Cookies Recipes

Making no_ bake cookies

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good morning so I just woke up it islook there’s my life 4:45 after going tothe radio loved one into the radio it’smy third last week’s with maybe they’rereally enjoying it then go for physioand then I’m doing to tank a foodchallenge with my boy jor-el and hi areyou gonna film it as always appreciateyou Harryand it’s gonna be a fun day so yeah it’sgonna work so usually for breakfast forthe radio I have a quick poll ofporridge and I coffee so I have thecoffee started there but instead of aBonaparte it’s not enough calories inthat I’m gonna get a little sneaky headstart and my boy Jordan and because ifyou don’t know Jordan yet he can eat somuch food and I’m not the greatestleader so I’m gonna get a little bit ofa head start bit cheeky boy am I’m gonnahave some galaxy Chocolate Chunk cookiesscan the barcode so per cookiethere’s 113 calories let’s open thecookie there’s actually only eight in itso a boy 113 904 mmm-hmm and of coursealong with the cookies and coffee I’mgonna have a volume active I have one ofthese every 125 actual ingredientseverything you want in this honest togod and we busy schedules I’ve had lastcouple months radio in the morning inferhow far you’ve strayed the train andtrain to the seven or eight o’clock inEngland and I haven’t even had a torturegetting sick and I feels great so thesebad boys are unrealgood morning dude yeah M is the glue ofthis place I’m a power she runs thewhole show and never complains so thisis the artist studio to come into everymorning stand here and chat away todunes on the fireside they have threecookies left good start today Jordansstill asleep and we’re about to crackinto the radio it is two minutes to sixso tune in Oh today I am doing a 10kcalories challenge with my mateJordan Connor from the team and Harry’sactually filming however not you fromthe team as well and it should have beena crack 10,000 calories in 24 hours youcan join us if you want and I’m on to myfinal cookieokay so physio is done and I’m on theway to collect jor-el actually justpulled up now here is a boy it’s thesame breakfast it was like a littleconfession to make man I’ve eaten a packof these are ahead of calories idiot sotoday you’re gonna have to try and getthem in along with every time we planalright we just got Harry gettingchauffeur-driven he’s the real cameramanso I’m uh I’m gonna pass it over now soI don’t know what I’m doing and totalhow many cookies jump in so far andsince I got cheated out of itI three cookies which is a councilhundred thirteen yeah how do you livehey it’s Rico keys which is a hundredthirteen cows each so two quick maththat’s two hundred and twenty-nine soI’m getting your trade you 9 um 904 solet’s go Farmer Brown how he’s takingover from note[Music]looks like two sides of sourdough breadI’ve got my white and black pudding I’vegot two smoky streaky bacon I’ve got twopoached eggs and I’ve got my paprikasalt to defrost the huevos rancherosit’s got fried eggs chorizo stewfrench fries avocado feta smash corntortillas toasted black beans Saturdayspickled onions branch and salsa verdeand I have a side of chips coming ago sotaste this is crazy the way to start offOh Daisy and this secret aioli sauce toFarmer Brown that was well oh my godgreat great time come on some come getyour truffle fries love to give you myfries they were your fries not me and Ijust put away their $1,740 so that ontop of my pocket business this morningreaching up to two thousand six hundredand forty nine today that’s what usuallyhappen today that’s what I’m at so farso don’t get away there that’s a quarterthe way they’re finesince they didn’t have the head start Ihave to count my courage but as you cansee plate is empty so when we get backto you I will have it on my toeConnery huh yeah he’s a cheaterSeraphin could about good enough I wasup a half way before I let a brotherknow I would have go to my father woulddick and yeah all right let’s move onFarmer Brown comes upour fees handmade in dingle and veryfamous I’m real importantly I think i’malike a little bit of toffee yeah niceand sweet so I went for this Aussiechocolate brownie here in Murphy’s andwhich are strange open look at thisthing it’s on a label and I got an extrascoop of salted caramel ice creambecause my boy recommended it I’mdropping here this is gonna be anhonorary and look at this thing agreethis one okay so your boy went for thestrawberry sea breeze I got a little bitof contrast a little bit of sweet alittle bit of sea salt and so yeah[Music]leaving dice we’re here today