Waffles Recipes

how to make waffles & lemonade

ft. Addy
p.s. sorry its 20min long and the worst quality

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Video Transcription

okay hey guys welcome to my Channel
today I’m gonna link her channel in the
description over tags in the description
so introduce what we’re doing today oh I
get to do that yes okay so we are doing
or basically making it waffles and
lemonade so let’s get to it the best
okay umm sure Easter some waffles I
guess yep sure okay so with some pancake
mix into the bowl your special recipe
that’s this yeah – two thirds cups and
then to make waffles we’re gonna add
okay nothing in there
my mom is going to kill me I’m sorry I
100 K we added another cup now we’re
gonna add okay yes so I fill up 2/3 cup
so now I’m gonna fill it up how did I do
this because it as for a hat one and a
half cup one I have cups of water for
the waffle recipe so I already filled it
up this much so now I’m going to fill it
up too I’m going crazy
okay the Hat okay
you know say what you’re gonna say okay
and then I’m going to fill it up I feel
like I need to be a little makeup look
I’m just gonna do it and yes you don’t
like the makeup artists and they’re just
okay so guys is my cabbage yes so I
added like more water because I added
more powder or mixture so nerado’s okay
all the ingredients are right in front
of me and don’t forget the best boil I
don’t know why we need much oil but I’m
a so it is on the recipe I’m not going
to be using fresh tomorrow
this is no oil Kroger basically this is
not a sponsored but if you want to
sponsor me I would greatly appreciate
the money okay maybe what kind of meat
okay so the recipe calls for my recipe
calls for two tablespoons of oil
within the time we are done with this
video of the world in the oh yes it’s
fine okay should I be like the makeup
just because you can see what hit not
sponsor knows anything about the sponsor
us this is some sort of lemonade powder
that we got somewhere don’t know where
can okay I need the picture in off the
there’s a difference okay I’m really
dark lighting keeps changing it’s fine
you good quiet on set
come on oh we need water first
I can’t how much water of us because my
recipe is give me a second I’m looking
we got this covered it’s fine well good
my recipes say for like yes trust me I
got there this is our arts guy
oh my gosh
I wasn’t really coming how many there
was but I’m pretty sure if you are
actually counting that’s great
okay now without basically our ice water
because there’s nothing in it yet spill
it on me so we’re gonna do at least what
did we decide on like eight I know the
older units side on cuz we talked about
yes to guess it goes we’ve got well
that’s right I can’t even follow not
need of those let’s do two for these two
two and a half we can do two and
okay watch it yeah this is so we’re
gonna do it right to our amazing the
waffle iron is lit up do you listen
you’re late – and like that much do you
mean you it’s your recipe but I’ve
stirred George by the basket and then
we’re gonna try it because if it’s like
nasty make sure it’s not nasty basically
and ice cold
that means even better feature you can
be featured link it’s a planet this
whole videos in your room yes talking
about the sponsor so after you touch
your Dario you have to wash your hands
food you’re so clean oh my gosh it’s
green I know it’s Gucci do this so cool
I gonna get scold instead of yellow it’s
look at this mom bucks it’s like they’re
color changing spoons I thought this was
just probably stirred up enough I just
there we go we should sell next clip
we’re gonna try to sell it
this is its little sour but it’s not bad
because some obviously it orange you
know what if we did like I think it’s
good but it’s your recipe okay well I
think about this we can do the waffles
cool alright guys welcome back to you
know okay so I’m gonna get a cup this is
from Target
bet bet you it’s from Target okay
ok so I have my buff iron you can
literally see it right here so so my
recipe is a little liquidy and that’s
why I like it because so you can kind of
see it’s like really liquidy it’s my
recipe so I like it that way that’s okay
okay I’m gonna take this body might be
right okay oh my gosh you could make
like blueberry or something like that do
you have a new leaf root not only get a
little partner to just try again these
on a spinny chair that state we save
kids donkey drugs by the way it was like
420 like
this actually works it’s a little
moisture group but it works okay try
this because I’m literally putting pure
sugar in this I’ll do the next it’s like
this oh it did sweet what just happened
just like pop pop door I think okay okay
definitely more sugary something is wait
where is it oh it’s in the farm um if I
think we know what miss
no it’s Ryan okay we have to wait till
the APS okay so I’m going to put a
couple of sugar watermelon it oh my gosh
in here yeah please normally that’s um
it probably much – I think it might be
better yes oh do you have latest
you need to get juice
you know like for like oranges or
something you can make squeezes you side
with it oh no we don’t you don’t have
any of those these it beeped I don’t
know which one of this to do this one
gives a green light one oh they’re
okay I’m gonna put a couple of months do
you see that get 4G number we’re gonna
do three okay this is a little more
thick it will do for almost 20 minutes
and we’ll get back to you oh my gosh
later we’re gonna make all cool and be
like and we’re back but still we’re back
but we made a blueberry one and then we
made a chocolate chip one and we have a
regular one mm-hmm
and then our lemonade we literally just
refilled it but you try putting the
watermelon in and they didn’t really do
anything so we just do it with her Cubs
me it was good just a blueberry stuff oh
yeah like diapers
oh I’m sorry time moms oh yes
hey guys so we forgot to do an outro so
here’s our alt oh yeah so hope you all
enjoyed this 20 minute long video and
we’ll see you next time subscribe
comment down below peace like

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