Pancakes Recipes

Making Yummy Pancakes

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I can make pancakes that’s a good ideaokay first of all I have to go wash myhands next I have to tie my hair andthen we have to put on an apron justthere we go all right let’s get startedokay so yeah first thing is you’re gonnaneed like pancake mix and we’re usingthis so I’m gonna read what it saysfirst of all we need a bowl and your mixso first of all we need the batter soI’m gonna put 1/4 cup 1/4 um so we’regonna do that and I’ll be back as soonas it’s quarter but I’m done and nowwe’re gonna pour it into the bowl thespoon isn’t that part of it I justwanted to make it nice and even so thenext part is this is optional but I likemaking the pancakes with coconut oil itmakes it more rich flavor so I’m justgonna put like probably about a spoon ofcoconut oil are we gonna melt it in amicrowave yes we’re gonna microwavecoconut oil is its oil but it’s stillvery hard so I’m gonna put it in thisbowl thank youokay guys I’m also the coconut oil maskyou can see it’s liquid solid to liquidso down so the next step is you’re gonnaneed one cup of milk and 1 egg I like itexcept from it I cracked the egg in herebut then I pour it but the first thingyou want to do is put 1 cup of milk sowe’re gonna see one cup is[Music]okay guys so I pack up now next is I’mgonna crack one it I’m not gonna crackit like that just in case if it fall soI’m gonna go here and I’m gonna put theeggokay I’m gonna quickly wash my handsnext once you did that you’re gonna takea whisk and you just do and lightly mixthe eggs and the milk together andyou’re gonna know that milk is gonnaturn to the great late yellow once it’sfully mixed and make sure there’s notthis cuz then it’s not mixed properlyI’ll be back once it’s mixed okay guysso I mixed it and it’s not fully mixedthat’s okay because we’re gonna also bemixing it here so next is I pour it inso we’re just gonna pour the whole thingin the wheel oh yeah so we’re just gonnamix it but while we do that we’re gonnaadd coconut doughnut all about half ofit at first okay okay so we’re justmixing it you want to mix it a littlebit that okayflowering steps now we’re gonna add therest of the coconut oil once it’s nicelymixed maybe a little bit more not notall of itand once you’re done you want to let itrest you don’t want to keep mixing itbecause then you’re gonna ruin thepattern it’s not going to be fluffy atall you can’t we’re gonna add the lastbit after so now we’re gonna let herrest and that’s basically it and thenafter we’re gonna see you then okay guysso let’s say that the pan is feeding mywallet wallets and then that put thebetter side and here just some liketoppings and like stuff you can put atown Nutella you can put honey maybesome like cinnamon powder maybe also youcan also add bananas and strawberrieswhatever you guys want and if you likeputting on your pancakes and right herebut doesn’t mean that you can’t eat thebetter with it I’m gonna show you guyshow I cook one of them and then the restare gonna make off-camera and then we’regonna show you face so we have extracoconut and we’re just gonna put some onthe pan kind of don’t use that muchso now we have a batter and put it asideyou see it’s nice and fluffy this one isgonna be a nice and smart pancake thekid size yeah it’s gonna be a kid sizepancakecuz I don’t eat my pancakes that big andthen also I’m gonna get pour it inthat’s like that and you’re just pouringthe rest another layer wait for like twominutes and you just want the bubbles torise and then you’re gonna have a niceschool in pancakes and you’re gonna flipit that’s how the pancakes look like sowe’ll be back once it’s nice and allcooked okay guys so here’s a pancake andit’s nice and fluffy as you can see I’mgonna show you from the other side it’snice golden-brown and here but justsaying that actually found out thatcanola oil burns it faster you meancoconut oil yeah to grease its nicecrispy look at thatand I recommend you don’t go high islike okay okay so we’re gonna continuethe rest off camera and then we’re gonnashow you the final thoughts and thenwe’re gonna use the topics right hereand I’m gonna show you how they lookso yeah okay okay guys so let’s hit thefinish and here’s the final resultthey’re nice and fluffy and they’re veryvery soft see so now I’m gonna add sometoppings like I said these this recipeprobably makes you about five to sixpancakes it depends on how big or smallyou want them this takes my pancakefirst of all and we’re gonna start youknow ice and stuff and yes I eat anypancakes so I chucked up drop somestrawberries and I’m just gonna add it Iwould say but for me you can use alsoanyone but for me I like using honey soI’m gonna there’s money and thenand also if you don’t like pop it youcan just eat your your pancakes plain orwith butter yeah and then I have somestrawberries yeah and I’m also gonna dobananas so I’m not gonna open bananaslike at all there we go we did it I’mgonna show you what to do with banana ifyou want to add banana so you’re gonnatake it split it in half here thebananas and then you can just add somebananas to the side and like that youcan also add any other stuff like foodmaybe even vegetables so if you like itwith it yeah so that’s basically all Iadd I just add some fruits and somebananas and some honey and my pancakeand that’s it you can do whatever youwant like sometimes I would go withNutella you can add cinnamon honey anyjam maple syrup maybe even butterwhatever you want so anyways guys I hopeyou guys like this video and I hope youtry out this recipe it’s really nice andfluffy so yeahbye guys right

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