Cookies Recipes

How to Make Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

This recipe is for learning how to make whole wheat chocolate chip cookies. These cookies are made by hand but you can also use a mixer. Whole wheat chocolate chip cookies are just like the original. Tasty, but with the wholesomeness of hearty wheat flour and a bit less sugar. They are so delicious that your friends and family won’t know they are healthier.

So why should we make cookies with whole wheat flour? When eating sweets, if you can add in whole grains, you are already ahead of the game. It adds healthy fat, fiber and lots of nutrients not found in white flour. Because of this, you feel more satiated and are less likely to overindulge in too many of these wonderful treats.

Happy Baking!

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whole-wheat chocolate-chip cookies arejust like the original tasty but withthe wholesomeness of hearty wheat flourand bit less sugar they are so deliciousthat your friends and family won’t knowthey’re healthier so why should we makecookies with whole-wheat flour wheneating sweets if you can add in wholegrains you’re already ahead of the gameit adds healthy fat fiber and a lot ofnutrients not found in white flourbecause of this you feel more satiatedand are less likely to over indulge intoo many of these wonderful treats hereare the ingredients but don’t worryas always I’m including a link belowthat will give you detailed instructionsand nutrition information so let’s starthi I’m Sarah from Jackson Staub comm Icall myself the obsessive compulsiveBaker I call myself that because Iactually do have a process of compulsivedisorder as you can see here I’m overchecking things ignore me let’s getstarted and a bowl you want to put intwo sticks or one cup or 226 grams ofsoftened butterwhen I say softened you want it whereyou can squeeze it but it’s still alittle bit pliable you don’t want itwhere it’s like mushy so what you’ll dois you’ll start creaming this and whenyou get it creamed a little bit you’regoing to put it in your brown sugar andwhite sugars as you can see here it’sreally easy to push around and right nowI’m going to put in 1/2 cup of whitesugar which is a hundred grams and tothis I’m going to add in a half a cup ora 113 grams of brown sugar in just asecond and these are to make the flattercookies if you want a puffy or cookiepull out your mixer and you’ll want toreally beat some air into the batter butmy friend adores the flat traditionalcookies which is basically under mixingyour batter and to this I’m going to addin the salt ahead of time I like to putin 1 teaspoon 5 grams so it makeseverything taste better it balance outthat sweetness and then you’re going togive this a really good stir it mighttake a few moments but don’t worry it’sso worth itand remember this is easier than whatI’m making it look like I do have ainjured shoulder so I’m taking it alittle slower than most people would butthat’s why I want you to see how easythis recipe is I’m making this by handwith a spoon with injuries if I can dothis you can do this I recommend if youwant you could invest in a cheap mixerand you could have these flipped up inno time or we can just do it by handlike I’m doing it nownow once you get it really nicelystirred you’re gonna be putting in youreggs we’re gonna use two eggs which is ahundred grams now you want to put thesein one at a time you want to give it agood stir don’t worry if it splits themup and at first it’s gonna be hard tostir up it’s gonna be kind of runny andwatery and I’ll just shove around andthen it will look a little curdledthat’s okay because the more you stirthe better it will look but you don’twant to get it too cohesive again if youwant the flat cookies now if you wantthe nice tall puffy cookies this iswhere I really encourage you to go andget that mixer and just be some air intoit as you saw I just put in some vanillawhich was one teaspoons worth or fivemilliliters or I just eyeball it justdepending on how I feel for the day Ilove vanilla side is kind of tossinprobably about two teaspoons worth orten milliliters and as you can see it’sstarting to come togethera lot better and it looks a lot lessfunny and then it’s time to put in theother egg and you start all over againthis takes a little bit of time maybeabout 30 seconds to a minute dependingon how good you are at mixing stuff andif you’re not using a really cheapflexible plastic spoon like I was doingnext I’m going to add in the 1 teaspoonof baking soda or 6 grams now normally Iwould sift this into the flour but I’massuming a lot of people don’t have asifter so I’m going to show you how I doit then I’m going to put in two and aquarter cups of whole wheat flour 338grams and start mixing that in a littlebit at a time and as you saw I got alittle bit over adventurous and made ita little bityes it’s okay if you lose some ear flourit doesn’t have to be precise this isn’tlike one of those cookies that reallydepend on every single gram of flouryou’re making so just try your best notto make a mess like me as I mentionedearlier I really like using whole wheatflour and baked goods especially sweetsit gives you a really good chance togive those picky eaters a wonderful wayto start getting adapted to whole wheatflour it has this nutty aftertaste thatkind of reminds me of walnuts that havebeen toasted it’s actually very pleasantonce you get used to eating whole wheatflour also you get like a lot of nicenutrients like magnesium and vitamin Bwhich you don’t get in the white flourbecause they removed all the goodnutrition from it as you can see it’snow a nice cohesive lump of cookie doughand here we’re going to add in one and ahalf cups of chocolate chips 200 gramsyou can use any kind you like you canuse semi-sweet you can use you can usemilk chocolate or you can even use darkchocolate I personally prefer the darkerthe better but all I had on hand wasmilk chocolate and it’s really good nowif you use milk chocolate you’re gonnahave more sugar in it than if you usethe 70% dark chocolate I made thisrecipe to use semi-sweet chocolate andthat nutrition information is onJackson’s Tom comm so don’t worry Ithink what I like about chocolate chipscookies the most is the fact they arejust so forgiving and let you use anykind of greedy –nt see want if you’dlike you could put in some nuts here putabout a cup cup and a half two cups andsee if you like it I really enjoy anykind of nuts to go with wheat flourbecause the wheat flour has that nuttyaftertaste and they really complementeach other so give it a try at thispoint if you wanted puffier cookies youwould rest your dough in the fridge for30 minutes to overnight the longer yourest it the taller your cookies would behowever we’re wanting the flutters andpancake cookies so we’re going to putthis right in the oven you’ll want tobake this at 375 or 190 C anywhere from10 to 12 minutes depending on howwell-done you like your cookieif you like them really chewy you wantto pull them out when they’re justgolden around the edges and the insideis still doughy if you want them wherethey’re crisp you’ll want to see thatthe cookie looks more done throughoutwhatever you do don’t bake these untilthey’re completely golden brown all overor they will be very crunchy unless youlike crunchy cookies you then dropheaping teaspoon full batter onto acookie sheet that’s either ungreased orparchment lined I like to use theparchment paper because it’s easiercleanup but you don’t have to have itand then of course you bake the cookiesfor 10 to 12 minutes here’s what theylook like they’re gorgeous they’regolden brown and if you get them alittle too close together they may sticktogether and make little o me thecookies don’t worry about it just nexttime space them a little further aparteverybody does it it happens no big dealthey still taste great and here you gowhole-wheat chocolate chip cookiesthey’re delicious great way to introducewhole grains into your diet and look howdelicious they look just like theiroriginalseverybody loves them and you don’t haveto tell people it has whole grains in itand that’s the way you get people tostart eating healthier one mill at atime I hope you enjoyed this go toJackson job com for more recipes pleaselike and subscribe for more futurevideos to come and be sure to have funin the kitchen happy baking

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