Pancakes Recipes

curious george make pancakes

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Curious George makes pancakes this isGeorge George was a hot little monkeyand always very curious one morning theman with the yellow hat work Georgeollie time to get up George he said thepancake breakfast is today George lovedthe pancake breakfast it was afundraiser enrolled every year to makemoney for special programs at theChildren’s Hospital beside the eatingpancakes there were all kinds of gamesto play even the mayor came to play init but first he gave welcome speechthank you all for comingthe mayor said we appreciate yourgenerous support you thank all thevolunteers to help him that day andfinally he said please enjoy yourselvesand the pancakes when he made a finishthe man with the yellow hat said GeorgeI’m going to buy a ticket please waithere and don’t eat the Curious Georgewanted to like no monkey mmm somethingsmells good could it be the pancakesGeorge was curious he followed thedelicious smell and the found awhole riddle for pancakesGeorge watched that the man told a WillFerrel circles and shut him up in theairyou look like fun to make pancakesGeorge wanted to help on a table nearthe griddle was Beckett full ofblueberries this pancake needblueberriesGeorge stopped and he sprinkle some ontopmeanwhile the man and the griddle was sobusy then no one noticed a monkeyhelping him but the line grew and grewGeorge pancakes for a hiteveryone wanted them and the man couldnot keep up please waithe has a summer holding an empty plate Ineed to fight by this assistant to helpme and just like that he was called Johnlook at the pulpalwatching your line and a empty cradlewhy you could make pancakes he could bethe assistant George Brown the barrelinto nice round stock holes next he addblueberries here Bennett he wanted justminute to let the pancakes cook thenthen he flipped them over last he addedsheriff a line for pancake was enormousbut with poor hands to make a quiet achef but and no one played empty forlongI’m coming breakfast for years the mansaid but I never seemed so pancake manlike this beforeI never even pancakes been like thisbefore said it all I didn’t even likepancakes before that another goal andthey all lined off board more when theman returned he knew his new assistanthe was shown to be a monkey Tallulahmaking pancakesthis is no place for a monkey yield andhe began to teach George George hadn’tthe meat cause trouble he only wanted tohelpnow he only wanted to get away quicklydon’t find a place to hide and the manhis assistant ran right by buck mythicbut where did George gowhen it’s safe to come out Georgejump down give us cover and Cerretapancakeshe was sticking to everything George wascurious the distaff kids helping getclean no the neck is only made it worsebut you’re dared to worse than wash withwhy was the perfect thing George climbedup this wood to treat for a stickymonkey George said on the bench andslashed him septic water but all of asudden George was in the water out ofsurpriseGeorge climbed up again and splash backdown he never did dump tank before andhe never so much fun getting cleanedsoon Edmond was having fun and the linewas dumping to grow even more longerthan rifle pancakes later the mayor cameby I’m here all about delicious pancakeshe said was our fundraiser a big successand I have a special favor to ask you atthe end of day George got to present themoney from the fund raiser to thepresent of the hospital thanks to youGeorgethis has been our best year ever shesaid will you come back again makepancakes next yearGeorge nodded and everyone cheered

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