Are you making pancakes this Pancake Tuesday?!
Here is our simple recipe for perfect, healthy pancakes.
1 tbsp of Almond Milk
1/2 Ripe Banana
1/4 Cup Egg Whites
2 Scoops of Protein Powder (We used chocolate)
1 Pinch of Cinnamon
*We also added a preferred supplement (collagen) but you can add whatever you like or skip this part all together.*
In a PERFORMA™ protein shaker, shake the ripe banana and almond milk together. Add in the remaining ingredients (egg white, protein powder and cinnamon) and shake well.
Pour mixture right from the shaker on to a medium to hot pan. Wait until pancake bubbles and flip. Service with fruit, maple syrup or honey.
We hope this video inspires you to be creative with your PERFORMA™ protein shaker. If you have any recipes, let me know in the comments below.
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Video Transcription
what is that performin Asian today weare making chocolate protein pancakesfor Pancake Tuesday so we’re gonna startoff with the performance shaker you canuse any of your performance acres justmake sure you have an action rod we aregoing to start by mixing our mashedbanana and a milk so I’m using an almondmilk and it’s just one tablespoon andthen it’s half of a mashed banana thenyou’re going to get 1/4 of a cup of eggwhites 2 scoops a protein powder of yourchoice so I’m using chocolate proteinpowder you can add in something likethings or collagen whatever is in yourroutine so I’m just gonna add somecollagen and that’s just one scoop I’veheard the scoop in a big container andthen just a little bit of cinnamon stiron your lip nice and tight and give thata shake so now that’s all mixed open upthe lid and we’re gonna head over andpour it onto a hot skillet[Music]so there you have itthere is my chocolate banana proteinpancake made in the performance a kerand I’m just going to top it with anyfruits I like I have some strawberriessome blueberries and Kool G berry andthen of course we need a little bit ofmaple syrup on top and there you have itchocolate banana protein pancakes for apancake Tuesdaythank you so much for watching and we’llsee you again soonreally good[Music]