Cookies Recipes

Bake Confetti Cookie Sandwiches with a 5 year old!

Snack Attack!
Do you love confetti cake?! Edie teaches kids how to make confetti cookie sandwiches! This educational video shows kids how to bake, taught by a kid herself! Learn how to bake with a 5 year old. Follow along as she cracks eggs for the first time, plays with cookie dough, learns to wait while they bake, and decorate the cookies with sprinkles and frosting!!

Edie loves sharing her favorite foods and recipes and can’t wait for you to learn them too! She tries to incorporate healthy foods in her ingredients. Cooking with kids is fun and you can do this with you parents at home!

Baking with kids is fun!

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

well oh wait this pictures is that five
I have no idea for the first thing we
need five tablespoons butter that’s a
lot it’s just one egg perfect egg just
one perfect side isn’t this just a
perfect egg just a perfect egg a perfect
egg it’s a baby egg everyone to crack
egg will watch me do it
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay I
take it easy Sheldon I think it and
share it
I think it let me show me I think it’s
gonna show me that real egg so I get it
okay let me whisk you up now pull with
batteries you gotta butter pour the
final touch whiskey whiskey whisk whisk
us with uh making cookies in the
bathroom okay violets never make cookies
in the bathroom just weird
wow what can I add this will take a
while sorry it was just taking a while
to mix this whole thing it took forever
we’ll be back with the word for mine
when you want something healthy make a
cookie make a bookies and you don’t have
anything out there just make cookie make
a cookie cookie I didn’t see you there
welcome back to even snack attack
enough of my favorite part in your hands
let’s make a big ball baking is not
about rush b keith is kind of art oh
right it’s raw egg I can’t eat it one
big ball we’re gonna separate two tiny
ball throw it roll it roll roll it put
it on the pan roll it roll it roll it
alright we don’t have a pin yet I’m
gonna make six balls five for me and one
for you oh we’re gonna wrap it up we put
it in the frigerator make room for the
side safe this baby from later time to
put them in the oven now time to put the
middle of it I do need ten minutes
he loves me he loves me he loves me he
loves me not
10 mins is a long wait to wait for
cookies always have pair with you when
you’re doing the oven – behind the
camera first I need my oven do a lot for
nice classic lady
– Tucker rates before anything we have
add the frosting because that makes
everything stick together first let me
just have a little taste
it’s nice and mom
it’s just wholesome bread pink frosting
to make a cookie sandwich you need few
cookies and frosting in the middle oh
yeah it’s real okay first you put the
wrong seat on the first turkey only one
of the cookies cuz you’re gonna smash it
together that’s a little frosty that is
sprinkle the sprinkles on
like it I love it
see the confetti cookies sandwich with a
buddy on it you know what’s even better
than one confetti cookies Oh
two confetti cookies with frosty
confetti cookies thanks for joining
Evi ETV snack

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