Pancakes Recipes

Making pancakes with little resources part 2🤨🤨😮🤐

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Video Transcription

all right so we’re ready to get started
I Bluetooth the recipe to my other phone
a large bowl mix to get in a large bowl
mix together flour salt baking powder
and sugar suicide pretty volatile PFLAG
waffle iron tin designer shirt okay so
I’m going to do the wet ingredients
opposed to dry greens first so let’s do
that let’s see two tablespoons of white
sugar just click space I’m not even
gonna actually measure it
that looks like about two table all
right so the two tables with a white
sugar how much flour come on man two
cups all right
okay this is a cup it’s probably more of
in a cup
frickin annoying coming with one hand 25
minutes to make this stuff up I’ll be
able to eat I’ll be able to eat some
pancakes far go to work I probably
evolved antivirus and I think these
concerns are probably 500ml no impetus
of our system I think we use the metric
system our shifter done
now this ingredient the pink powder and
anyone who cooks waffles or baits
anything they already know let’s agree
it to be very dangerous because you can
easily add too little of it or too much
yeah it’s a little there’ll be no effect
any probabilities it at all oh my god I
all right now what would be your
teaspoon come on think back how did I do
this when I used to make this food I
think this is like maybe a teaspoon
there’s like four of those you’re at 4
teaspoons I’m gonna put three because I
may be putting too much and like I just
said this ingredients well okay if you
put too much I let’s mix that together
and my internal memory
maybe I’m always missing all right now
time for ingredients I’m gonna start off
with a quarter first I want to see it
Milt Oh baby they’re gonna make my mouth
a little baby stop you’re gonna make me
mouth so I think I said four tablespoons
of butter
doner exactly this is basically a
tablespoon it’s a tablespoon we’ll use
on table so deal this up too much way
too much is so hard to do this but one
half I have to get somebody to feel my
videos for me pay a little money
whatever one thing also dangerous I
learned a lesson when filming with
healing do not zoom in on fire I did
that when I post it messed up my lens
actually messed up blue butter okay
okay I think it’s melting pretty fast I
don’t even need to have it on anymore
actually turn that off see if I could
move the pot not really myself I should
have brought something not come prepared
if the butter is melted I don’t know
what to do next how do I add the wet
dreams let’s go back to it and see in
the separate bowls beat beat egg stir in
the milk mixture the officer in the milk
how many eggs eggs can I believe you
beat the eggs with one head so
all right I have music for auto play of
course that’s great I think they’re mine
by the way I got a clean meant for them
back ok how much milk oh damn it my
hands dirty what I don’t have a cup of
warm milk again with the milk just going
to make it estimate because I don’t take
my mouth and just like squeeze this
stupid thing off I got they do I
freaking love cooking by the way
anything about being a chef with all my
experience now that’s only freakin one
year but with my experience working in
now this is 3 different countries
working at a restaurant I have quite
some experience now so I’m really
thinking about doing I’ve gotta feel
this to the top and I was gonna say
that’s one and a half cups this is
probably way too much I have no idea how
this stuff is gonna turn out but oh crap
that is too much no I’m gonna add that
to the butter mixture
I sell the butters they’re gonna cut the
video right here in case I run in our
space because it’s probably gonna be a
lot now it’s just the same to video make
a continual net later another day I
don’t know

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