Cookies Recipes


Well I tried..

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hello I’m a mad scientist I’m madbecause my costume don’t fit okay Iphysically can’t touch my neck alsothese gloves don’t fit hey it’s a glovedon’t fit you must quit trying to putthem on man I’m just gonna be over herefirst okay you stop being so rickety canI call you RickI need to blow something up I ain’tgonna my five-year-old two is six now issick okay she says she feels like adumpster I think she meant she feelslike trash okay or she meant she feelslike a dumpster I don’t know women feelstuff I don’t understandI don’t feel anything okay mainlybecause this jackets cutting thecirculation to my arm so today I’m gonnamake my five year old recently sixcookies but I’m gonna do them in Spanishso I’m just gonna follow this Spanishtutorial that I found on the WWII phonecalm /youtube subscribe I’m Brandon fairCasas in contigo cone silvia Tortosawhat’s a cone silvia Tortosa we’reghosts we’re spitting on turtles got itokay it’s gonna be that kind of cookierecipe house with you house house andmeet with you in my house I’ll also werespitting on turtles did she say jokeyour delivery was good I enjoyed it veryvery much please slow down I’m not surein momento por favor I don’t understandSpanish but I understand cookies okayfor someone who’s bitten on Turtlesy’all are really spitting pretty quickokay mind slowing it down for me I wouldlast Thor throw that I don’t know speakturtleI hope we’re just having like a friendlybanter at this point and we haven’tstarted making the cookies because Ihaven’t started making the cookies yousound like you have the gift of gab I’mjust gonna let you talk and I’m gonnanod as if I understand yes tenemos moontenemos mantequilla I don’t drink notakeadid you just correct yourself or wasthat two different in cracking don’tmess up I’m struggling as hit okaythere’s numbers in English I’m justgonna claim that his English numbers 3/4tossa a sukar Morenothat’s a Mercedes isn’t it I used tohave a Nissan Murano to weibull’s yeah Iworked in a restaurant but we didn’tsell eggs so I don’t know what they weresaying well I need the bar okay oneshouldn’t chilla extract of de vanillawhat day is itI gotta know what 2 and 1/4 paws us ohwe’re plural now to more than one tosstoss of her ena huh hairy ‘no hairy wellif this wig don’t stop there will be ahair in the cookie if you’re not carefullook at this I don’t know what thatmeansI have no context clues as to what aheron is one kucher ria wolf I have agirlfriend de Beek abou nattowe turned Italian real quick what Ithink they made brown sugar Koenig itRoger was I’m baking cookies in a pastlife no brown sugar okaymy five six year old is half Mexican buther cookies are gonna be all whitewell they can’t stop it man thank you somuch or baking soda thank youtoilet cleaner okay whatwhat’s arena flour okay then what’s ittells us cups okay okay Moomin Paquitotoilet bowl cleaner hmm pizza they sawpizza a pizza of salt that’s ameasurement so mix it she was telling meto mix it and how her day was goingwhat is the lady on the right doing Iwent up shoot she ain’t doing her handsbehind her back okay all she’s doing hismouth and off I think I don’t know I’mjust going off of tone here it soundssarcastic okay why do you hang out withher how much cooking Lord one tazza so acup whole my butter sauce mantequillaI said get there’s a package of butteron my head isn’t there uh-huhno telling what else is up in thereMauna Kea I thought about buying a Kiabut I bought a Toyota instead okay whitesugar 3/4 of tazza mazelTovand whisk it what what happened in thedrawer who who did this to youwas it the big spin it was probablyspatula with the holes in it huh likeyour eyes that way your lips my peoplebaby there’s no blood flow to my armsit’s making it difficult to be okay whatmy butter is clumpy hold on I’m not doney’all y’all sing the second verse ofdescoth Seto I’ll be I’ll be done bythen how did you do this by handI am lightheaded like my head doesn’tweigh very muchis it too much butter how many toes usdid I put in thereToto’s egg – it looks like scrambledeggs fix it I’m going to wrap my peopleas I can Wowokay it’s a big spell for such a potentingredient yeah oh how about broken herwhisk she’s putting flour in here butthis is the bigger bowl should be aproblem should well at least you ain’tgonna have to worry about spatula withholes okay just gotta worry aboutwhatever is in the trashcan okay sothey’re gonna be dry cookies good I’venoticed that you haven’t broken yourwhisk yet when does that happen for youI’m a frustrated scientist I know theycan’t see me but that sounded a wholelot like they were making fun my cookiesdry too much flour do I have more butterno no nopemoisture is not an option on thesecookies she has to a question I was alla responseoh yeah dear poco más de harina CSnecesario para mas consistent Thea pocomas butter is necessary for consistencyno mas poco HarunaOh Marina was flour are you trying tojustify why she’s putting moreingredients after she told us the otheringredients I’m getting that vibe fromyou Karenwhat’s the Karen of Mexico what’s thename I need two spoons I got two mostpeople do because it’s an ordinary thingto have multiple things a good Laura Ican combine carbon hydrogen and- Jen to make sugar but I can’t combinesugar and flour to make cookiewhat nothing about my cookies aren’tpoquito okayyou’re not Grande okay Ariana you’regonna do greatwait for how long do I do it horniermm-hmm no no hornier in trayno one’s horny friend Trey hornier andTrey nine twelve minutos hasta que Cadendourados and their doritos were supposedto be in there or Nia Anthony the wayBoston minutos watch the cake wait itdourados okay so nine to 12 minutes oruntil they become Doritos got itoh I don’t see any Doritos but I see abunch of burnt biscuitsokay here we go taste test gluten-freeI’m sure they’re greatokay where’s the duster not the trashcanmy six-year-old

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