Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]check out if she goes through somestudios my name is Pippa and today whenI show how to do punkyso let’s go so now I’m just pulling inthe flour to make pancakes it’s got togo to one[Applause]I was putting the milk in so now theingredients are in now I’ve got to mixit all so this meat takes like one ortwo or three minutes about five minutesif you have an electric mixer that willdo as well you see how it starts rightthere also guys whilst I’m I’m whiskingthis thank you to the two people on itto them who made the fun pages Alisonand I don’t know the other person butyou guys got a shout out front roomsee what so insight right ok Dexteryou’ve got to get all the lumps out soso it’s nearly farmed excite that exposeyou like a sticky dough finger and alsoplease don’t hold a camera and do therisk in although my took over as you cansee on my doggy I’ve started to snow sobefore I get happy Pancake Day toeverybody I know are besties out therealthough you guys enjoying lots and lotsof hunger of guns even smear olive oilor water onto your hand open it on theset so I’m always made this pump it I’vegot to cut it you will get to go insidethey’re just gonna come ones no it’s togo inside is it really that doorway sothose have a more middle perfect prankit for as you guys know I did go toElly’s and I made pancakes there in inthe most previous videos we just make mea full English breakfast tutorialyes I’m just doing mineI’ve made punk it before buddy make butequipment hello so I’ve never gonna doit on cameralook now is open this time do pancake oncamera you’re doing this check move it’sdoorway although it’s ready to flipI think it’s readykundowhat Stephanie buddy what doing itthis is what it takes to be a chefso if he’s to flip it can’t do it whenI’m gonna say to yourself never sayneverwe’ve got it I’ve nearly got it guys Ithink you might need a spoon Frankie toperson backstage I’m fine and we did itall right just you know well when you tothe person to the backstagedon’t just chat with that sweater don’tmeet – no it’s not ready yetdid you see there guys it’s not movingweddy once you sendI’m the worst up but doing family or doI’m gonna show it to the weather guys itjust got worse look Ithat’s not video is it guys no it isn’tif you like snow comment down below ifyou like pancakes comment down belowchuckling to menot working yetI’m staking a long timethis was how mine turned out bit burnbut doesn’t matter it’s ok from thefirst punch yeah here I’ll punch itthank you for watching and we’ll see younext time bye[Music]