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340g/2 1/2cups Plain Flour (All Purpose Flour)
3tsps Baking Powder
1tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
3cups of Buttermilk
4tbsps Vegetable Oil (Or whichever you prefer)
2 Large Eggs
2 1/2tbsps Sugar
1tsp Salt
1/4 Nutmeg
1/4tsp Ground Mixed Spice
1tsp Vanilla
Try my banana cake recipe
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey lovely people I am back I want toteach you how do you my pancakes todayand I did she went to America few yearsago and I’ve been obsessed with pancakesfrom IHOP ever since then so I’ve triedto recreate it and do my own thingso I’m just going to show you how Iactually do that so first I measured outin a separate Bowl my flowers I’ve usedpain flower and if you’re in othercountries it’s learners will purposeflour so I’ve done 340 grams of this orif you measure by cops it’s two and ahalf cups of flour so I’m just gonna putthis in my sieve and just sit itperfect speciallet’s just try that some air to theflower so it’s light and then in the endpancakes would be fluffier for it[Music]so that’s that sips it all out so tothat I’m going to add three teaspoons ofbaking powder so the one I’m using atthis one[Music]again I’m doing three teaspoons of that[Music]yes please measure this properly do nottry to guess the May or DRM thingbecause it will end up wrong like I sayto you it’s up to you you for your ownmethods however if you do it wrong it’snot gonna turn out like a man did sirI’m just warning you in advance[Music]like I said I’m gonna add 1 teaspoon ofbaking Laden our bicarbonate of sodaavianna there you go so that’s what I’mgonna use then I’m just gonna add oneteaspoon of this don’t need a lotwell you get my salt and I have oneteaspoon of saltagain I’m just using my more table saltnothing specialso that was one teaspoon of thatwhen he is two and a half tablespoons ofcastor sugarI do a quarter teaspoon of nutmegthat’s the brain I’ll just use thereand then 1/4 teaspoon of mixed spiceagain pastor Brown she does have scalernothing special so that’s all the dryingredients there so once that’s allthere so that you’re gonna have to addtwo large eggs you don’t have to be itbefore and if you use the whisk or youcan use an electric whisk it’s all toyou and and then we’ll go from there soI’m just gonna add my eggs in off cameraand they’ll go from there so that’s twolarge eggs I’m going to use right love’slike I said I’m gonna come out I leavemy two large eggs say to this I’m goingto add one teaspoon of vanilla what itis that is my two volt in the backgroundso that’s been a lot if you’re astrangerand then I’m also going to add fourtablespoons over a vegetable oil you canuse sunflower oil if you prefer this upto you I[Music][Laughter]sorry guys I’m using a big bottle topour into this tiny little things so I’mjust having to take my timeand then I’ve got buttermilk so this isthe one that I use in I’ve literally gotthree of these which would equal tothree cups of buttermilk so each ofthese is one cup of buttermilk and ifyou like the conversion is 284 ml’sdid you forgive me sirit goes for 284 MLS and this is thebrand that I’m using you don’t have touse the Spanish me any buttermilk thatyou can get where you are that’s it it’slow-fat I mean not really keen on thewhole low-fat low-sugar whatevernonsense if I’m gonna either just of mebut I remember this is what I can getand this is what I use so much you’rejust gonna act in three of these tier mymixture[Music]whether it doesn’t smoke a lesson justto warn you in advance and it’s allmixed in to us okayand definitely when is ticket but for aminute when you pouring it in its mouththat is this melon thing on this planetsmells a bit like one of yogurtI’m sure I wash my hands and come backto ourokay so malice all in there I saw youready for me I’m just gonna mix it inwith my it always got here take timethey lay flat out the sides all I’mtrying to do is just mix everything intogether nice and smoothmake sure there’s no lumps or anythinglike that I wasn’t exactly the best oneis literally a bit flimsy but I’m gonnatrying to work with it I need to get anew one does if you know anywhere thatdoes really good one star sturdy in theUK obviously then let me know feel freecuz I’m about fed up of this with it onmy nervesalright forget this on my deskI was trying to teach other properweight but you know I want thingshappening