Waffles Recipes

How to make Chicken and Waffles that are to Die for!

Since my last video got 8 views, I thought I would cook something else.

Original of the video here

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Waffles Recipes
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Video Transcription

my mom just gonna be baking some cookies
okay I love you can you see me you can
see we are going to be making food like
last time like the vegan chicken right
ma everybody like that so I need ideas
on what we’re going to make so let’s go
find out
oh wait my mic yes we are making chicken
and waffles we have the chicken now
we’re going to take our home home turned
butter spread that on the pan
it’s not sizzling like I want it to but
the chicken is indeed cooking we are
going to douse the chicken and some
maple syrup odd cabin original say hint
to give you how the chickens looking we
doused it in the butter and the syrup oh
look at that sizzle
while the chicken is cooking the waffles
I’m gonna try to cook with the chicken
so they absorb the chicken flavor so Oh
is another view look at that look at
that chicken just look at that chicken
can you say YUM
cinnamon sugar we’re just gonna put that
down sit onto the waffles maybe the
chicken we’ll see so we’re really frying
up a storm here it’s getting pretty
Sicily so why am i so close don’t like
but it is getting pretty pretty see
sizzle e guys if you ever want my stuff
my dude try it the chicken has
instructions on how to cook it that
would have been helpful for my last
video but you go check it out yeah so
basically I’m just gonna cook the
chicken that’s it
yeah so we’re gonna finish cooking up
the chicken and I will see you guys okay
okay guys we have finished I don’t even
know what to say it’s just browning on
the chicken it’s just gorgeous I know
well there you have it guys how to make
chicken and waffles and yeah that’s it
we’ll see you guys like yeah that’s
about it until I cook something else so

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