One of my favorite Breakfast food, Homemade Banana Bread. check out my healthy and tasty banana bread recipe video for detailed steps on how to make it. You and your family will love it. you will feel no guilt as it’s made out of Whole Wheat Flour and no sugar. Cooking/Baking is fun, and according to me nutrition should be the main focus. Healthy eating and diet should be part of everyone. Enjoy!
#HealthyBananaBreadRecipe, #halal
banana bread with chocolate chips recipe, cook with me, muslim
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone welcome to healthy and halaltoday we’ll be making healthy deliciouswholesome banana bread I’ll promise youyou’ll never have any leftovers for thisone to make this we need one and a halfcups of white whole wheat flour half cupof ground flaxseed half teaspoon ofbaking soda quarter teaspoon of salthalf teaspoon of cinnamon 1 teaspoon ofvanilla powder 1/2 cup of honey half cupof Greek yogurt 5 tablespoons of coconutoil 2 whole eggs half teaspoon of bakingpowder one and a half cups of mashedbanana we can add 1/2 cup of chocolatechips and 1/2 cup of walnutsbefore you start making it make sure youhave two bowls Andi let’s start makingit mix all the dry ingredients togetherwith a whisk so the dry ingredients wehave our Hobie flour ground flax seedand baking soda baking powder vanillapowder cinnamon and then the salt so usea whisk to mix these dry ingredientsnow take another bowl and mix all thewet ingredients like the mashed bananaseggs then the honey the yoghurt andcoconut oil go ahead and use a whisk tomix them really well when theingredients are mixed well now add thedry ingredients into the bowl so onceyou have done that continue mixing it sonow you should have a fine mixture addthe walnuts and chocolate chips to themixture make sure the chocolate chipsand the walnuts are evenly mixed applyparchment paper to the baking pan nowpour the mixture into the baking panyoumake sure to smoothen the topnow we are ready to start bakingpreheat the oven to 350 degreesFahrenheit now place the baking pan inthe oven set a timer for 60 minutesso after Cteam minutes take out the baking pan andcheck if the banana bread is baked wellokay looks fabulous guys it just smellsso good in hereI hope you guys will enjoy the bananabread and I’m sure I will enjoy this andmy kids will love it guys I hope youlove this banana bread recipe do leavecomments and don’t forget to subscribeto my channel if you like these recipesI hope you have a wonderful day takecare byeyou