in abuseand we just took a little pit stop toget yourselves to listen for chocolateisn’t – waters break you know at thefamous beauties in Grafton Street inbuilding and wasn’t tired of the flanbut we saw that we said he’s nipping anextra-long in snackyeah we just saw a little soy to be thisis one change you know we got to add inthe last one amortization the whippedcream and the chocolate flavor sauce soI’m now up three thousand six hundredthirty eight Kennedy’s I’m still athousand behind cuz I’m only a tune theholidays this is another four hundredcalories the indulgent death bychocolate of beauties looks goodwhipped cream chocolate marshmallowscharlie obviously hot chocolateyouaround the town big love no fella why Ijust hit all of it but it’s only thatit’s half too so it’s only middle of theday and I’m ass 4312 I’ll get you juicebecause I had for dinner oh look attheseyeah I didn’t say yeah great definitelyhit every wall of me Jay fight on on andget them cutters in there’s still plentytime that it’s just gone 2530 going intoa gourmet burger kitchen though it’sgonna get some burgers get a bar burgergame on and then I take it from there[Music]so it’s always the Antonina manager herein gbk said that Orion was checked 1,100calories so that’s a good way to getanother chunk it it’s over ten – that isso much right now I think that’s thefirst thing I’m going to go for she’sdown that and then eat my burger whooit has all the nutritional informationhere we’re getting the mighty which is1328 calories as – beef patties baconcheddar Garak Mayo relish and picklesthen chunky froze up here which are 858calories and then to top that off we’regetting a peanut butter milk shakevictus 912 battery so that comes inaround like 3,000 calories we finishedit off that gets me up for that gives meup towards 8,000 calories it’s a goodchunk got such a fat it well you knowI’m gonna keep fineI’m gonna get that tank[Music]shoved in my leg joy you’re so good whenyou guys are moving your leg[Music]this is my Everest linewe’re not even finish 24 o’clock[Music]Oh[Music]as commanderwell I’m not out I wait I didn’t knowthis is a race for like I tap out hererightI’m not shown in the yellow where I likeitI mean first ever[Music]when this is best they ever need to takeevery day everyone okay that’s so whenyou Rachel ever beat[Music][Music][Music][Music]right here at ETA final destination andthis is a gonna be so one should eatyeah well known for a two-year peachit’s gonna be lengthy tables but yourdaughter’s struggling I have two and ahalf thousand calories ago he ponytailscalories ago so he’s dos it’s all aboutme else I hope you can get the man andall the couple of recruits finish offthe ends with but it’s been a good daymiss the last challenge yourselfso go Diablo chili Jamboree smokedchicken carnivore pepperoni[Music]Sergei’s got brought out of the wholelink to table unknown for few chickenwings with the sauce it’s gonna make upsome carbs and resolve my just drink atall[Music]this is the 2-yard Peter look at thelength of this them full table about sixdifferent types of pizzas sourceessentially six large pizzas I’m inaround a K now so if I finish one ofthese I still wonder if I was get a moodcheck after but it’s gonna definitelyhelp together stare so fingers crossed Ican do it and the boys are very excited[Music]all rightI haven’t finished challenge yet we’vedone a thousand other a 10,000 caloriesdone my best so far of course it’s onlyeight o’clock Jordans done he didn’teven get rootaberger stage it’s just methat I was gonna give off with the boysherefoster fitzy levy expert me on I’m gonnaget two milkshakes and that should getme up towards a 10,000 mark and I’ll doit my own vlog because Harry has to gohomes back there’s an old man and I’llcheck in there so Thank You Harry andyou’re done from here but I’m gonnafinish off they ready okay I couldn’tleave the boys without finishing thechallenge so we go in to cross the roadand got two milkshakes with Oreo KinderBueno white chocolate sauce and cream ontophow was in each I’m gonna[Laughter]10 K in a dayokay just back home in the door it’shalf nine 10k calories in a daychallenge done completely undressed – itwas really really difficult and we gotit doneI think having rich food and all therestaurants it was what made it so toughbut really enjoyed it tried out somelovely places and enjoyed a with my boyJordan and thank you so much – hurry butno tea for filming it again reallyappreciate it man like subscribe commentthe whole lot hope you enjoyed the videoand thanks for watching

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