Pancakes Recipes

How to Make Japanese Souffle Pancakes Easy Recipe

Learn how to make this trending Japanese Souffle Pancake from scratch.
This is the fluffiest pancake ever and I can’t get over how delicious they are!
I was hesitant to try it at first because it looks hard to make but actually it’s really easy. You can do make it too.
Try this easy-to-follow Japanese Souffle Pancake Recipe below!

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2 egg yolks
3 tbsp milk
2 tsp vegetable oil
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 egg whites
1 tsp white vinegar
4 tbsp sugar


1. In a bowl, combine 2 egg yolks, 3 tbsp milk and 2 tsp vegetable oil. Whisk until bubbles appear.
2. Add ¼ tsp vanilla essence. Mix until light and foamy. Sift in ¼ cup flour and whisk until fully combined.
3. In a separate bowl, beat 3 egg whites and 1 tsp white vinegar using an electric mixer. When bubbles start to form, gradually add 4 tbsp sugar. Mix until stiff peaks form.   
4. Gently fold in half of the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Then fold in the rest of it.
5. Grease a non-stick pan and turn the heat into low and wait for 5 minutes. Once it’s hot , scoop the batter onto the pan. 
6. Cover the pan completely. After 2 minutes, add more batter on top. Drop 2 tsp of water on the pan to help the pancake cook. Cover the pan again.
7. After 2 more minutes, flip the pancake. Then cook the other side for another 3 minutes.
8.Serve warm and top with butter, fresh fruits or maple syrup, enjoy!

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi guys welcome back in this video we’regoing to make Japanese souffle pancakesI would love to visit Japan someday andtry all their yummy foods includingwhistle a pancakeyou know that’s the dream but for nowlet’s just make it in my kitchen in alarge bowl add 2 egg yolks 3 tablespoonsof milk and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oilif you guys want the full recipe you cancheck it out in the description boxbelow and you can also find it at theend of this video now we’re going to add1/4 TSP of vanilla essence and we’regoing to continue mixing until itbecomes light and foamy[Music]love it’s time to sift the flour andwhisk it until the mixture is fullycombined we’re going to set this oneaside in another Bowl we’re going to addthree egg whites and one teaspoon ofwhite vinegar I’m using an electricmixer to beat the mixture as you can seebubbles are starting to form so we’regoing to add the sugar gradually[Music]continue mixing until medium to stiffpeak forms basically you know it’s readywhen you lift the whisk and it forms apeak that flops over the top while stillholding its shape like this grab the eggyolk mixture that we set aside now we’regoing to gently fold in half of thewhite mixture into the yellow mixtureI’m using a whisk here but you can alsouse a spatula so we don’t deflate ouregg whites while doing this folding therest of the egg white mixture andremember don’t over mix it just untilit’s combined now we’re good transferthe batter into a piping bag or a ziplocbag but don’t worry if you don’t haveany you can use a small cup or a spoonto scoop up the batter onto the pan andwhen I make pancakes I usually put someoil on a paper towel and grease the panso it’s not too oilythen I turn it on to Loki wait for thepan to heat up it usually takes aroundfive minutes now it’s hot so I’m goingto pop out the batter it’s better topipe a smaller pancake because it’sgoing to expand eventually and we’regoing to add more on top later anywaybut for now let’s cover the pancompletely and leave it to cook for 2minutes after 2 minutes add more batteron top to get that fluffier pancake andadd 1/2 teaspoons of water on the pan tohelp the pancake cook after 2 minutesthe bottom side of the pancake should becooked now so we’re gonna flip it cookthe other side for another 3 minutes[Music]oh look at that chubby fluffy pancakeyou can add any toppings you fancy likebutter maple syrup or fresh fruits butthe pancake itself is so yummy alreadyit’s best to eat right after cookingbecause it’s really nice and warm thankyou guys for watching don’t forget tosubscribe to my channel and see you inthe next one take care[Music]you

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