Pancakes Recipes

How to make pancake at a cheap price step by step.

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Video Transcription

hello guys with money
another day another vision and among
guys so for today guys microphone on
partly why the very end
oh hello whoo yeah and guys to symbol
and apparati monotone Oh panting so it
took regions so engaged at the your
ingredients tongue forego an authentic
maritime floral God bus Tom cottage is
very bloody Naja guys that was the no on
it log a so-called
baking powder at Sokka I see so I ended
my ingredients and I saw similar Linate
gently mix Danza fly first is your Madre
mañana de una Mahalo how do Halloween
not insure guys
the next guys is young guitar something
so a hollow naughty-naughty on the loan
it look at hollow hollow in another nice
bucket didn’t miss it even
by inertia guys the person are not in
Shangai mix so guy stoppin Mona not in
sha I think they’re nothing down five
minutes but I cannot in Somalia got a
post on five minutes guys same guy
strike Nana de la Lata in attention so
analog echo is ptarmigan guy weather in
a moment Iike girls so a mistake that I
engage my photographer deeper
so in vain I teach a guy sniper on my
bubble slows Navarro pootis pootis get
an animal lover submarines know to
intervene Dania a paradigm attention
Valley Perry so an guys mathematical
territorial to say this I said nothing
so once a a tremendous technical mastery
engage solid unit Indian art in Okinawa
not in canina solavei an attention
answer magnetically fellows
say engage bug Niketan attention a
parent o Baba Boston animal Abbas hello
Tony Sahab Ilan yeah but in a natural
experiment bubbles bubbles the hot guys
there guys ready no not be symbolic
plus one the show guys I think pancake
home made by big sugar so yes we have
you on
oh yeah and qui everyone so I am Not
sure guys that was not so thick mana not
is not often a mental guys okay hmm

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