Pies Recipes

Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie | Bake with Us

🥧 Braxton & I are baking a yummy pie 🥧

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[Music]so my first cook with me so bear with meBraxton’s washing his hands now and he’sgoing to join but so we’re going to makechocolate chip pecan pie as you can seefrom the title um yes I’m kinda excitedI’m never gonna cook with me or bakewith me so yeah I’m gonna surround mmmchocolate chip we have butter pecan havesorry I’m kind of looking see if youguys can see eggs vanilla extract flourand 1/8 a little bit salt and sugarstill waiting for extant romanesque oilso I did this I cut like I have like acake pan from the dollar store that Ijust had here and I cut off the bottomand I am just gonna use this as like mypie crust cover so yeah we’re into thishere okay readyhi totally decorated for society so weare we’re in Christmas spirit yeah seeokay let’s couch up a little bit okay sowe’re gonna make chocolate pecan pieokayI’m actually okay so we’re back and Iknow it’s gonna be a little dark overhere okay so what we need to do I’llprobably just do some new ingredients[Music]the chocolate chip measuring cup okaytop of this fill this up in there andBraxton just washed his hands so alrightthere’s a chocolate chip still in theresometimes a clean okay yeah and I resentthe recipe on this little piece of paperbecause I didn’t want to forget um okayso we need a cup of the con and I thinkthere’s exactly one cup and every bagI’m just I just got a little and you gota lot of more kind of size oh yeah yepso I got just these from the DollarGeneral because that’s where I wasyesterday when I thought I wanted tomake this so I’m gonna put this wholething in there and I’m gonna put alittle extra because I have a little waxstrip on I’m gonna be like one and ahalf cups here I’m just going to showyou what we have so far so literally allwe did was put all right so I’m gonnaput this to the side and I’m going toback boys get ready for the mixingdon’t worry to make paint parts Oh forthe mixing like to mix no right so areyou you you stay over there becausethat’s where the mixer is gonna plug init okay so I’m gonna crack three eggs inhere okay so I’m gonna put the eggs inhere so we need phone line I can do umokay can you crack that put it over theball you see where the crack is thatyour thumb in there and pull it overokay so we have three eggs in there andthen we need to do a cup let me throwthese shells in the garbage sugar cornsyrup[Music]- our focus tonight on this I got lightcorn syrup here okay so fill this cup up[Music]perfect you dump it in there okayboy I know I forgot we’re supposed toblow the eggs first need to blend yeahso this is gonna be a little Wow yeahI’m gonna fast forward this part or Iwill turn down the volume on this partyeah let’s do another line cuz if you’relistening with headphones probably gonnablast your earsyeah and break your head so that your sothat your have mix these eggs I’ll turnit on you hold this handle got it[Music]oh my gosh I had to in your hand putyour hand in here and pour it like this[Music][Music][Music]for four sides there was like four sidesnipping didn’t use the blender again[Music][Music]belly and exactly know I have these likereally cute half a teaspoon of salt[Music][Music]okay and we need 1/2 teaspoon of vanillaand we have this vanilla extract andCody’s mom let me dump ityou’re gonna measure it pour it in hereone full one of these drop it we needhalf a cup sugar[Music]we just need three tablespoons of youdon’t love baking for like 40 seconds 40yep or zero and then I’m gonna clean upwith mess and next time you see us we’llbe mixing the mixtures together okay sowe’re back and I never knew that butterwould explode in the microwave if youleft it in there for too long so yeah wehad a mess but we got it so here’s alittle bit of the butter my first tryactually it old yeah pull up so I haveto clean the microwave again so beforeI’ve never exploded beforeand remember that day like like fromlike like one year foods caught on fireyeah all right[Music]oh yes the edge mixing some butter butyou’re scraping somebody[Music]okay so we have the pie crust again I’mgonna grab the mixture from braxton OOP[Music][Music][Music]I’ll take the thing that we made then Ikind of bend it in just like this couldyou head it over so that your crustdoesn’t get too boring and yourmicrowave no you’re gonna fake it don’twork like thatonce the butter pops okay I’m gonna putit in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 to50 minutes so when it comes out you guyscan’t wait see you soonsorry okay guys so we’re back it’s beenprobably like six hours obviously itwasn’t making that long but we had tolet it set up and stuff it looks so goodokay I’m gonna try out because that’stonightthanks for watching our video maybe youtry this recipe let me know bye hey[Music]

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