Waffles Recipes


In this episode of Cooking with Dusty, Dusty Hanshaw shows you how to grill the perfect steak and then caps it off with Eggo Waffles at the home of Matt Kafora!

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Video Transcription

hey guys thanks for checking out this
video after you enjoy it which you will
make sure hit that subscribe button
we’re having new content coming out all
year about once a week to check it out
absolutely favorite store
AJ’s is basically the best quality of
everything just rugged my sandwiches
they got an outdoor grill where I come
and get like steaks and all that stuff
smaller place but the best of everything
and we eat steaks this is where your
so make sure you’re actually thinking
about the fact that you need steak for
tomorrow morning’s breakfast before the
stores closing they had no one at the
meat counter and the downside to this
they don’t free wrapped meat and throw
it on a bin for you to go pick it up so
I got some stuff for my basic salad
we’re hitting safely hi muffins ready
but something so we’re literally going
just for the steak and the whole reason
I came here for the best quality steak
we aren’t having tomorrow or something
listen you’re not gonna eat this thing
but I promise it’s not gonna be as good
as it would have been so when you’re
looking at it just imagine it’s still a
J steak I’m filming like oh that would
have been good but shit you guys got
there like fuck anyways I digress let’s
go so those delicious steaks we were
gonna get we didn’t get them safely was
either way we need steaks and well say
forget the job then find B is delicious
the video film just as good you guys
wouldn’t know if I just lied to you but
I’m not like that because we we keep it
honest you and I right keep on the up
and up we’re in Safeway getting half a
steaks let’s go hi guys remember savory
is a muffin place
great from my house like I’m not taking
a shot at safely about the mean it’s
just everyone’s got their talent that’s
right I mean I rector tries to my biceps
below you don’t come shopping for me for
biceps all right go to a good body to
look for that same deal so here we are
for meat we’re here for muffins we’re
celebrating so if I were telling you
this is the easiest way you go the
muffins cheaper than Starbucks and here
we go the choice not crying
choice choice
do they have
guys you want to look to the word crime
if you want like the best
first okay it’s good but I was kind of
like gonna spoil myself
okay it’s okay what I’m gonna do is I’m
gonna switch to a fattier steak to make
it more delicious so here we are going
to a ribeye we’ll pretend that that’s on
my diet way nuts so we got a ribeye
another revived
whirring these three rivers only 10 that
hold on hold on guys this is where
things get crazy right
ribeyes 1099 put it by by him in the
package $9.99 a pound I’m already three
not a mathematician but this seems like
a good move
all right so today we’ve made a decision
it’s time to grow because obviously I’m
not fat enough yet we’re working on that
so with that we’re gonna show you all of
today’s meals and then I want you guys
to realize that this is all the tasty
meals on going – the fact if you’ve seen
the video from last night we would not
have bought these shitty steaks of AJ’s
was open
so moment of silence for that I saw him
I looked at me he’s like I’m not mad I’m
just disappointed any kind of lived away
anyways mmm I digress Agence is still
part of today though
Snyder’s Oh secret of pros I’m not gonna
say that I invented this idea because
that’s a lie but I was showing it a week
ago it’s mine now those my fucking
recipe so what you’re gonna do guys get
ready this is some complicated shit you
know take this and you put it on these
don’t go nuts it’s a little salty I’ve
actually never done this so this is
round 1 but I don’t want to fuck it up
even distribution your kids but
shouldn’t watch this when the language
is already sideways I just left a couple
of days strippers you know how it is I
mean supper check there wasn’t any
Brody times 13 can you have strippers no
13 year olds party okay you see all this
it’s a lot I know this because I know so
knock it off a little right pick it up
with the other side it’s all part of the
master plan the alarm went off I should
wake up now I guess you’re that boom
perfect so if you go apeshit like that
because I get a little excited you know
knock it off of there and make sure you
give the really flavor one two maps will
be fine
all right so those are set I’m still
gonna do this side which I think most
people would tell me not to I’m kidding
you know that as we speak but it feels
weird to just do one that’d be like not
doing nevermind hey the will of its a
name for something else we’ll cover that
later that’s how you’re supposed to do
it I think we’re good about it
okay you got all that it’s about say I’m
gonna grill these I’m gonna teach you
how I teach people to do it which I also
learned three days ago mmm Matt’s house
by the way I don’t live here
well technically I’m waiting for my
place to be available so I’m like a
roommate that won’t fuckin leavin now I
took over the house and I’m filming but
now look at this like backyard I might
not ever leave alrights already got the
grill on it’s rolling out here the
lights a little shitty so you’re gonna
stay on that side cuz we can’t sleep see
that Sun Sun baby beautiful that where
