Pancakes Recipes

Making Pink Pancakes! 🥞

Hi YT So In This Video I Make Some Delicious 🤤 Coloured 🌈 Pancakes 🥞!!
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Video Transcription

hi youtubers we probably welcome back to
my channel so today I’m going to be
baking a cake with one of my best
friends and my mum
so let’s go okay so I’ll be over here so
we just have the cake mix it out with a
pancake mix and by the way guys these
are colored pancakes yes I already told
through oh dear I’m sorry oh I’m gonna
crack an egg or is anyone
so guys we’re gonna pour in the water
right no follow water to house snap hope
he’s been upon the walls okay
it’s a puppy’s gonna pour it in
you throw me in a videotape answer yes
if you hear me talking to the whiskey I
would have wasted I’m really I like this
it’s right not will use the same spoon
sir oh sure kind of what about the way
no you need to do that yeah yeah yeah oh
yep I know just mix it he kept its makes
it it’s all good yes does all of it
makes me up wait no the exit happiness
okay lemme whisk oh yeah right now it’s
at right so much I find the egg again oh
wow this is events poo right I mean it
so right now lies and just mix a root
it’s a blame blend it yeah
yeah everything so we’re gonna put it in
a blender
not yet yeah it’s this black pods so
properly yeah it still got quite well
but well should we put it in the blender
now eh needs to for mixing the side bits
of flour yeah
oh it’s still flowering the Mater sorry
so and we just still excited obviously
did the blender will be using a job’ to
hold it up to the magic like that
yeah that’s that but we’re gonna pour in
and we’re gonna use me yes I think that
thing to put on yeah it makes me feel
sick these poor people inin well no
because you can have different coloured
pancakes if you put one color in now
oh I feel like it’ll just explode I’m
scared that it was so loud right so
that’s mixed it hmm
okay all right
I won’t go sure to get working like
there’s no bumps in it and yellow and
that was in it like the ring seconds no
that’s all know like that is sick
according so what color and we do the
same Frankie lay low
Maxie Lisa Paul Oh – and that mark we’re
in the in the mixture so call that mouth
mixture in to there and then what
whatever food cool oh you could do that
and then just give a mix with the folk
how do you think I will pick pancake
wait can I put gritty purple ones – yeah
mix-ins ever gonna deep so this thing is
very young for five minutes now so I’m
not going to go near the colors right
now and so right wait wait wait wait let
me put the camera down that looks so
cool all right excuse me pay to put your
comments okay so that’s the blue pancake
is that looks so good it doesn’t blink I
they got nicely it takes a long like
yeah guys yeah but when is ready flip it
too much in this one the first one’s
always the worst one is yeah that’s just
a practice practice
yeah so again that’s just a pretty nerdy
pink I’m a Yankee Joe might as well just
do it over the horn right poor it to
like the first one yeah yeah a lot much
right so right now you’re gonna color it
again so every screw per meter for place
yep thank you this is gonna be a long
video by the way guys so actually I can
thank you so that’s a bleep if I think I
want a bit darker it’s hardly any blue
I’m sorry Kay
yeah I’ll show you all signs a freemason
so here the slimes
so this is patties that she wasted oh
he’s still really sticky okay this is
the one that she wasted all that beer
coloring and that’s pretty yeah this is
my okay so this is my slime mine’s not
sticky as you guys can see
so yeah let’s go back to the pan cakes
see the camera yeah the camera when
we’ve doubled it my aunties and Don it’s
a boy it went over to ten so that’s the
pancake thing guys so just bend it down
there three two one more color winter
there’s always looking the back Hey
which maybe we actually just make normal
pancakes if it is we do I think I think
I’ll just so kings aware yeah yeah yeah
you see if if only if it doesn’t work
yeah that’s a disaster one – I love that
one so that’s my pancake that might be
another disaster I think now I might
just be over yeah it looks with oh you
can feel it under there very more you
really do any things none of it I think
it’s gonna be very hard to flips it’s
like wall yeah not but there well we’re
gonna have to get out some disaster dip
