We are the Hitchcock-Tulare Patriots!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]No hello and welcome to Patriot pantrytoday we will be making no big cookiesso our first step is to prepare twocookie sheets by lining them with blackwax paperso you’ll add a half a cup of milk and ahalf a cup of butter to a medium-sizedsaucepan so we add in our milk to oursaucepan then we will need to add half acup of butter which is a whole stick andcan you do the brown sugar and a cup ofbrown sugar for a small medium saucepanand accidents happen so in your saucepanyou’ll need to add milk and butter whichwe have brown sugar and white sugar andcocoa powder so we’ve got our half cupof milk and half cup of salted butterso we added our half a cup of milk orhalf a cup of butter our 1 cup firmlypacked brown sugar our one cup of normalgranulated sugar and our now we aregoing to add our 1/4 cup of cocoa powderafter adding your cocoa powder you’llmix well and stir constantly until itbring its it is brought to a boil sonext you will need to bring that to aboil which starting to boil you onceyou’re done with that you will add yourpeanut butter and vanilla extractyou will need 1/3 of a cup of creamypeanut butter one and a half teaspoonsof vanilla and three cups instancedquick oats you can also use steel-cutoats but your cookies will have adifferent texture so you’ll add yourliquid to bowl a metal one[Music][Music]2/3 cup of peanut butter the questionstill be warm so your peanut buttershould melt in half you said yep so yourpeanut butter shouldn’t melt inadd three cups of instant oats orsteel-cut oatswe have steel-cut oats here the onlything still could also lead your cookieswill make it have a different texture[Music]and will add an air mixture[Music][Music]and then you will combine your mixturesby just folding this[Music][Music][Music]then ill grow or carryover didn’tappreciate I take a spoon I take a spoonand this recipe should yield 20 cookies[Music]after you put your cookies on yourcookie sheet you will let them set untilthey become lighter than they were whenyou put them on your cookie sheet andcool down and they’re not goop anymoreso that’s how you make no bake cookiesthank you for watching patriot country[Music]Jojo I had the best idea turn everythingaroundpoint your is it along just on yeah okayokay lookzoom in on each other streams and ourcordokay my eyes hurt