yet so I’m just going to do itmy rip-away with a spoon and then I’llsmoothing it out with the whisk allstuff put the cheese hat so gotten alittle bit out the way- what I doas like I said you do have the option ofthe electric with all the hand mixer Ijust cannot remember to go get mowing upand then have to like it all done afterand put it up it is just a bit too longpolice say so this I’m literally gonnaadd just a little bit of milk too muchhe’s in for that milk you don’t have touse some fat milk it’s up to you whatmilk you want to use I’m just showinghim just putting my little financierwhen I’m excited[Applause][Music]hey guys so that’s the mixture donethere I’m gonna go off camera transferthat into a measuring jug so it’s easierfor me to pull it out into the pan inthe meantime I’m gonna get my frying panout preferably one that has a liddoesn’t necessarily have to but ifyou’ve got one we believe that would bemuch better and then once I’vetransferred it over I will come back andshow you our energy okay there so I’vegone off and I have transferred oh ohwell this is not all of the mixtures andmost of the mixobviously you don’t wanna over forward ameasure of drugs I wouldn’t make so sobut majority of the myths in there I’vegot hair on the stove my pan and it’sgot some butter in that it’s cold at themoment with the butter you can usesorted you can use unsorted whatever Iuse butter this sort because I think itgives a nicer taste to the pancakes inthe finished product it’s up to youobviously you know your dietaryrequirements you know what you likebecause I like war so that’s on you andso I’ve got it on the biggest burner butI’m going to turn it on a low flame onthe biggest burner so I’m literally putit on the biggest burner on the lowestflame possible so the butters just thereis gonna melt away in the back thereI’ve got a plate and I’ve also got mylifter on the plate this is a cleanempty plate and I’ve got my lid here formy I’m sorry for the butter to melt andthen onceI hope my kid makes himone hand or around so let’s wait for thebutter to melt out back time if you wantto call it it’s up to youmoving about just just sprint kabochaeveryoneI’m just gonna turn it up just a touch Ineed thiswarm enough when I put the mixture insoap that’s warm inI’d say I’m just going to pour inmixture now as you can see there thebutter is introduced all sizzling thingso in the center of the pan just gonnacall in some mixture and then I’m justgonna shake it so that all those roundso then it is just basically there tokeep the extra seam in say that thepancakes basically clip back throughoutand it makes it a lot quicker for youand not only that it makes gives you anice kind of fluffy sponge in effect asa place to just spend in the pancakes onthe outside and then they made a bit ofit is tooif your pan steams too much and it’s gotwater in the lid just remove it as quickas you can and just get cleaned off andjust remove the water from the lid butyou don’t want that going back in yourpotso I’m just going to remove the lid justhave a big look and see what’s going onso maybe it’s like there for a bitlonger but I will find it about eight[Music]I’m just using a clean te club to dothat so I’m just gonna put that back formeso my pancakes usually I’ll do somescrambled eggs some sausages you know itdepends on what you want you can do itwith chocolate in the pancakes removebananas you can put in blueberriesstrawberries whatever you want to doit’s up to you obviously if you’readding fruits to it please do not puttoo many because the water content fromthe fruits will go over into the packetsand it will make them soggy and youdon’t want that so just be mindfulespecially if you use in fruits likepineapple blueberries those kind offruits you might want to mind out howmany you put in them so that’s just soso as you can see now my pancakes arebasic already how you know it’s ready tobe flipped is that it starts creatinglittle holes and that tells you that iscooked on the other side and the middleof it is cooked as well so I’m justgonna flip this over I put it down Ihave a bad habit of leaving my lid onthe stone next my pot please put yourlid somewhere safe if you’re not used tothis and you don’t know what you’redoing with us conservethere we go so that’s how you do it ifyou want to add fruits to it youobviously don’t wait until it’s cookedright through the middle to do that