Cookies Recipes

🏆 Killer Infused Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Coffee Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe. Welcome Friends! Welcome back to the
kitchen today we’re going to make a coffee infused chocolate chip cookie Recipe and
we’re going to use a little bit of science and technology to help us get the
flavours and texture of this chocolate chip cookie recipe to be the absolute best! You can buy the CMC from @Kitchen Alchemy from Modernist Pantry

285g butter
35g coffee beans
½ vanilla bean, split and scraped
225g dark brown sugar
185g white sugar
2 eggs
325g all purpose flour
30 mL (2 Tbsp) tapioca starch
12g (2½ tsp) salt
5g (1 tsp) baking soda
7 mL (1½ tsp) Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)
250g semi sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 325°F and a water bath to 180°F.
Place the butter, coffee beans, and vanilla bean into a vacuum seal bag; seal and cook in the 180ºF water bath for 1 hour.
(If you don’t have a vacuum sealer, a Ziplock bag will work almost as well.)
After an hour remove the infused butter from the water bath and strain through a fine mesh strainer.
Allow the infused butter to cool to around room temp.
Mix together the flour, tapioca starch, baking soda, carboxymethylcellulose, and salt.
Cream together infused butter, brown sugar, and white sugar, until light and fluffy.
Cream in the eggs one at a time.
Mix in flour mixture until it forms a smooth dough.
Mix in the chocolate chips.
Scoop the cookie dough onto a cookie sheet and bake 15-18 minutes – or until cooked.

#LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking

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Video Transcription

welcome friends welcome back to the
kitchen today we’re going to make acoffee infused chocolate chip cookie Recipe and
we’re gonna use a little bit of scienceand technology to help us get the
flavors and texture of these cookies tobe the best that they can be so the
first thing we need to do is infuse thebutter with the coffee and the best way
to do this is with an immersion cookeror sous-vide cooker they go by a lot of
different names but essentially asous-vide machine so here’s the deal
here’s the science behind this the oilthe fat in the butter is a great way to
distribute the coffee and vanilla flavorthroughout the cookie the fat will
dissolve certain flavonoids thatwouldn’t be dissolved by any other
liquid in the cookie so we want to melttogether the butter the coffee and the
vanilla in a hot water bath and steep itfor about an hour now the absolute best
way to do this would be to puteverything into a vacuum-sealed bag seal
it under vacuum and then put it into asous-vide machine by vacuum sealing it
the pressure that you’re creating causesa better infusion and if you put it into
a sous-vide machine you’re able to holdthe 180 degree fahrenheit temperature
consistently I have all of those thingsbut I also realize that a lot of people
at home don’t have it so I just want toshow that you can do this without the
special machines you don’t absolutelyhave to have all of that other gear you
can do it just with a ziploc bag and apot on your stove the temperature 180
degrees is pretty important but it’s notcrucial as if you were cooking a steak
or a piece of chicken you just kind ofneed to hold it at this temperature
roundabout and this method is going toget you 90 percent of the way there just
get as much air as possible out of thebag and leave it in here covered for
about an houronce the hour is up we’re going to take
the butter out and we’re going to filterit through a very fine meshthen we’re gonna let it cool before we
move on to the next step our coffee andvanilla infused butter smells absolutely
amazingso it’s cooled down enough it doesn’t
have to chill all the way to being hardyou just don’t want it hot when you put
it in with the sugar so the next thingis we’re going to cream together the
butter and the sugar until it’s lightand fluffywell that’s mixing let’s deal with the
dry ingredients so we’re gonna start offwith standard all-purpose flour to that
I’m gonna add some baking soda and somesalt all pretty standard to this point
next in I’m going to add this carboxylmethyl cellulose or CMC now if you’re if
you’re worried about what this is don’tpanic I’m sure you’ve eaten it I’m sure
that if you’ve ever eaten anything grownon a plant or a plant you’ve eaten this
it is really just cellulose gum and weneed about a teaspoon and a half of this
now what this does in this contextusually it’s something that is used as a
thickener thickening agent in otherthings like soups and sauces things like
that in a cookie what it’s going to dois it’s going to bind with water and
it’s going to hold that water and byholding that water into the baking
process we’re gonna get cookies thathave a much better shape if you know how
sometimes your cookie gets really flatand spreads out even if you put the
dough in the fridge for a couple ofhours to chill it down like you’re
supposed to your cookies can go flatwe’ll keep them a little bit higher a
little bit better shape and you don’thave to go through the step of putting
them into the fridge you still can ifyou want you can still freeze the dough
after you’ve made it if you want supersimple but that’s what that’s going to
do so it’s just cellulose gum that’sgoing to hold water next in his tapioca
starch tapioca starch again is usually athickener and it is what it sounds like
it’s just ground-up tapioca it’s madefrom cassava root I’m sure you’ve had
tapioca and it’s usually used in recipesthat are gluten-free because it will
sort of replicate some of the thingsthat gluten does in the recipe obviously
this is not a gluten free recipe sowe’re not trying to replicate that so
what this tapioca starch is going to doin the cookie is it’s going to give a
nice crisp brown exterior to the cookiewell leaving the center a little bit
more chewy without being hard and densethat’s the theory so we’re gonna see
what happensI’m just going to mix these together and
while I’m doing that it looks like thebutter and sugars mixed together nicely
so let’s crack in the eggs one at a timeand mix them in and the second egglooking good so we’ll spoon in the dry
ingredients and we’ll just mix it inuntil the flour disappears okay all
mixed together next and last is thechocolate chips so put those in and I’m
just going to mix those in by handnow just scoop them out onto a baking
tray and bake them so Glen hey friendsyou said dinner was ready but I see
cookies yes so that’s a that’s chickenroasted with spicy salami and
cauliflower great there’s good butthere’s cookies yes so I made fryer I
made chocolate chip cookies so give it atry and then we’ll talk about it there’s
something special about there’s somestuff going on here that ok so they
taste like chocolate chip cookiesthey’re great yeah they’re super crispy
mm-hmm more white sugar nope so that’sbrown sugar like that’s usually how you
get crispy there’s a depth of flavorthere too there’s a little undertone
that you’re not picking up which is goodbecause you don’t like coffee
mmm but it’s in there oh this coffee init so I was not guessed that i steeped
the coffee in the butter that wouldexplain that that yes yeah the so this
is science science the crispy brownexterior mm-hmm is because of the
tapioca starch so the chappy oka startthere Browns a little bit differently so
you get that it’s really crispy on theoutside you get its kind of really nice
and chewy on the inside rightso there’s definitely got that crisp I
like them yes mm-hmmwithout being hard mm-hmm they’re crisp
not hard if that makes sense that makessense
mm-hmm but this it shatters when youwhen you bite it rather than something
that you have to crunch through itscrispy now the CMC the carboxyl
methylcellulose yes that’s cellulose gumokay
and what that is doing as I’ve alreadyexplained to the people at home is um it
retains moisture okay so you notice thenice shape that we’ve got here on these
cookies mm-hmm keeps them from goingflat or it helps
I’m going flat you can still get a flatcookie if your kitchen is too warm on
the day that you’re baking them yesyou’re still gonna get a flat cookie
yeah but it helps with that and helpswith this sort of craggy look hmm
I mean yeah the flavor is great I wouldif you’re a real coffee fan I would say
you could add more you could add morecoffee or instead of putting in whole
beans like I didyou could either crush them a little bit
or grind them coarsely just to bump upthat that coffee flavor if you really
like coffee flavor but I think these areI think this is great cookies and I
think you know science if sciencescience can make your your cookie better
um I’m all for it all right and I can’tso I guess I’m gonna finish up my cookie
and then for supperthanks for stopping by see you again

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