Cookies Recipes

Lets make chocolate chip cookies

Today me and my little sister made cookies hope you enjoy the video. Make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell

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Video Transcription

he marries is a water with two
tablespoons so when I get my big button
this one up close up a wine what will
happen it will happen my photo will
happen right – still not a stiff toy so
I’m gonna get some more water you could
always add more water if it’s not
okay so the drug looks like this chunky
thing it’s basically we just need to
take some of them put it in there like
your heart and it won’t do something so
fast I know I’m gonna wash my hands and
Kings is gonna stop eating gonna wash my
hands and okay guys so now I’m gonna
take some buff Hahnemann spread it on
this oh good the water
yeah bingo me bucko
I manage spreading out my grades so now
we’re gonna take some Rock dollars then
take the dog out all up a sleaze mistake
take your dog and you’re gonna put it
into some nice little bulls and we’ve
done this a lot of time so you need lots
of as a practice but when you’re doing
it so I’m making the bull then I press
it yeah
this makes she’s making a mess
okay guys so now I’m making my cookies
that kind of make them a bit but that’s
so now I’m just gonna take this – it’s
me up and that we preheated okay guys
with these are the cookies in the oven
and now I’ll see you guys pop them into
cookie okay guys soon now I’ll cookies
Oh what do you love you now what are you
doing ruff rising basically so now I’ll
cook he’s a rising as you can see but
you can see the puffiness rising like
yeast in a bright side and they’re also
spreading so that’s for the happening
cookies make sure you don’t touch the
screen you that much because it’s very
hot okay guys so I’ll cook these all
right now I’m just basically gonna I
asked my mom to take them all so make
sure you ask your parent how to do it
you bring a castle so I’m gonna plug it
in and this chocolate on here but
they’re all good yep yep it is brown
stuff and that’s basically the chocolate
with no cookies okay so I think we’re
and now what you do is set them on a
plate see so I would have on the plate
I’m gonna show you it on once I’m done
but I hope you manage to make just
subscribe and like this video
yeah and once subscribe Isabel to click
that so you can get notified when I’m
behind question even yeah see you guys
next time bye

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