Cookies Recipes

How to make shortbread cookies

Good and soft cookies

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Video Transcription

hi guys lefty Ken’s kitchen today we’re
gonna be making sugar cookies is it sore
is it dropping I think it shortbread
cookies I forgot shortbread cookies for
a half year is one cup of like softened
butter the bottom a melted okay okay so
I’ve got my one cup of butter in here a
half cups of sugar stop and talk to you
down with the sugar for nano well I flop
around down with the sugar making
anything for these cookies um because to
me I try these quick as I was about to
make an icing but they were perfect
without it it was like fabulous so I’m
going to mix this now we need flour no
I’m not gonna do the flour yeah I’m
gonna do my egg so I have meat three
eggs three eggs just gonna put this one
back what are you doing okay now I’ve
got three eggs got some in there one
mature ah – drop that in okay that’s
nothing got it – lets get your third one
in here no I can’t eat egg dad
yeah let’s wipe out my mess in here now
I’m gonna mix those three legs together
you know I mean my one teaspoon of
vanilla down pull that down there no
that wasn’t that much actually
half a teaspoon so
you mix that together
baking soda now the act openoffice we
have baking powder we need four
teaspoons of it squeaking yes there we
mix this together
four cups of flour
we’re gonna put a cup at a time in just
so we can get it good enough it’s like
not all jammed in
I’m putting up another cup in
now one Lapidus
laughs one more bleep or do I do for now
there’s definitely one more Cup I’ll buy
the feeling I kind of lost attractive
but I can tell by the feeling of it uh
okay here we go
this is now our dough take it all off
no see this isn’t for testing stop
Taylor guards just someone winning okay
there we go almost off almost all off
trying to get much off as possible okay
now what I’m gonna do I’m just gonna
wash my hand that’s a box set beside the
video but I preheated my oven to 350
it’s still not be heated yet but I’m
preheating my oven to 350 – maybe that
serves it because it takes a little bit
now I’m gonna do just got a little bit
of flour and spread it over here
okay so I’m gonna grab a spatula to get
that off okay here we go I’m going to
pour this wait okay
got all the in unison pull this out
this is a lot of dough let’s make so
many cookies really used up my pants and
I’m like five or six pants
well pantsed use like it uses a lot
cookies and I’m making a video so
they’re all out as much as I possibly
can to go check on the dock whoops
Kenzie what are you doing that
so now I’m going to put a little bit of
flour on the top of this dough just know
it’s not too too sticky there we go I’m
going to put some flour in my pan and
I’m just going to put it on my bowling
pin then I’m going to roll this dough up
this doll is really easy to work with I
love this dough like I love it love it
love this down here water on the ground
house okay here we go roll this dough
out not this one have your own upstairs
okay let’s just roll this out now this
will mix so many cookies like it took me
so long to get all of these freakin
cookies um to get cut out wrap this I’m
just gonna break this yeah and I’m gonna
put it on the sides here goes like my
phone’s up there and I don’t want it to
hit my phone the dough so I will just
place some dough right and look baby
here another reason Taylor down trying
to eat my dough
I’m just like Cola cool down
do you go playthrough outside really
close to the edge and okay I’m gonna rip
this end part off too because it’s too
thick and I don’t want to roll it off
the cutting board so now I’m going to do
it mate yeah so that’s what you can do
it’s like I need more flour because it’s
getting sticky I’m also going to put
some on top of here the dough so if
there’s flour on your dough it won’t
stick as much to you Olympic salsa so
nothing’s almost preheated okay I’m
gonna make them a bit thinner whoopsies
well this dough is so soft just so
relaxing to just touch and like roll and
stuff yes this is one of my favourite
dough’s I made pie and you have to put
the pine refrigerator for an hour and um
the dough you have to let’s um when you
take it out it’s so hard to roll you
have to let it like get to room
temperature again but it was so hard to
roll just crafting stuff they like
cracks actually so hard but I didn’t I
did it
you should go check out my brothers
YouTube channel um they have to get a
mean I was in half of them so I go check
it out the last one you made yes three
more videos I think to post it there
good like yeah you like his camera
this is good for now as much as I rolled
it okay now do
okay I’m gonna use my little monsters
because I like the monsters the mouse my
little monster cutting thing there
Hey whoops nice take that’s okay you
have to watch the dog we’re inside
actually actually prevail one yes no
there isn’t
yes there is no that’s dangerous
Japanese working on him he’s working the
driveway no he’s not do you want you
want to go outside and see what do you
need a three flamethrower for down the
flamethrower is I’m happy for some
reason I pity them but
this will take a little while to get all
these cookies like cut because once you
get this hole cut there will be extra
dough that you can cut more cookies with
it’s hard anyways um
so once you’ve cut all your cookies and
stuff you have to pre-heat your oven to
350 like I told you it was not teaching
can you keep doing the video like
cutting these cookies and I wanted to
picture okay Taylor will be taking over
for one second yeah
so then okay to be more hey I’m back
sorry Baba anyway put my cookies on
nothing really actually helped anyways
what I do is I just take all the extra
dough off right now so I don’t make any
cookies I’m just gonna put this to the
yeah and what I mean what I can is
easiest to do this is the spatula is
using water or something one knife or a
knife or something
I’m just trying to pick up fine make it
not stick then it up oh no the eyeball
fell oh dang it you think this is too
thin no just those ones just cuz okay
but one on here can help you know cuz it
you’re gonna break all them oh crap I
didn’t put enough flour on the bottom so
they’re kind of sticking stop tea will
help well you’re not me this is my
channel not your channel why
yeah I might have to do these over again
but like I’m not doing that on camera
again like I took a little bit goodness
goodness does they have to do it all
over again laughs crap okay you know
what I’m gonna do use this back job cuz
I keeps my handy tool boom
okay yeah so let’s factor using a
sketchup wait he’s here it’s gonna stay
that way easier cuz like now I can get
more without waking them cuz I broke
half of them which is kind of sad
don’t take your leave don’t leave her
alone you annoying her so you should
just caught up causing you but you also
made and then once you’ve got all of the
UM your bit off characters or whatever
on your cookie sheet you can put it in
your preheated 350-degree oven for eight
to ten minutes okay so that’s how you
make cookies I don’t have a batch ready
to show you guys Pacific yeah anyway bye
thank you for watching bye

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