no I don’t think I think you’ve added
unit too much for your mom yeah that’s
what we said doesn’t stick can we I
think because sometimes store-bought
ones don’t work I know I know that I
know how to make actually I have a I’ll
tell you what we could do after he’s
gone get a cake mix yeah okay yeah we
could make cupcakes and then get some
glasses we’re gonna do a video of
cupcakes – so you stay tuned for that
yes I think we should just use yes yes
dude no normal lens I pain
so do normal pancakes Hank yeah we’re
just gonna do normal so I’m going to do
normal pancakes with it then once it
cooks we’re gonna add to the pink on it
area usually can you only me me my dad
stop that my dad stopped me and my dad
stopped there because it’s like a small
pancake but it makes it really thick
yeah that’s monkeys it was bleeding when
you the first night cousin she walks
into me did you guys do not know yet
cause I do have a pair think oh yeah
wait maybe is that by installable and
cake mix because that might not work
either well I know how to do those they
should be alright
Oh cuz we used to Kate come before it
goes really show you what do you want on
I want lemon juice sugar and Nutella oh
kind of lemon juice and sugar do we have
lemon genius
okay so we’ll pop that on there yeah
it’s like when she’s in here on your
side so guys these are the pancakes
please don’t use these coolers pancakes
because they don’t work for the toilet
patty yolks
did it work the pancakes just don’t you
stop yeah don’t you have these ones
because just a failure so don’t use
these greens natural bacon 999 I think
we’ve made it too thin in the blender I
mean if you guys can make cool pancakes
with these comment down below how I can
make them just comment down below
hashtag I could make them and then we’ll
see if actually does work on what we did
wrong and you guys yeah if you guys can
me okay just tell us what we’ve done
wrong goodbye thank you for another
subscriber who wanted a red panda by the
way I was coming to you
it’s coming today
of attitude I’ve added you so alright a
DG person who once did a red panda don’t
worry and but you just need to accept my
friend request I take a message and then
we place I was like ok I just need to
climb up okay can I mix it I think these
guys you’re amazing because it’s been a
long video already yes we know
so I’m gonna try to now guys y’all get
you feel like this wouldn’t work
I don’t know why that is silent
yes yeah the pink works well it’s
can I think once you Betty if you want
yeah yeah the pink one definitely works
doesn’t it maybe it’s a blue food color
well why did you put it yes this
actually works guys I’m gonna have a
pink okay
it’s fine like that so yeah that’s about
it I’m gonna have a smoke
Oh get that penalizing okay I know it’s
really I’m eating aha so how it looks
like a heart I just know okay okay but
I’m gonna show it’s not like play-doh I
don’t know
yes I’ll look at some food Klein yeah my
grandma use is very clean when she makes
play-doh with it
she makes homemade playdough vulgar oh
my gosh it’s like slime yeah okay
whatever I don’t care
I hope you guys can see okay so I’m
gonna have some Nutella by the way guys
so yeah that’s the pink ones
why don’t let’s do that
papi the boys Mitch since this pink one
it smells like play-doh feels like
play-doh I don’t know actually
it is really know what axle of grandmas
play-doh actually did when she made it
for me yet is your a like go buy this
edible she was like yeah I guess it is
just because weighty what’s yellow lemon
juice okay and I did okay let me just
wallow I’m fulfilling my yeah yeah I’m
doing mine I’m terrible at nine so guys
I am NOT making my pancake that’s really
I said they’re actually really good yeah
so are you guys gonna say god they both
like ham like I’m gonna bring you guys
over here to watch me do mine
so actually this kind of a mixture if
you want to video in the description
okay guys I’m gonna end the video here
because it’s nearly been like it’s been
like 25 minutes say thank you so much
guys for watching it wrong video if you
still here yeah I didn’t even falter
okay thank you guys so much for watching
I hope you enjoyed this video like
subscribe and to m-pesa notifications
and I’ll link Patty’s channel in the
description below
don’t worry so yeah

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