Pancakes Recipes

boxed mix might seem like the easy way to make pancakes

in a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt

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no I’m gonna try to lead them away Samirthey are after you not me becausethey’re not I don’t understand why Ididn’t do nothingI’m literally shooting them and they’restill like I need to get in this fuckingface doesn’t have to be this way oh Iwould like to close this door pleaseI don’t know how to do this why do theyhate me so much I don’t know but theykeep like glitching out buddyand I not I don’t know how these thesebuttons workbuddy old pal friendhow did the button his fucking workI guess this is a time to learnthey’re powering signal wires to controla device I don’t know how to do thisthen what the a signal wire and where doI get themuse a proximity switchI still don’t think that’s gonna workI’m pretty sure that’s not gonna matterbecause it says I need a differentswitch it says that I need the cablesfor like a switch cable you can useregular wires well I’m trying to do thatbut it’s not working hi cone I should beable to just use the I should just beable to use this which is the way that Iam right Reno they just meant for thefollow no is that a new thing I wouldlike to close the doorI need to power thesehere let me try this if I can link thisat the outside world there we go itcloses and then if I can get a switchlike a button switch right here then Ican connect that with that and then Ican be like Boopthat didn’t workand still did not work and now I amlocked insideI am big confusedthat can’t be itno I really don’t know how theseswitches work all I know is I am nowlocked inside there stop cut it outno they’re still looking for me what didI doNoleave me alone buddy down from therethey somehow just know where I’m atyou might try leaving and coming backSam I think they’re bugs I don’t evenknow why they came here in the firstplace yeah cuz I don’t even have thewarning for him anymore so it’sdefinitely not me hmm then I guess Iwill leave and come back yay is how youhave it now cut from the inside butoutside is still powering it but I wantto power the whole thing I just want thedoor to open and close you know what Imean by b.fa it goes well how are youdoing so that’s why I’m kind of confusedrightokay I’m back welcome back and I amstill locked in here just give it a bitdoor nerd no cuz then the door goes awayright and I’d still be locked in herebecause it’s not just an empty wall youwant to see there you goI see I’ll just put another door in nopeit’s still closed no there’s no buttonthat’s the issueum but what you can do is you can deletethe wire that goes from the door to thethe building and that will work hi Gav’syou playing this on and off for a whileBFA how do you um how do you get doorswitches to workcuz I’m trying to figure this out andI’m not sure how to do this cuz I’ve gotthe thing for the switches but I don’tunderstand how I’m supposed to actuallyuse them hi Dave how’s it going not ImeanMike got a power supply unit yes thewhole thing is poweredconnected to that and then this to apower source that’s not because I’ve gotthis can connect to this did that workno cuz that’s not a power source anymorewell it’s not Dave so maybe get the fuckout is not your problem and I wasn’ttalking to you was I and I’m allconfused cuz not sure entirely how toget this done now cuz it should just befor City link this link that that’s nothow this is working out

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