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Video Transcription
[Music][Laughter]so this guy it fills into the line so sothey had the top down 100 withoutattempt number one again Africa lastlyyou’re using the wrong it’s nice anywaythis is a limo for Barbie you want touse a metal wall but I think hey herOh what do you do and what was thiscomment earring and oh my god next whatwhat yeahcome on well[Music]tomorrowoh my godBrinaI think your pancakes are the best inthe world yeah I I don’t need to try itI don’t need to try[Laughter][Music]genetic musicwe are experiencing technicaldifficulties please standby this ismaking me so hornyI mean hungry much much later okay guysso we’ve completed ouryeah it took a while we were here forlike another good 20 minutes becausethis is the perfect one one that theymade and then the rest will us so that’sgot chocolate in a further start abouthis well this is gonna be I made thisput on this onethe year overall it’s successful so I’llsee you when you’re older don’t gochanging I guess we gonna make that outright now in Andrea don’t really make itout tobest out you ever come turn turn turnturn turngoodbye everyone goodbye everyone[Music]