlywest together the milk and egg stoodajar and they whisk in another bar okaysovery good rap very good to thank pleaseright okay right Rathi know if you wantto get a wet wheel in the same turnthat’s ityes good Drive yeah good night hey orthe amount mixture into the flourmixture and using a fork assist use afork utility up smooth what do youalways use this whole thing that’s itgood job that’s not even there’s nolumps in there right okay say see anonstick frying pan this one’s a bit ofpan but it’s a bit dusty o ratty come on3ds not make a mess of flour in therestraps you know upon second inspectionratty it wasn’t that green you need tomake sure you’ve got all the bets offlubber down from the side yeah that’snot supposed to settlemaybe not writing trying to get round Iknow try to make it laughs like you justlet me do it sorry I mean that’s not canyou just let me do itdo you need lots of room backthat’s pretty round it’s really good weuntil the top of the packet begins tobubble yeah no we don’t need to all popthey do I’ve made pancakes a lot timesall right Gordon Ramsay at they’repopping they’re popping nice nowherenear it is flat no one near itif you thought that I’d be furious OhVirginia that that’s like flipping aliquid I just uh back when there’s nosoul over there okaythese have lots of bubbles on topthere’s bubbles are you also beenseriously there are you joking no nochoking nowhere near amiens if I knewfather if you want bless your bankingthen right okay okay to share right sureoh yeah I think you’re ready rat yepoh yeah knowing you’re right just sayit’s not it’s not great story right Ithink it’s not too low he brat he wasright it’s not ready to flip we turn itup yeah right lays flat pack no wentthat one back let me do this is myopinion clean your wants ruined it yeahsure pancake says pancake I’mrelinquishing control and I’m just I’mnot gonna say anymore I’m letting Mattytake charge by the way levels GB it’susing all your ingredients lentilscastor sugar levels plain flour lentilsbaking powderwe got the vital 800 levels and littleswho by the way thank you for this Naiduyou lactose free milk I was reallyexcited when I saw that Thank Youmuddles thank you for introducing thisproduct to your stores and spawnalready oh it’s flat paint I’m sureliras deathsi oh yay okay because I think no no nono I’m not seven sevens too much I thinksex is fine bar that is Sportsrats us that’s a beautiful pancake grassI think it’s too long on sex thoughnah it says meeting he’s see what looksgood to me todayI mean yes I’m we’ve kept feeling wilybut I think he’ll be hellicksen’s gotthe same book Oh an executive decisionfrom rat he wants to turn he up to sevenI think it’ll be too high but to behonest my pancake knowledge is allright I’m gonna get this and taste ohokay you sure it’s cooked yeah just havea little nibble until it’s a verdict anactual an actual non ant-sized feel goodyou think no oh you’re not keenhi I mean oh yeah oh yeah I just don’tthink it’s kicked that’s rightwell yeah my all probably be betterwell she’s Teslin can you reckon yeahthat’s where one right no offense atthat ranker than yoursyeah did you use a lot more luck than Idid greedy see that’s what I’m old thebubbles don’t sail Paul why over okayyes sir rut sir already you’re right OhOh rocky she’s wonderfulI love that many changes well what’syour doing my bad yeah I got thewhat did you on that oneno of it you can help out what does hedo a bubble okayyes that’s really yeah okay hmm that’s agood pancake Nene Nene Nene Nene Nenemaking pancakes with RockyWallace a wonderful 6/8 what do youthink rut that was here yeah it was goodI liked it my parents were delicious Ilearned to wall Thank You Rocky themaster pancake rat be so much easiergasps OHOhstell corridor too cocky too cockycome on okay Mia Neely are in the tattooshop Haley is getting a piercing and shealso wants me to get a piercing and isgetting me more and more and more usassassins pass she apparently won’t dothe Neal design I want to fight himcomputerand this is car see she’s gonna bepiercing today I’m totally gayoh my god can you try knows I hate you Ihate you Eleanor Jackson Hayley’s getinternet also office I can’t block thatI don’t I’ve got lots of tattoos but Ionly have met your Spears that’s thatjust yours firstso maybe I’ll just get like woddeninside maybe we’ll see how those how youfeeling scared yeah we’re putting alease just eyes on itmy hands in there isn’t it yeah well Isee you alright okay alright so nowyou’re so nice pain in her eyesokay yeah you know you’re fine the bestthing you’re doing it against and it’snot that can’t have been that badbecause I would remember otherwise[Music][Music]you’re just so great hiring absolutelypowering through Walt and absolute beastyayit’s like seconds but wow it feels likesomeone’s fighting at home that come offso I had a feeling I googled it and itdid say scar tissue so what that wasdefinitely sore than it’s ever beenlike do they come after they like no notnecessarily have it’s just it’s tougherto go oh yeah feel my heart and myculture vibrate and that was so like Icouldn’t it’s so quick you know likewhen you think you’re really likehalfway and that’s up yeah yeah so howare you doing my perfect really did youenjoy watching it yeah Abby’s literallyI was like it’s totally fine like Scottis gone the gold of scar tissue beforeshe was like a cushion to thank you guysjust like it’s gonna be character bellyyeah it’s the friendship bill shame itsspawn to knees you gotta need that inour lives rightcould you please sign the form have youon the back of it fell off the addressesthat there’s a back oh yeah we’d alwaysbeen all over again and I thinkwe should just peers every bit you canbe a can i maybe just have like anotherlike another back on the ears because Ihave the normal back Cooper’s a big coup[Laughter]yeah that’s fine of course you’ll beokay so carci suggested this one to gowith my particle here that’s made me abit more happy but I’m still vibratingwith fear oh my godoh my god what is happening I love ityou’re more nervous than me I’m stillnervous yeah literallyshe’s the only part I have a lotexperiencelet’s not worry about this Kirsty isreading little makeup todayyou