Pancakes Recipes

Who will Make the Best Pancakes? Fun Breakfast Recipe for Chocolate Pancakes!

In this family challenge The 2 dolls with Rayito try to make the best pancakes, Rayito tries his new pancake recipe in which he adds several ingredients to the mixture, maybe he’ll add ice cream, or treats, or chocolate? Mommy challenges him and makes another more simple recipe adding hersheys chocolate! who will make the best pancakes?

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Video Transcription

hi little friends welcome to the channel
and this is the channel of their two
dolls there you go jump Selita she
wanted to jump all the way to the
ceiling so help her out
alright Nellie does so this is not the
to dos she’s the too though she’s Neela
and I am riot oh yeah where’s mommy
hi I’m right here behind the camera and
today we’re gonna play to who’s gonna
make the best pancakes who’s gonna make
the best pancakes oh I’m pretty good I’m
pretty good at this
some people say I’m the best chef of
pancake world
oh okay so first you need to look for
the flour you need the pancake flour
alright where’s the flour alright oh I
think it’s down here no it’s not down
there and then leta what are you doing
no Aleta’s not there is that’s the wrong
door okay my little itsy you found it
oh I think she found it there you go
grab it okay so we got a bit make the
best team in elite that we’re gonna make
the best pancakes we’re gonna call this
day nearly the pancakes of the world of
rain walk whirl
alright so what else do we need okay so
you need a mixer you gotta mix the flour
what are we gonna mix it with we’re
gonna mix this rainbow flower Oh ahh so
I’m okay where’s the mixer there we go
that’s the mixer I’m pretty sure that’s
the mixer I don’t even know that look
for the cops okay is this the cup okay
so there you go that’s the green one Oh
Oh little friends this the cup is too
small for what we’re trying to do we’re
trying to feed a whole platoon so we
need to get a big serving oh there you
go you see this is a big serving right
here and then we have this thing right
here to put the rainbow pancakes that’s
the name no that’s not the name I said
I’ll eat the pancakes of the rainbow
world okay now you’re gonna probably
need some eggs and maybe milk or water
oh there you go Nolita you got the
butter go okay that’s pretty good this
that’s the only thing there you go
you see that as the best trick you can
do this is how you start doing rainbow
pancakes you throw it in the air you
flip it around you put it in your head
and then you shake a little bit okay so
we’re gonna put the mix right here okay
little friends I think wait to feed one
little riot oh you need to get one of
these cups for sure okay so you gotta
put your finger right there because the
flour or something gets stuck in there
all right so we’re gonna put everything
there I’m pretty sure but this one you
can feed 100 eat okay little friends you
cannot fit to ready to be cousin to go
hungry and then tell starved that’s not
fun I need some energy so I can play
around oh man that’s a nice watch I got
there oh is that an Apple watch right Oh
what did you get it up for watch who
gave it to you okay so I think that’s
that’s a pretty good serving right there
yeah I’m pretty sure okay so we’re gonna
test it right here little friends that’s
one cup I’m pretty sure that’s one cup
but wonder they happen I don’t know it
could be either one whatever you think
is the best you’re the chef nah me okay
so what’s thanks what did we put I think
one egg yeah we have to put one it but I
usually put milk yeah that’s the best
strategy for me I put a little bit of
milk oh man if you ever had a pancake
with milk
you never had a pancake that’s for sure
you need to have a pinkie with milk yeah
so if you’re the chef you need to make
sure you know what to do okay so I’m
gonna put one egg right here little
friends yeah so this pack is gonna be
nice and puffy
okay pretty good pretty good strategy we
got here okay I gotta clean my hands
really well because when you cook and
you’re a chef you gotta make sure you
clean your hands although as you can get
sick you got to make sure everything is
nice and cooked okay so we’re gonna put
a little bit of milk how much milk do
you think we should do maybe a whole
gallon that would be too much and then
the milk you’ll be running around oh
that’s not fun okay so now we have to
mixer I can delete that so we had to mix
mix mix mix pretty good look at that egg
that egg is mixed in pretty well with
the pancakes and the milk okay that’s
pretty good oh my god you got so many
play-dohs back there in the beta
I think after we’re done playing there
with this paint cans we should go play
some play-doh that’s super fun over
okay so we got mix mix and mix it I’m
gonna do it a little faster because this
is gonna tickle it okay we need a little
more milk I’m pretty sure it was too dry
that mix was too dry okay Nolita make
sure you mix it well we gotta put the
strict secret secret sauce of these
pancakes and it’s going to be butter I
