Pancakes Recipes

How to make a pancake ( for beginners)

Thank you for watching my video on how to make a pancake I know it did not turn out the best but I did try 🙏

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Video Transcription

welcome everybody to my first video thisis LL Cooking Channel so on this channelI’ll be doing cooking and stuff I’m notI’m gonna tell you sold I’m not good atcooking but I’m so gonna try andhopefully I can progress through this soyeah today we’ll be making pancakes solet’s go first of all make sure you havewashed your hands and tied your hair upif it’s long so I have really done mythingsingredients that you will need eggsplain flour butter okay guys first ofall you’ve got to put four tablespoonsof plain flour into your sieve one twothree fourokay next guys you’ve got to get an eggand put it into your cup hey guys nowI’m going to put in half a cup of milknow fill the rest up with water nowwe’ve got the water and the milk in thecup we are going to put it into our eggsegg now I’m going to mix up with thisforkwell guys I’ve got my flower back andwe’re going to put in one teaspoon fullof butter now guys you’ve got to getyour hands in and you’ve got to make itinto bread crumbs like like bread crumbslet’s go okay guys now my flower isready as not actually bread crumbs butthis is fine so now guys you need tostop in your egg milk and water in toyour flour and then you’ve got to get awhisk and whit’s biscuit so let’s go bepouring it all in so when you think isreally just put a spatula or somethingaround it just to make sure it’s readyand then if it’s ready you can flip ityeah okay guys so um I do actually havea bit of a problem flipping it too butyou know it’s still here so now I’mgoing to put some syrup and sugar on itwe I would usually put some lemon sauceon it but and we we’ve got to get thatso I like a lot of this and now I’m justgonna put some sugar on and that is mypancake if you do try this pleasecomment down below how it went so yeahthank you for watching my first videoplease make sure to LIKE comment andsubscribe bye

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