Waffles Recipes

How to make gourmet waffles

I ran out of storage space on my phone. 1 little bite on the left,right,top,and bottom.(east west north south.)

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that’s may xx cookie catch underscoreplays XS space : 3 here um it let inleather recorder has heard that phrasemultiple times so Barbie thumbs on thosetapes sorryanyway so today I will be showing y’allhow how to make gourmet waffles I’m gladI got that right um so first you’regonna need your place obviously and thenyour eggo waffle is um shout out to cogsEggos um i have been eating these forabout eight yearsbecause they think he started to eatLegos when I was 8 years anyway so firstyou’re gonna need to toast your yourEggo waffles I suggested I suggested thechocolaty check however there there isalso blueberry strawberry regular andyeah it’s for the reason I like a go somuch so because this is a brand newpacket that 130 needs to custom open itsthe children I ask an older sibling yetthat’s operating were teenager or or aparent or a / guardian and that to cutopen the box for yousafety first I’ve been doing this foryears and there’s also two adultswatching me[Applause]say and then so that you don’t taxidefinitely first thoughwell I hurt aren’t but that says wifeso got through this way to maintain aclean house gonna up in here backin the box then make you waffles becausethey are frozen I’m going to need to -am i zoom in do this like zoom in on mein the toaster if you’re going to -needs it – toasthate your toaster so here I have to plugin so we normally have them on two and ahalf and I think so yeah okay so okaycamera must follow memy walk so you’re also going to meanhere you’re all high suggest a AuntJemima I’ve been using this for as longas I can remember and can’t forget tocut these away now the main ingredientsthe main ingredient is in the basementI’m going to need hi little whitechocolate chip muffins if you don’t havelittle bit chocolate chip muffins athome you can also use either one justfine for you thousand years Oreosoh yeah because I have little bites Iwill use the low back afford this is mypack up for I will put these away atthat in the video yeah we still need towait or right if my waffles your sowhile waiting for that we can get ouryou test I’m more than off to have ayoutube channel a and and finishing ofelementary school this is my last yearat elementary school so and I don’t andI don’t even look cut cut my yeah myfood myself so I suggest you get anadult to cut your queer and appears yesthe waffles are not taking a shortamount of time to cook so they popped upokay awesomeour wars and then we we need to spreadthe 0 tomorrow 0 well when I was youngerI used to put two syrup in every singlesquare heand when making gourmet waffles you dothe same thing and I go I please excuseof my voice is a little off in thisvideo I’m kind of second but don’t worryit’s not blood it’s just allergiesthroat because you do that small littletornado that came a lot of leaves camedown off the trees and I am allergic totree pollen and there’s a lot of treepollen normally up so yeah go aheadlittle bit of zero[Applause]

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