think we’re gonna put like maybe one
teaspoon maybe two I’m not sure just yet
I think it’s one teaspoon for sure
okay Nelly dad do you know where the
teaspoons are oh there you go oh you
don’t put it you put it in the pan I
remember now so you grab a little bit of
a paper towel and you grab a little bit
of butter and then you put it all over
this pan so it cooks really really well
all right mommy I think it’s gonna be
your turn pretty soon and you gotta let
us know what’s your recipe what’s the
best recipe for this thing okay let’s
see what we got here we’re gonna turn it
on okay so we’re gonna put we’re gonna
mix it a little more because then Lita
was in the mix in a while okay nee that
you need to mix it a little more okay
mix mix mix so this thing has to be like
almost like playdough type of stuff but
the placeless and you can eat the
playdough only the pancakes only
pancakes all right little friends and
then you got so to do the rainbow a
rainbow pancakes you have to jump while
you mix it you have to jump like three
or four times they’re really really high
that’s the secret recipe so you mix it
and you jump I’m pretty sure you guys
didn’t do that when your mommy does the
pancake this time you got to make sure
you tell her the secret recipe is to
jump mommy where are you you’re about to
be you’re about to do your recipe okay
let’s see I can delete them so we’re
gonna mix it really well and then we’re
gonna put it in the pan and then then
we’re gonna let mommy do her recipe and
then afterwards we’re gonna taste who
does the best pancakes I think we need a
little more more mix you think it’s
ready maybe a little more milk yeah and
then it says she needs a little milk my
little friends all right little friends
so next time you see your mommy or your
daddy doing the the pancakes you gotta
tell them the secret recipe to do and
rainbow Pancake is to jump you gotta
jump two or three times okay and then
you gotta play the drums like this or
can delete I think I think I’m pretty
sure it is ready what do you think all
right rado what happened to the jump in
ready come on ready to– put the secret
recipe in it oh I think oh yeah I think
I put too much particular recipe so well
maybe one more time we will help that’s
for sure
all right little friends I think the mix
is ready we need to put it in the pan we
also have to put it in a high like to
make the rainbow yeah and you have my
cotta make sure you flies whoa one more
time one more time so you have that
little secret sauce on it okay so in
order to further the rainbow pancakes to
fly you need to make sure the oven is
really really hot almost burning like
type of thing but don’t forget don’t do
the bank is by yourselves only your mom
and your daddy can do the pancakes all
right little friends you can’t do any of
these by yourself because it’s not good
it’s not safe okay so right here we’re
gonna put all this mixture right here
down there we go
oh that secret sauce is gonna look
pretty good I didn’t like five jumps I
came five or six Oh this pack is gonna
taste super super good and it’s gonna
turn out so well I’m pretty sure of it
and I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna burn
either that I’m pretty sure this is
pretty good this rainbow pancakes are
gonna be the best we got to put every
little ounce of that mixture because I’m
pretty hungry now okay ready and then
we’re gonna close sit down right there
like this boom and then you jump and
then you’re gonna have to flip it in a
little bit ready okay okay I think it’s
ready I think I put I’m put into my
secret sauce on it if you put too my
secret sauce on it sometimes it burns so
you got to make sure you know what
you’re doing little friends know this is
gonna be like it’s gonna be like you’re
gonna produce some steam inside the pan
and it’s gonna cook it to perfection
look at that you see you flip it and
then the heat transfer to the other side
the steam is gonna be to perfection all
right mommy turns alright they see what
Mommy does
okay let’s see okay one two three it’s
done yeah look at that I why did I tell
you this is a oh this a really well damn
pancake Oh No oh it burn no this can be
I put too much of the secret sauce ah
the pancake got burnt it got stuck in
one of the pants oh man what am I
supposed to do maybe I can eat the other
one I’m pretty sure you can feel any of
it should be fine I’m pretty sure you
just scrape that up a little bit and
this one is nice and that kind of like
like vanilla yeah it’s a vanilla looking
yeah it’s a collar banana it’s a vanilla
color yeah pretty sure but there’s a
color okay so when is mommy gonna be
turned I wanted to be her turn so maybe
she doesn’t burn that the pancakes like
I did I put too much flame maybe a
little bit too much all right okay
little friends is my turning we’re gonna
make the best pancakes definitely I am
NOT gonna burn the pancakes in Alita all
right so first we’re gonna put some
flour we’re gonna put the flour I think
let’s see I don’t know I think we’re
gonna put a cup yeah one cup sounds
