Waffles Recipes

Egg and Cheese Keto Waffles

How-to make a Keto bread substitute with egg and cheese! I first learned how to make these from @keto_okie, but I thought I would show how I make them. Add whatever seasoning you want to customize it! Can be made into garlic bread, pizza, bagels, the options are limitless!

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Video Transcription

okay I’m doing a little experiment to
see what I can get out with one ounce of
cheese and one egg I’m just gonna put
these in the bottom I kind of had creepy
thing already a lot of people have an
issue if they don’t add enough cheese
and it tastes eggy and then some people
have the issue of maybe using different
types of cheese that they don’t like the
tape doesn’t affect Arizona like people
haven’t liked that as much so I just
kind of usually stick with cheddar and
so I’ll just let it kind of do its
melting business for a second and I’m
gonna add cheese I just rented this
cheese on my own that’s why it has a
little bit different variety and texture
okay that looks pretty perfect now I’m
just going to close it okay so it’s been
five minutes we’ll see how it turns out
so it’s nice and golden crispy really
crunchy you don’t need to put any Pam or
anything down because the cheese you
know adds a natural nonstick ink so then
there you go
I have a beautiful waffle that you can
use for bread substitutes
we use ours for breakfast bagels a lot
and then just Murphy and I keep mine
I have a whole bag of them and I’ll just
put them in the microwave or toaster
toaster oven for a couple seconds to
really fill up and then I’m always ready
with great milk substitutes for it so as
you can see I used exactly one egg and
one ounce of cheese to make two of them
so this one I’ll let cook now and then I
always put them on a plate to cool down
before I put them in a ziploc bag that
I’m going to put in the freezer so since
I have been using these to make
breakfast agels
I added everything but the bagel
seasoning to the cheese and some
everything that the bagel seasoning to
the eggs and I’m gonna see how that

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