Zoey died so he’s blind now so we got to
kind of make sure we know where she is
there she is she’s over there
yes all right so I just learned this
shit guys it’s awesome now that’s hot
first step clean grill
look at this drill guys don’t be among
those fucking people this you keep your
girl noise an Adam McVeigh I’m aware
that there’s flavor that keeps holding
me from leaving it on there a little bit
dude is just my brain with the dirtiness
okay please put them on at this angle
because that one it was just a good deal
so I added it in last night these are
rib eyes like I said not the greatest
quality so we put them on here we’re
purposely put them on this side because
there’s gonna be flames soon
you close this down I’m gonna leave it
for a couple minutes then the magic
starts we’re not flipping I just learned
that shit cross going on the grill marks
flip it I don’t know if it’s fucking
amazing Todd knows Todd how good were
they last night yeah I didn’t make those
ones but here’s round one we’ll be back
Zoey’s blind now so she’s still figuring
this out look at her kind of wandering
around and I just make this isn’t
running of the rose bushes imagine this
it’s like a sad day I’ve been like sad
for literally three weeks now just
trying to just find her way boom that’s
how she gets around she bumps in the
shit and I was know straight
watch his tail dog they were trained at
canine games we’re going to today
canine games a dog training place they
do basic obedience stuff they do pull
like service dog every kind of dog you
could poss many police dogs the whole
thing in my new puppy which is newborn
yeah it’s actually gonna be going there
so we’re gonna visit there today so I
can show you guys what they do but check
this out ace ace sit down down down ace
Donal you have the fucking toy your
triggers down teddy go get it
we got fire
it gets fat spawn off did I run them way
too hot and someone that’s watching this
right now is like idiot turn it down I’m
over there but now I do it faster
a little bit that’s all we did we went
from here to there I have no fucking
clue what that does but when she makes
the steaks they’re really good that way
and she showed me that so I was like
yeah of course I do the 45 turn I would
never just flip it over guys have it
full blast
I think the point of cooking with dusty
series is I have no idea what I’m doing
and it still tastes good so all you guys
are mmm just I can make it taste good
and if it’s terribly wrong how you do it
I mean trust me there is someone that’s
a shaft for like a drill master watching
my videos like what are you doing you
came to say I’m ruining a good steak
these heart good steaks so got you buddy
yeah watch yourself so yeah we’re about
to flip these again because I’m
confident with the smoke coming out of
his shit is on fire
we’re going in oh my god I told you it’s
a goddamn inferno remember that lady in
it the building is on fire
aw look at those cross look at though
that’s why perfect Criss crossing that
one’s fucking
yeah it doesn’t help burn myself mmm
I closed that for a bit I said guys
don’t do as I do it was I say make them
perfect but if nonetheless they look
good you know I wanted to consider this
more like sizzler that’s take 48 but the
simplicity of just using that little
right and if you fuck it up don’t forget
this steak sauce
good still make it moister you burn the
shit out of them now right boys you
still want some you still want some tell
me these dollars aren’t freaking
good-looking dogs I can’t do a German
Shepherd for me though hey shit you know
I am a clean I would have to have Maria
at the house every day and I can’t
afford that
I’m not plain grilled whoppers holy shit
we gotta go can’t be good grill marks
sizzling I gotta go
all right so you let him rest I don’t
know how much resting matters we’re on
fucking fire like that but if I wasn’t
rush doing him we would have put him on
medium went a little slower let him rest
cooked him to like just slightly below
medium-rare and I’m in the medium rare
but bought these last night got a little
tied up got a fucking meat gotta go
train so I did the speed boat version
this is maybe not the best version it’s
like going jackhammer she doesn’t like
it but you got to get where you need to
get you know what I mean
anyways I digress let’s go deep these
steaks so phase one is the steaks how
you’d steak every morning
Snyder’s rub on it like I said these
will probably be perfect just as I
totally wing it and cook them too fast
and it’ll be like how the fuck that yeah
I don’t know but that’s phase one but
you can’t just eat steak right we got to
keep it classy
homestyle waffles what’s up girl what
you doing after this
BAM gonna go ten waffles Matt and I both
eat five every morning so five plus five
is ten but Todd’s here there’s a
technique to making a waffle too
this is the most amazing toaster ever so
I have a toaster then I came here to
hang for a week and then I ordered one
of these cuz I was like this is badass
we’re not gonna discuss you my money I
wasted ordering the he’s not toaster I
check exactly I’m gonna kick it up I
don’t think they use the toaster Dre
often I should probably clean it off but
don’t judge them they don’t use a
toaster I do
they’re probably actually making waffles
and pancakes like normal people I
remember people I was born white Josh
let me stick with that goes I don’t
