Cookies Recipes

How to make 5 ingredient cookies

Easy homemade cookie recipe 3 ingredients two optional ingredients

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Video Transcription

hey guys welcome back to our Channel
today we are making cookies and
basically what we’re doing is we’re
gonna be showing you how to make cookies
so what you need is white sugar plain
flour flour pours make sure you watch
the end to the video to see our bloopers
trust me they’re so funny and very low
and easy to do it’s got two spoons of
butter into a bowl we’ve already done
every done that and then you microwave
now I’m gonna be back when thirty
seconds is over it’s ready let’s check
if it’s yep that’s how that’s what you
wanted to make you could put a little
mix ice cream scoops of sugar into this
oval oh yes so you can just use them in
plain white sugar and yes or brown sugar
anyone work and now I’m gonna and then
you’re gonna mix the flour
it’s looking much better with the sugar
the flowers don’t add too much I think I
need to just want to give it a good mix
until everything is mixed up and you
want to make sure that you get it from
all the sides and if you need to you can
add more flour and I think we put a good
consistency yep I’m using lots of
vanilla extract
so one that’s true yeah I think now I’m
just gonna mix it all up it smell so
good and if you want to you can add one
more I’m gonna add my water up because
we love a lot of Mannar yes yes it is
now you know and then vanilla extract
actually brings it all together because
it’s made chocolate chips by getting a
piece of chocolate and adding a knife
and just cutting it into small age
like you try and make them like as small
as you can okay I think finally I think
way so now we’re just going to add them
to our cookie dough now it’s going to
add cookies in the oven at 200 for 15
minutes yeah after it’s been 15 minutes
which means come back we’re gonna check
on them and see if they need to be
cooked anymore yeah yeah so we have the
cookies ready on the plate they look
really bad if it was any bit too close
together no I mean I give it a 7 I think
this is a big search I can to see stuff
from the chocolate I think if it wasn’t
burnt then only then and I think we
would have given it a yeah yeah maybe
how to cook them a little bit less yeah
maybe men as well all joint together me
up to cut them because we put out a bit
too close together that’s been don’t
really flat mm-hmm you want to make its
really thick yeah bye bye thanks for
watching this video thank you smash that
get the butter of the blue
oh yeah you just want to keep it on the
eggs as little grease it’s not the eggs
the butter last thing you want to do is
get to skin and then hey guys hey now
we’re gonna buzzy

3 Replies to “How to make 5 ingredient cookies

  1. Advertisements
  2. OMG BRILLIANT! I am so relieved you’re making such amazing videos … my eldest just went to high school and I thought that was the end of the cookies and cupcakes but she joined student council and it seems they like these things too so now I am twice as busy as just elementary school… I believe I am also part of the student council lol the cupcake mom

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