andyou do it whilst you’ve still got themixture wet on the top I’m just gonnajust move this about a bit so it picksup from the rest of the butter in thepan so this point you don’t need the lidback on there because it’s alreadycooked right through it steam throughthe pancakes be nice and fluffy likethis another thing that I do sometimesif you’re doing a lot of pancakes youwant to keep them warm in the oven so Ijust put my after them probably about 50degrees and I have a fan oven if youhave a gas oven please put it lower so Ijust put it on and put them on a plateas I go along and just leave it in theoven so they keep warm and then onceyou’ve finished cooking all the pancakeseverything will be warm and then you canserve up like that so just gonna leavethat for another minute or so and thenI’m gonna do one with fruit just to showyou how you would do thatlet me go get my berries in the meantimeI guess so I’m going to take this out ofpattern now I’m ready to go okay I’llturn it back over so you can see thatother side of it so that’s the otherside that’s perfect so that is thecompleted pancake and I’ll just put thaton my plate then I’m just gonna wash myhands in the freezer I kind of spill onthe heat and again I’m gonna use mybutcher to put in some more butter sorryfor those bachelors dispatchers[Music]what mr. Barrett ensues the middle ofthe Pamnot too much mixture obviously you’regoing to still look at this about rightso at this point is very neutral in yourfruits so I’m literally just going tospread it a few around not to worry ifyou get what I’m saying places all rightI put my lid back on the potjust like I did with the other onethere’s no difference at allI go so I’m just leaving not now to justsit there doing this thing when I wipemy lid again as you guys can see thepancakes they’re nice and thick andfluffyI’ve got your fruits that’s just stillcooking and you see the bubbles areattempting to a pair that is not quiteready as yet you Mitch you want to beable to clearly see holes through themixture before you flip it and as youcan see like I said the fruit there hasstarted to do its own thing and createwater in the back and just try and seehim in oh yeah there you go so you cansee it starts to clear what part of thatnow you build Betsy when the pancakesshe ready for the spoke to praise themhoes in that thank you see does a few ofthem so over here these ones that I’vegot in and they be not combat that meansthat but fit is ready let’s seem a bitbettera bit aside from where all this isn’tblueberries off so take a bit longer sothere you go so you do your fruit sothat is how I do my pancake and stars Iuse two different types syrups obviouslyyou can also use chocolate bread you canuse peanut butter whatever you like ifyou just want to pour them what’s on topof it it’s already got sugar in themixture so that is fine so first andforemost if you can get access to thisthat one with anything else just buythis one literally the best syrup forpancakes ever sometimes we use maplesyrup as well and fairly that this is mymixes favorite tesco golden syrupabsolutely love it it’s not too sweetand it’s just lovely with pancakesobviously like I said you could do freshfruit you don’t have to actually cookthe fruit into the pancake you can justput the fruit on top of the pancakes youcan have it with cream you can have alittle bit of yogurt you can do whateverit is that you want to do with itit’s your choice this your food bed sayI’ll do my thingso that’s the other side just to showyou guys that’s good to knowso that’s it that’s how I see mypancakes this right laughter just toshow you when I’m done so this is myokay it’s back and the mixture gave me anice back of 12 pancakes not to remove afew of the children were gonna be on meand say they have it and with that I ampersonally having scrambled eggs whichyou can see here[Music]so I made some scrambled eggs and I’mgonna have those sausages and I am goingto use gold and silver I’m not actuallygoing to have any Nutella another iconabove it don’t lie to my sweet sauce andso yeah that’s itI literally all it takes to make yourown light fluffy pancakes[Music]yeah I will see you guys on the next oneand don’t forget to subscribe to mychannel as always feel free to leaveyour comments feel free to leavesuggestions kindly otherwise just theyare my comments bye guys so with thatbeing said I’ll see you guys on the nextone