always look good so look I don’teven care if possibly you know thatpoint where you just kind of like whylike no I’m at that point where’d youget to my you see them there oh we haveto always speak about you in the cafemm-hmmnice to always think you were really fitno no great day look at that ehyeah always fresh meat you know I meanyeah I’m not special didn’t mean I thinkyou’re have you’ve got you’ve got acoolness about you yeah just match tothe whole and it’s not late okay I’mjust right so you know what I think Imight go for like the same flat over youbecause I think it’s gonna be killeryeah yeah it’s okay it will heartlessyeah I’m exhausted alreadyit’s the day with me I know it doesn’thave God no one’s gonna think you’recool anymorefirst I was girl of Berkeley I’m gonnaget a chose your heads facing towardsthat way but just to rely upon your backbut see you like thisno I’m not feeling okayyeah not feeling okay about any officegood two cantos lovely Thanks okay noI’m here’s Walmart you don’t know that’sjust behind you here anyway you just solike we’ve got plenty time to get ithere okay not ready to go in front somuch okay great good I need your goodokay you guys you don’t want to close myeyes who don’t like that that’s really Imean I made such a fuss over nothingthat’s really I was absolutely fine[Applause]thanks you know I didn’t feel like itjust kind of like oh you’re so prettyBelka well done oh my god it looks sokill Paula cake in it it’s cute reallygood I mean yeah it’s these well apartoh it’s really nice that’s just likehidden there my kidI was just about to say to you you’vegot the exact same glutes with me that’swhy I do nails with those clubs do youfeel secure you got way more sympathythan me and I feel like my masseurI’m lovin jellyso I allow myself that the battery diedbefore we could get Kirsty’s profeshaftercare advice let’s take a second totalk about car seat oh so good touch mynipples makes experience too much foreverybody can tail that someone just loves what they’re doinginfinitely and Kirsty clearly was justlike but absolutely on board she waslike yeah we are doing this excited shegot very excited just was like basicallyalien car she decided what I was gettingdone because I just rulesI was not cool paying what should alease get done there was like a lot ofscar tissue there Kirsty Said’s so itwasn’t as easy going through as normalbut she was absolutely fighting and Ithought well you know I mean if I can dothat then I’m sure I could like manageI’m here a little sign beats up on it Iknow you were gonna cries it’s just athought I worked myself up into a totaland utter ridiculousness he just tookall none of my stupid and was just socalm and collected and just like supercaptain super cool all the waythrough and it was absolutely finally Ican’t believe home I believe she’s justlike take a deep breath Bosh and anotherone to put the Weber’s yeah she’s justlike even when she was like slightlyhaving – mmm yeah she’s just like justthe calming voice was just so I’veshoutout to you Christine yeah sure it’scar Steve crushes my ass a spurt a to apiercing hey I don’t know the race forat seven princess tree I’ll look out foryouI’ll be down below or contact detailsmm-hmmAli’s really worried that she’s a MIDI Robo Feldman but I don’t think hehas trouble as she welcomes she’ll bemarked he’ll be marked to attain ownercontent we’ll see we’ll see you guys canbe the judge effect actually some pleasecall me when Andy first nights justmessaged me she was like oh we go butyou have to get an ear piercing done aswell and I replied like yeah of courseI’ll do that you don’t never know heywhen I said to you like nope you hadn’tlike no aim of getting underway to behonest I’m not on board with any of thisnonsense I was furiousno I didn’t think you were that I justfear you just let me off with that Ithought she would be a friendship bondhey I’m so glad that you’re a bastarddid we talk mr. asked you in space likeI said I can’t joy and Iif you might allow my actual tits andevery probably would get a couplethousand views with absolutely nothingand you’re right they’re not going tocall it like when you get older neverlike that’s why I out me to make me feelit was my girl through the night yeah Iwas like and that was like vectorcontrol yeah I just was so sad I have nobabies so sad would I remember I stuffedmy brows cotton wool yeah yeah just hereone day so it’s really bumpy about youspecial perspective science time andthen get those bits where you literallythere be rock hard time yeah crazy butnow I’m like lime and desert these I doI thought you’re gonna see your signsays sorry for wool for yearsOh feet so yeah absolutely lovely daylovely D k’ittain would absolutelyrecommend Kirsty at sounds curve I’malso mark he’s tattooed me a few timesand they stopped not holy as well she’sso excited it’s just a very nice playreally good please guys I know just forthe smelloh so clean so clean today’s vlog wasbrought to you by the color purple andthe notion of big spontaneous with yourfriends yes lanes[Music][Music][Music]so all rise could you get just likeJustin can you take the camera no get abetter office Whaler very good pencilmixture it’s best planning you justbeing greedy sooh she has a throbbing nipple Oh dustylightly beat so you’re probably rightright because walkingyeah x-ray everybody knows that yourdiri three-year because you’ve got thelactose intolerance yeah it’s welldocumented my brows just casuallysitting on the side covered in townliterally Instagram BIOS is live laughslactose free Stuart buddy at a Northbutter when it’s meltedno he’s laughing at right no come onyou’re driving on the floor with yourcell phone you’re just over the scallion[Music]yeah welcome to ok where they are I’mactually almost worried about it I’mlike thirty well tinier no yourtiny is finaleven sensible on your mind oh lovecooking baking with rats this is rightwhat is he vibrating the baby it’s meall righthuh off your phone please come onwe need we’re making pancakes togetheryeah no don’t worry you find a folder Ineed this holiday energy this is a gooda good activity oh my god I can’t get itrightmy gold rusty that’s it that is lovelydon’t speak with your mouth full[Music]