Pancakes Recipes

How to make real FLUFFY Pancakes

I’m glad finally i found out how to make a fluffy pancakes. It’s so easy to prepare. Below are the ingridients. You can top up with cream and your favorite fruit or any spread you like. #pancakes #hotcakes
1 1/2 flour
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/4 cup milk
1 egg
3 tbsp butter melted
2 tsp vanilla

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hi guys welcome back to my Channel todayI’m going to I I’m going to make apancakesyes so yummy pancakes so it’s verysimple to make and fluffy yeah so I’mgonna show you how so this is theingredients so we need the butter meltedbutter 2 tbsp 1 egg and then bakingpowder and then the vanilla essencesugar plain flour and of course the milkso that’s it guys we’re gonna piss on atire know what mix mix mix mix yeahlet’s start mixing the ingredients soint tablespoon butter melt nothing 1teaspoon of salt then 3 and 1/2 teaspoonof baking powder3 tbsp of sugar let make a wheel 1 cupand 1/2 cup of milk and then 3 TSP ofvanilla 1 2 3 and then the batterso let us heat the pan began oh nothingaccounting but I supposeone halfso yeah I go bobbles the shine let’sturn it around so beautiful color soyeah very nice and fluffyyeah so fluffyas you can see fluffy this is the thirdbatch look at that so fluffy[Music]so that’s it guys this is a fluffy andcakes yummy so let’s have a taste I’mgoing to put some butter here and then Iwill I will sprinkle some sugar then Iwill put grated cheese on topyeah me let’s have a taste so yummy soyummy this is yummy so you can putdifferent toppings so I can put creamand and fruits on top of it or you caneat put the deer or peanut butter or jamor honey or chocolate sauce or thepancake sauce so anything you can put onthis floppy yummy pancakes so that’s itguysI said okay so you can have this forbreakfast or tea time or whenever youlikethank you for watching guys don’t forgetto subscribe my channel see you on mynext video bye more more more more morehugs doors

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