Cookies Recipes



Watch the video for the instructions thats the point cuties 🙂

My last tutorial got age restricted and I cant have that on a family friendly cooking video.

I also made a video on How to make cannabutter or canabutter, If you dont know how and need to watch that video here is the link!

I hope you enjoy this video

How to make cookies
How to make weed cookies
How to make canabutter
How to make cannabutter cookies
best weed cookies
strongest weed cookies

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

what is going on guys welcome back toanother video so today I’m going to beshowing you how to make the best in myopinion but probably the best ineveryone else’s opinion to marijuanaedible cookies that I have created sofar for everybody wondering you can dothis as well with normal cookies but whythe would you and again I’m inCanada where it’s legal so I’m makingmarijuana cookies so I’ll put theingredients down the description foranybody else who’s a wizard anddoesn’t need to follow along this dopevideo but all you need is Bisquick brownsugar chocolate chips eggsand your butter is like softened butterI need to find the out you can benormal about our minds green becauseit’s wheat butter okay it’s just simplefat so the first thing you need to do isget a cup of brown sugar a nice cup ofpacked brown sugar make sure you youpack that in there make sure it’s packedyou see that make sure you come backbrown sugar you take a bowl and thenjust like 1 cup of hot brown sugar thenext thing you’re gonna need is an eggbreak that sauce that thingin there and then you need 1/2 cup ofbutter I can’t really pick this up it’slike double record it but I always liketo put my butter over top of it becauseif we get a little bit extra in thereyou knowwe get a little bit extreme there y’allleave in my freaking Tommy minute afteryou have all three ingredients in thefreaking bowl you’re gonna take yourfork or mixing item I leave a fork andyou’re gonna just stir that aroundafter you mix all three together theyshould kind of look like this – probablyto be a little bit greener than yourswill up because again we butter afterthat after those first ingredients aremixed you’re gonna take your bitch manthey’re gonna need two cups of Bisquickone cup and two color after that youthink your chocolate chips hey just do ahalf cup of chocolate chips depends howmuch chocolate chips you wantI don’t usually want that when you makebut this is how it should look just theextra two cups music mix this around -there you goonce it’s all mixed around you shouldhave a big ball of dough that just lookslike this can be able to pick it up thisstuff shouldn’t be all sticky anymoreand then you just make these into littleballs see just little balls you usuallyroll it off with two hands I thinkthat’s a little bit too big of wha takethis offonly you’re too up and yeah onyour tray just like that but that is howyou make the badge so I’m gonna gothrough right now I’m probably gonna mixup one more thing of cookies and thenI’ll show you how long you know don’tforget to turn on your oven to 375because you want that to be heating upwhile you’re rolling up your balls andthere we go there is my first batch ofall not done yeah you cook up for 10minutes make sure you don’t leave themin for anyten minutes or else kind ofyourself I got some on there but myoven is heating up right now I’ll put mycookies in in a minute we’ll see how itall looks after I’m gonna roll up therest of this and make another batch youknow of tuning anyway nope that’s goingbe sure your ovens at 375 and you openthis I’m gonna need both hands open whatam I even thinking so I like to just doone and put it in the medium wrap and weleave them in for 10 minutes okay so7:15 I’m gonna put these in for 10minutes make sure you go right away butuh I would do stopwatch both my phonesare performing so I’ll be able to talkthere you go that’s it just watch thecookies going down a little bitsee you guys can watch the cookies soI’ll let that do it some little timelapse right there record the cookiesbaking I’ll show you guys the cookieswhen they come out but that’s it makesure they’re only in there for like 10minutes so I’ll still burn like thesecookies I don’t know why but they’vebrought 10 minutes make sure they’re inthere for 10 minutes onlybut I’ll show you guys what they looklike when they come out this is what youwanted so dope cookie makinghopefully you enjoyed this make sure youguys come in stream you later we’regonna be sure me a little bit latertonight because it is Friday so makesure you come check that at Praia 9 tilvote to playing some csgo and whatnotbut uh we’ll do a click for me it’sgonna be like 10 10 minutes but for youguys gonna be a quick second see readyreadyokay so thin 9 minutes wait at least onemore but did you try to look fire thendo come on fire I think it’s timeoh I like to do that kind of takes themoff really quick to the bottom so getbrown so just I just take them off putthem on the side of my camera you guysdon’t need to do this but I’ll do thisbecause the bottles get brown and I wantthem to be soft and nice I’ll show youthe cookiesI’m showing the cookies these are themfreaking delicious gooey the kind of hotright nowwe’ll get that ASMR view oh my fallapart in your mouth gooeyness thesecookies are delicious like brobro just so yeah hopefully you guysenjoyed this video me making cookiesthis was per request of you guys againI’ll put the recipe down in thedescription of course and throw the restof my cookies in the oven make sure youguys check out the stream tonight it’sgonna be lit hopefully enjoyed thisvideo and hopefully you guys enjoy yourcookies and let me know how yours turnedout if you did try this recipe butanyways thank you for watching overcomelike subscribe post 200 for today’svideos and peace

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