Tell great stories.
I’m a double-lung transplant recipient undertaking a 30-day experiment to see if I can upload a video every day and whether or not the process of creating them can help with my physical or mental health. Or at least be a bit of fun.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]good morning Emily this is day seven ofmy 30 day video challenge let’s get thisday started and we owe it to God[Music]back to that video I made the other daythe first thing I did when I got out ofthe car here was that the retina to seeif there was anyone who was gonna lookat me weird if I started talking to acamera while I was walking so I haven’tgot over that that fear yet today is avery important day in case you didn’tguess from the two ingredients I justbought in Tesco it’s Pancake Daytechnically of course it’s ShroveTuesday which marks the day before thestart of Lent but either[Music][Music]yes we have one of thosejazzy circular quit makin things and nono other one was really you know how touse itthat’s very – they know peopleyeah I mean okayabout Nowe can do that[Music]so we’ve got this technique negativehere nailing it yeah yeah to be fair Ididn’t realize ruins it cause II’m gonna do a popular oneworkingway back to the lawyer ready assyou’re gonna be edible that excitablethat’s a thumbnail right therethe demos of the screen the screen thisis gonna be our last attempt but oh mygoodness can you see how much mess withmade a discounter we did obviously makesome in advance just to prepare and withprepackaged them in plastic withbest-before date on them because thatsafety for pancake day safety kinkpancakes is hard and exhaustingI almost mentioned this morning thatgiven how tired I was yesterday and howcomparatively little sleep I got that Iwould need to be really careful abouthow I managed my energy today and Ishould have been a lot more carefulabout how I managed my energy todaybecause I’m exhaustedno I’m absolutely shattered just fromstanding and cooking pancakes plus allof the the other bits and pieces thatwent with it but that’s a reallyimportant lesson for me to learn I’m notgoing to learn it because I don’t learnthings like that but I will talk aboutenergy management more in one of thesevideos later in the month because thereis a really important part of dealingwith any kind of a chronic illness butfor now my stomach is full of badlycooked pancakesI am tired from not enough sleep and Istill have to go and edit this video sothat you can watch it tomorrowI’m gonna say goodnight I sounded like alittle like not torture Hostin