Cookies Recipes

Cornflake Cookies in the Travel Buddy I Campman Cooking

How to make Cornflake Cookies in the Travel Buddy 12 volt Oven with Bree. This is Bree’s first Cook Up for the Camp Man Cook Up Series, please let us know if you enjoyed it in the comments below to see if we should get her to do another one or not!! 😜

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Camp Man Cooking Volume 1 (Cook Book)

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Video Transcription

so I’m today’s cougar you’ve got me and
we’re making cool folk Elise and we’re
going to cook them in the travel buddy
so to start off we’ve got 250 grams of
butter and I’ve already chopped it up
because I’m on the manual whisker today
but with this recipe I actually double
everything so if you do it normally
you’ll get about 24 cookies if you just
do them in little sizes we like how’s a
decent sized cookie so you’ve got 250
grams of butter
we’ve got 2/3 of a cup of brown sugar so
pop that in there and we’re just gonna
whisk all this up
so you just so you want to with it so it
all comes together and not stuck in your
whisk like so hectic let it go that
definitely make sure it’s all together
that’s pretty good all together now we
put in two eggs oh yeah let’s get
together later ham just remember to
sometimes if you actually over mix it or
over beat it you can actually affect it
well I’ve done it anyways so yeah didn’t
turn out the best
Coffee my over there now the good stuff
so your true cups self-raising playoff
let’s hope I actually think I’d rather
have cookies laughs where I lay out my
cookies okay and so you normally put two
cups of salt Arnaz in this cuz I’m
doubling it
I’ve got whatever is in there that’s
going in it yep
and then you’ve got choc chip so just
put some chocolate cookies in a you put
nuts in there put whatever you want and
unfortunately our chopped chips turned
into her pocket Ocalan okay
normally we had 100 to 200 grams of
chocolate II feel like that’s probably
not even that but that’s okay that’ll do
Friday so I’m the one spoon now
and we’ll just mix her all up again till
she comes together and then we get to
rolling so yeah real easy obviously I am
just throwing it around it’s even better
real easy recipe anyway so awesome for
the kids if you want to get them
involved throughout camping and things
like that at home anything like that so
if you are cooking them in a normal oven
so you put them on about 180 and about
15 to 20 minutes because it we’re
cooking in the trouble buddy gals is a
little bit different so we actually do
them sort of in intervals so go through
that in a minute all right
Oh yep
sorry oh well done
so I normally just take that so much
depends on how big you want your cookies
how small you want them just depends on
obviously what you’re gonna put together
so just put them into a bit of a ball
pop them in the cornflakes I like to
squish them in there so the cornflakes
get in there and stick in there as well
if you want a bit more a bit less
whichever pop them in there so we’ve
already already put the grease proof
paper down on the trays another little
trick with their trays as well is just
make sure the grease proof paper
actually stays below the tray because if
you put them into the travel buddy and
they’re sticking up the actual paper
will push back and when these expand
she’ll be a bit of a disorientated
cookie so just keep that one in mind
next time cool
so we’ll just roll them up and see how
we go
yeah okay so all done I’ve just spread
them apart a little bit as well
obviously they do like to expand so well
take them around to travel buddy wall
get them in so this bits going to be fun
so just go down 150 degrees and pop
these ones up top first oh I think
nicely around a bit
pity I can’t see where I’m actually
going that’s okay
what squished one anyways so that’s
probably another little trick you want
to learn maybe have you cookies lower
than the trash yeah
that’s interesting alright otherwise
it’s gonna be good
oh my pleasure up and we’ll put the
timer room for 20 minutes and we’ll come
back and we’ll actually change your
trays around sweet dramas going off
let’s go and get him
so normally this is actually Dallas joke
because clearly you can see I am short
so we’ll see how we go oh it’s all tight
top one oh yeah yeah okay do you know I
say yeah sorry
kill okay take him ran just let them sit
quit I just go get the other
kill daddy so when you are cooking these
sometimes they do look like they are a
little bit there might be a bit squishy
on the top or a little bit underdone
just remember you just want to brown
around the base but they actually harden
up when you sit him on the cooling rack
too so don’t stress too much about him
the way we did cook these as well we did
him in intervals so we did 20 minutes
first swap the trays around another 20
minutes pop the trays around again and
then he just got him out after 15
minutes so that’s how we actually cook
these cookies so just see there we go so
once I own up a little bit they’ll be
really easy to pull apart they all
crumbly biscuit this is the best thing
about him don’t forget guys we do have a
cookbook out now so yeah very first
cookbook how exciting
15 bucks delivered and we do have
website now hmm so jump on the website
hit us up let us know and yeah we’ll get
him sent out to you too easy
see you deli

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