Kids fun, quick & easy baking cookies. Simple ingredients from everyone’s kitchen! SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL so you can see all my youtube videos & learn a lot about making your human and dog children happy! I will also be sharing health, exercise and nutrition information!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey do you wanna make easy kids cookieswith me yeah okaysince you really want it let’s getstarted this very easy recipe actuallybelongs to my grandmother she used tomake it for me when I was a child andnow I make it for my children and theyabsolutely love it it’s easy to makewith simple ingredients and the textureof play-doh so your kids can do anyshape of cookies they want so keepwatching we can now see first of allwhen in the juice and the zest of oneorange also we need one two three eggsand a glass of olive oil 1 glass ofsugar a few drops from vanilla extract 2tablespoons of baking powder and a lotof flour and delivery choose the texturewe want ok so we have all theingredients and we are now ready tostart step 1 put the 1 glass of sugar ina big bowl step 2 put the orange zest inthe bowl continue by adding the 1 glassof oil and the juice of one orange nowit’s time to add the eggs and thevanilla extract as well as the bakingpowder so your cookies can grow tall andbeautiful in the oven and last but notleast add the flour until you reach theconsistency of play-doh it could be moreor less than 600 grams and mix with aspoon or by hand and now we are ready tomake cookies to make sure that yourcookies don’t stick on the surfacesprinkle with some flour use a shallowbaking dish and cover it with tinfoil soyou can place your cookies on get a bigpiece of dough and let’s start I use myfavoritecap to make my dough in a pear shape butyou can use anything that makes youhappy you are now ready to cut yourcookies quick get all your play-doh toysand your cookie cutters and startcutting I’m starting with a heart shapebecause it’s my kids favorite but youcan start with any shape you like youcan roll out little snakes or littleturtles or little snails that’s the goodthing about this cookies they are trulyversatile so kids can express theircreativity as you finish put yourcookies in a preheated oven for 10 to 15minutes your cookies are ready whentheir top surface is a little bittougher the cookies are ready if youwanna make your cookies a little bitfancier dip them in white chocolateganache let me know if you have anyquestions the comments below like thisvideo and subscribe to my channel so Ican keep doing it have a nice day