about right
okay so let me that’s gonna help me pour
the flour in here in this cup there you
go just like that
booth but it just gets so messy little
friends all the flour all over the place
that’s always a problem that I have when
I make pancakes everything goes all over
the place it’s quite a little bit messy
activity right okay so there we go we
got a cup right there and elite that’s
gonna pour it in the bowl what else do
we need to make pancakes these have to
be the best pancakes how about we put
some water yeah let’s make like half
half a cup of water to one cup of flour
to half a cup of water all right and
Nolita you’re gonna start mixing this
really really well you gotta steer it
really well so that we can make like the
dough the pancake dough there you go you
see how it’s
is getting like the texture there and
we’re gonna put some Hershey’s chocolate
this is gonna make the pancakes magical
little friends Nolita loves chocolate so
she’s really gonna enjoy these
okay so let’s cut it up into little
pieces just like that and just remember
you can’t do these alone if you’re gonna
make pancakes you gotta do it with mommy
or daddy just because for safety you
don’t wanna cut yourself or burn
yourself okay so I’m cutting up these
this chocolate and Nolita is gonna put
it in there there you gonna leave that
so just put that the chocolate in the
bowl just like that like it’s drizzling
like it’s raining chocolate and then
we’re gonna mix it really really well so
we got like pieces of chocolate there
I’m gonna put a little bit more water
because it’s kind of dry I really hope
these pancakes turn out well I don’t
know I don’t wanna die either to beat me
hmm what do you guys think put it in the
comments post whose pancake is gonna be
the best which one is gonna taste the
best hmm I don’t know I really like that
hint of chocolate but I don’t know if I
chose the right chocolate so we’ll see
we’ll see maybe I should have chosen
chocolate chips or something I don’t
know I wanted to make it different okay
so Nolita is mixing up the chocolate I
can’t even see the chocolate in there I
think we’re gonna put a little bit more
I’m tired I’m tired of making these
okay Nolita there you go okay now I can
see some chocolate pieces let’s go
Nolita let’s go we need to start warming
up our our pan so we have to put butter
in the pan that’s why I eat those
pancake got dry because maybe he didn’t
put too much butter in the pan so you
gotta put it there so it doesn’t stick
to the pan
just like that and then on this side too
because when you flip it then they’re
gonna be on the other side okay so I
think that’s good that’s really good and
then you also want to make sure that you
do not put the heat too strong like
maybe just medium writing medium because
otherwise the pancakes will burn right
away and you don’t want that they have
to cook slowly otherwise they’ll burn
and then we’ll be eating burned pancakes
no no no okay nearly that’s I think this
dough looks pretty good what do you
think look it’s soft it’s like kind of
slimy it kind of looks like slime
pancake slime okay so you just want to
leave the butter to melt a little bit on
the pan and then I think we’re ready
we’re gonna pour this onto the pan and
see your magical chocolate pancakes okay
let’s see let’s see I really hope I
don’t burn this because sometimes I’ve
burned mine too it’s kind of hard to
know like when to flip it when to not
but you see when you put it in there and
then you put it under the heat you just
have to wait a few minutes and then
you’ll start to see some little bubbles
pop up there you go look it looks just
like that mmm that looks nice okay so
let’s close it and then just leave it
there and magic becomes pancake
all right Nelly does let’s see so we
have to kind of check on the pancake are
you guys ready to see my pancakes they
are done and they are the most magical
pancakes in the world we’re gonna be
like eat already
boom it kind of broke a little bit but
it’s it’s okay
it didn’t burn it didn’t stick to the
pan I don’t know but I think I want this
challenge what do you guys think which
one is the best pancake huh Raji toes or
mummies and Aleta’s we have to put some
syrup some maple syrup and that’s gonna
make it really really tasty little
friends okay so let’s put some zero up I
kind of want to make a little smiley
face it’s gonna be a smiley chocolate
magical pancake okay just like that just
a little bit there you go she’s making
like like a circle all around okay that
looks really good I can’t I want to eat
that pancake hmm
so good all right little friends well I
hope you enjoyed this show please tell
us in the comments which pancake do you
think was the best right he didn’t even
put salt on his hmm I don’t know but it
might taste good he I think he put some
milk I don’t know some eggs we’ll see
we’re gonna taste it you let us know
which one you like the best don’t forget
to subscribe give us a like and share
the video bye little friends

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