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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
you’re got size guys may know a is apancake Dale well this year I head rightnow I’m making pancakes so my mum got isthis banking me Kiev and co-op big whatmy local co-op you know I mean becauseit can’t because I be asked to meet meas a book even though eggs milk flourand she don’t flush it anyway so I’vegot this year just add water shook a bitand one afternoon I just find a pad andthen Bob Padron call makes pancakes sortof that lot really well yeah that’scrack on let’s see who can make the bestpancakes yeah I mean so there’s a crackon it so yeahand not some noise guys know me[Music]be scarran I she should not be comingfrom all of whatever[Music]nice and moistshe makes pancakes on only thengross one last year I ate so much everyweek yeah it’s me there’s no Hawaii our it Roth y’all may know by theway guys if you wanted to hit us a scrapof right now because we want to try andhit 10k subscribers by then this year ifyou guys committees happen yeah we’ll doa massive giveaway I mean they don’twalk giveaway yeah my mind haven’t beengo away who knows don’t mean just if youare thisalso comment down below with some overYouTube ideas you want me and mygirlfriend to do because we need somewhy did I don’t know flipping pancakeswe’ve got a spatula where they’re coldwait wait wait okay go do I amI’m ingress wait wait wait wait yourpancakes good you aremm-hmm hello guy and this is mybeautiful woman this is a beautifulmoment on my channel if you somethingshe’s pumped itself entertain you whileclumsy move she is what I’m picking stayopen oh yeah we run my said I want afootball game not in the forest you readso mean why did back in doing there youknow what I meanlooks like a punky listen yet mydad Eustatius oh no oh yeah pancakepancake village I mean even I’m amazedJax guy can cook a ping bought knees doyou say you say bothered me ping podniesBologneseso guys this is her finished paintingyeah it’s not gonna rub of yeahyepthat’s a pancake right the moment guysso at the end we wouldn’t you knowwe’re gonna show you guys actualfinished project Jamie mostly guys nowit’s time for Lee avoiding and got to dohis painting can you know what I mean Imean is what it is seasick rushing youknow stand-in there is it gross figuredout the Sun isn’t it mom I want a moreenthusiastic comment back say yes boysthere we gono do our momma blinking[Applause][Music][Applause]moment yeah thank you go look like acircle see I mean check Beth Beth it upso called ant moment yeah but you sureabout texture I mean and the special artit is just I brought banking – if it’spile of Pancakes totally goodso it’s a bit sicky astute eat stickwith the sickest to take stickysituation guys in the city a stickysituation guys for the podcast playersugar and lemon juicebuddy chocolate spread[Applause]swingley is young people are forgottenforget this there’s a formal Jasminesince much some chocolate sauce theydon’t have any chocolates my right manhey Johnny right behind youthis girl’s if you writings to Italyjust a bit guys guess what she use youreyes for once Joey nosure no I mean guys I’m lady I’llyou know Armenian your pancake yeslisten listen yeah Bob got it flippingthe pancakes this oneno wait wait wait guys this is herpancake yeah my salsathat’s a pinky right there she put somelemon juice and some sugar because wehave really nothing else to put on it sotonight tomorrow yes wrong one on themixer more pancakes over there look atthat guy’s I mean uh how good is thatpancake sad bird toast it’s absolutelywonderfulchow mein guys I mean we hold the Homercameraman’s gonna flipI hope oh my god yeah[Music]yeah they’re basically you’re talkingabout weddings get Martin Akshay I meanthis is my point cake guys look how sexyis you know small pen but every guysthat is the end of this Pancake Dayvideo I did a job me I mean boy youknow I mean I’ll flip it up a little andcakes under the under burdens in a dayyeah having bosses do it is the winnerfor me all the guts you all my goshfamily a comment down below who youthink you won this marvelous pancakecompetition thing under don’t forget toalso tell me if you subscribe to herchannel right now but anyway guys Ishould I cut you guys real there here’sa scrubber right now like the video andcomment down below and in telex for youguysokay I’m a pancakethey race piece