There’s nothing better than fresh baked bread, especially when it requires just 4-ingredients, no kneading and no starter. Learn how to make this easy artisan bread at home in no time!
⋇ Find the full recipe here:
This recipe is adapted from Jim Lahey 🙂
⋇ Cravings by Chrissy Teigan Dutch Oven:
⋇ Le Creuset Dutch Oven:
⋇ Lodge Dutch Oven:
⋇ Our vegan recipe ebook:
⋇ Outro music by Chris’ band:
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⋇ Music: Epidemic Sounds & The Fireside Story
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi everyone welcome back to anothervideo I’m jasmine I’m Chris we’re sweetsimple vegan and we are going to showyou how to make one of my favoriterecipes today I feel like I say that allthe time but this is truly gold righthere ooh it’s the best thing I’ve evereaten we actually cut into it we arefilming this intro last after we filmthe whole video so it is cut into butwe’ve got ourselves a beautiful loafhere we made a no need super easy foringredient loaf of bread and it’s tastyit’s affordable it’s super easy to makeand I think this is going to be a newstaple in your household and I thinkit’s safe to say that there’s no need toneed this bread so umm enough chitchatlet’s just get into the video not onlyis this ain’t no need bread recipe butit is also very minimal ingredientrecipe in general all you need isall-purpose flour salt active dry yeastand some water you can add otherflavorings if you want but today I’mkeeping it simple and I’m just showingyou the base you can build off of ithowever you’d like we’ve made thisadding garlic rosemary olives you canadd onion flakes raisins whatever you’dlike throw it in so yeah let’s just getstarted so we’re starting out with someall-purpose flour then we’re adding insome salt and then we have some activedry yeast and now we’re just going tomix this together until everything isnice and uniform so I’m going to kind ofform a well in the middle of the flourmixture I’m going to pour in the waterand then I’m going to just incorporatethis until everything forms a niceuniform dough so I’m just making surethat the flour is integrated into themixture sometimes it can get stuck atthe bottom so you just want to make sureyou flip it over a few times to just getthat and the last stepso simple just take a clean kitchentowel and we’re going to just lay thisover put this into a warm area and allowthis to rise overnight so usually I’lldo this after dinner and then it’ll riseand I’ll make the bread the next morningthat is not what we’re doing todaybecause we were filming a YouTube videofor you guys so I actually have aprepared dough that I did last night andI’ll show you the next step let me justgo get it like this is the cookingchannel you know and they’re like letthis sit overnight and then they justlike randomly pull it out of the ovenwell here’s my dough from last night Ihave a cutting board here and I’m justgoing to give it a quick sprinkle withsome flour this dough is going to besticky but that’s how it’s supposed tobe so I have my dough here and as youcan see it’s risen quite a bit and it’spretty loose it has like a very soft andwet consistency but that’s how it’ssupposed to be so I am going to scoopall of the dough onto the cutting boardI’m going to take some flour and justthrow that on top as wellbench scraper it’s gonna be very helpfulhere but I’m going to take the dough andkind of just like fold it over itself toform a ball so that is it all you haveto do is just flip it over a coupletimes and that’s how you prep the doughno kneading no fussnothing crazy and I love this recipebecause anybody can do it it’s so easyso I have the parchment paper this isgonna come in handy later and what I’mgoing to do this bowl is really deep Irealized I usually use the bowl behindme it’s more shallow kind of easier towork right so I’m lining this withparchment paper and we’re going to risethe dough and the reason why I put theparchment paper is because later when weare working with the Dutch oven whenwe’re baking the bread the Dutch oven ispretty hot and the easiest thing to dois just pick up the parchment and put itin the Dutch oven so I’m going to justpick up this dough and throw it in thereand I’m just going to take the kitchentowel that I used earlier cover theoh and allow this to arise for about twohours in a warm space the dough has beenrising for about an hour and thirtyminutes now and this last 30 minutes I’mgoing to use to preheat the Dutch ovenyou want the Dutch oven to be hot beforeyou put the dough in it because that’llbring a burst of steam and that’sactually what helps give the dough anice crusty outside and makes itbeautiful so I have two options herewe’re not using two dutch ovens but ijust wanted to show you the two that wehave just in case you don’t know what aDutch oven is or you’re looking topurchase one these two I’ve had a lot ofsuccess with and I would recommend themso starting with this one this is thecravings brand by Chrissy Teigen andthis is sold at Target so this one’sabout forty dollars and they do haveother comparable ones that are availablethere that are different brands theysell them at department stores Amazonthe cheapest I’ve seen a Dutch oven isabout $40 and this one works really wellit’s actually what we’ve been using forthe bread you actually got this to makethe bread a couple months ago and yeahit’s just really high-quality and theysell multiple colors as well but I justkept it to the black one just kept itclassic and then this one here is theluck reset this one is a little moreexpensive we actually got this as aChristmas present shout out to Chris’sparents it’s one of my favorite thingsin the whole kitchen I’ve always wantedone of these I feel like official now soI’m excited for this we’re going to makethe bread in this today and actuallyhave I made it in this is gonna be ourfirst time so I’m excited so I justwanted to share these two options withyou just in case I will link them downbelow as well as other options if you’relooking to purchase a Dutch oven so I’mgoing to pop this into the oven allow itto heat up for 30 minutes and then Iwill be back to show you the businessthe final step alright so the Dutch ovenhas warmed up in the oven the Dutch ovenhasn’t warmed up in the oven the Dutchoven has preheated that’s a better wayto say it and so I’m just going to grabit out of the oven I’m going to pop thisrizendough into it and I’m going to popit right back in and then we’re gonnawait and have some bread[Music][Music]so this is going to beep in ten secondsand what I’m going to do is I’m going tojust remove the lid and allow it to bakefor about 15 minutes more removing thelid just allows for the top to becomeAlexa stop so when I remove the lid itallows the top to become nice and goldenbrown and get that crispy beautifulcrust we cut into the bread it smellsdelicious it looks delicious we had towait a while because we needed it tocool completely before cutting which isa tip you should do the same when youbake bread wait till it cools completelyfor I was so tempted to just fresh hotbread I know he wanted me to cut outyeah so we got it smells good looks goodnice and soft on the inside it’s gotthat hard crust on the outsideyou guys I’m dead you don’t need to buyloaves of bread you can make this it wasso easy there’s gonna be a daily ritualfront affordable and so good honestlylast time Jasmin made this loaf of breadI think you ate the whole thing I hadthe whole thing within an hour mm-hmm noexaggeration and it was amazing honestlynothing compares to fresh bread so whatI mean it takes a little bit of time butis so simple to make that I would justmake your own bread oh oohdry bread going down you know I meanall right so I hope you guys enjoyedthis video if you did please give it athumbs up subscribe down below if youaren’t subscribed hit the bell for postnotifications and we’ll see you in thenext video bye[Music][Applause][Music]