forget where I came from Who I am
redneck white trash they go hey go check
this I thought this is where it gets
awesome this is why I had to have this
and you guys want understand some weird
push your button these the a goes in you
know romance them before you eat them up
now what is the rule that we all know
about when it comes to copper plating
their square like I came in at Matt’s
house and I knew I didn’t have to ask
like who’s gonna be round fuck now I
trust this man these are square plates
there you go hey why he’s not as cooked
fuck happened
we’re doing it again bullshit see it
fellas slow-mo I wanted to have a little
crisp a little Chris is that too much to
mm-hmm I’m wondering if you up to six
somehow made them less crispy it felt
like going up was longer or hotter I
haven’t read the directions like I said
I don’t have this yet I just like the
way they go down you got a defrost I
want defrost don’t eat the bitch if it
was reheat no I don’t want to reheat it
it’s not a bagel you guys toast your
I do cinnamon sugar so I heat them but I
don’t toast them
plus could you imagine sugar in there
even fucking sticky mess better my also
buy them somewhere where they often
tested for me but so maybe I’m a little
all of it let’s maybe I’m overthinking
maybe it’s just because I’m waiting for
goddamn waffles that are supposed to be
done already
anyway the antsy he’s a hard thing isn’t
working just a shit no one I got safely
pushed down
we’d already had these bad boys out must
be void rage what he’s losing it what
else would it be a man can’t just get
angry he must have drug problems
ridiculous he’s laughing like taking me
seriously guys you know I’m talking
about you do one thing she’s pissing you
off right she’s being an ass I think
what the fuck and then she’s like those
dogs whenever one are prescribed for my
doctor for my health and number two stop
being an asshole
not you honey I’m sorry not you delete
this part now they’re red got a little
mouth to come over the top
we got a crisp now fellas I like a
slight burn you guys over to Quiznos you
know how they toast it I’ve run it
through twice I’m like I want to see
some burn for on a square plate remember
I told you earlier see this
I’m taking care of Matt over here cuz
he’s not eating well like a child like
here you go kid Oh God
I prayed about it cuz I cut the Brody
that’s you happening good into it I’ll
let some longer strip so you can work
you like that that’s cool
see that they are a little salty a
little wild with that I was trying more
concerned with the distribution they
looked funny
so it just speckles is like we got to
make it pretty
he’s actually drinking everybody’s
looking he’s parched she’s like that’s
why I brought him to a little drink one
for waffles so see when you take over
somebody’s house and steal half of their
food and be paying their ass you should
at least cut their steak it’s kind of
the rule of thumb so College gets the
parents are still at home number one
stopping a loser number two if you’re
still home cut your mom stick up
remember these are the things that you
do those the words Brody never out of
your I cut that steak out of courtesy to
Matt all right it’s time to eat I’m
gonna measure out ten ounces you don’t
need to watch that shit you know how to
do it I gonna round up to twelve some
hungry remote trained likes and you got
to see the rest of food later we eat a
soggy bite and then a dry buddy look you
just you line them up that’s what why do
you think this thing has a distribution
point in the cab right see this little
guy there mr. Poole do you do it one at
a time if you want Jen doesn’t like
judging judging the judge I’m over there
waffles are on my diet kind of because
their pancakes and abs exactly exactly
listen I’m losing my abs and my waffles
got them covered it’s pretty much the
same use that line the beach all the
time well I don’t know that
it’s like I knew exactly how not look at
Matt like you set me up with you it’s a
real friend right there
your friend gives you not enough or too
much sir
get rid of them especially if you’ve
taken over their house and filming us
watch what’s happening didn’t ask just
started bringing people over what Mike
speaks Guinea this is desert and as good
as waffles are at the stake is the star
so I go to the stake again I’m finished
with dessert not just what you did just
that’s something at a time that’s what
we did we don’t know let me understand
something see these were staring at me
going what’s taking so long
you should eat so I wrote to mmm
remember what I taught you the main dish
isn’t as good without a little something
on the side I meant food why you got to
take it to such a dark place oh yeah do
you ever get a steak and you don’t get a
good potato
unbelievable I know she said coming
around a lot more now hope random
homeless people started moving in I mean
just got a little sideways there dude
showed up with bags and just kind of
walked in I didn’t like I couldn’t never
like an exit date until yesterday either
I’m gonna be here for I don’t know
they’re never here so there’s a really
matter I make sure the dogs are now I’m
basically I left the bill the other day
I was like well I let him in and out
three times so I used about $300 where
the food so your bill is 700 just so I’m
not upside down and we’re good to go
house for people function


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