Bread Recipes

*Tipsy* Cooking With Kelsey: Keto Microwavable Bread

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Video Transcription

Oh oh my god is overflowing welcome back
to my channel everyone welcome to
another episode of cooking with Kelsey
quite honestly I have been drinking
these Seltzer’s all day I decided to
clean my room earlier and I’m like you
know what I’m just gonna get some
heartfelt service make cleaning a little
bit easier and funner and I was drinking
them all day casually and that office
and I was like there must be a lot of
alcohol in here kind of feeling it right
and I realized that I hadn’t eaten
anything all day I had maybe two slices
of bacon in the morning and a coffee and
that’s literally it and then I had about
six ulcers so I’m a little bit hungry we
have literally nothing in my house and
I’m craving carbs obviously because I’m
a little tipsy and I can’t eat carbs
because I’m on keto so I decided to make
some keto friendly English muffins so
that I can have some English muffin with
peanut butter on it even though I don’t
know I really think peanut butter is
Quito but like I really don’t care
because I haven’t eaten anything all day
anyways I’m just gonna make some keto
friendly this has Eagles in it no I
can’t do that that’s way too much work I
hope the English muffins aren’t hard to
do I can’t even do this I don’t even
know the first ingredient okay let’s try
and find another thing we can do I mean
I guess I could do this microwave bread
whatever this is
what okay we’re gonna try this I feel
like it should be very easy and very
simple so I shouldn’t mess it up
so we’re gonna make microwavable keto
friendly bread
apparently there’s only like four recipe
I mean four ingredients in it
the first thing has to do is find a
ramekin item number one is done we need
1 tablespoon of unsalted butter butter
mmm kiyo – that’s cute
I’m not cute just so everyone knows this
is the first time I’m trying
the tropical truly shelters they’re bomb
the passion fruit the mango the
pineapple the pomegranate it’s like fire
flavors I’m a big fan of white claw
I know white claws like this huge thing
now the flavors are like subpar I’m
gonna get a lot of heat for that
honestly the flavors are subpar the only
two I really look like mmm this is like
good I enjoy drinking it is the
grapefruit and the black cherry lime
could go without that easily for the
rest of my life could go without
drinking that would be fine and I
remember that the other one what’s the
other flavor raspberry could go without
that tune it says to put the 1
tablespoon of butter into your ramekin
and to melt it in the microwave which
we’re gonna do here we go we’re starting
off with making a mess it’s still a full
block okay I’m just gonna do one minute
is this what my hair looks like right
it was snapchatting me leave me alone I
am filming a video I am making food for
myself okay the next thing oh oops okay
it’s at least a smelter though you know
now we’re gonna add my mom rearranged
our entire kitchen I have no idea what
should put anything
I’m moving out just kidding I can’t
afford it putting one-and-a-half tables
tables is this is gonna be not cute I’m
so sorry for for burping but I’m
drinking seltzer so give me a break I
just felt it everywhere is this real
thanks mom for buying this when I asked
you to buy it I don’t go grocery
shopping one and a half tablespoons all
right I’m gonna do half a teaspoon of
the baking powder in soda I got baking
soda this is not baking soda
this is baking powder you bitch all
right moment of truth I’m gonna go check
to see if we have eggs in our fridge and
if you saw my last cooking with Kelsey
episode you know that I had a full-on
mental breakdown because we didn’t have
any eggs in the house however I always
have eggs in the house so if I don’t
again I’m just gonna give up on these
videos and just never film them ever
ever again we have a whole 18 pack of
eggs in my fridge okay and eggs in there
so now we have to mix it with the four
this is not the best thing to mix and
yeah this looks this looks repulsive it
looks like literal mommy I’m so
concerned microwave on HIGH for 60 to 70
seconds until the bread is cooked
through and said that I’m a little
concerned about this I’m just gonna go
for it you know like why wouldn’t we go
for it we’re already there we already
have the ingredients looks a little like
puke but it may taste delicious
two weeks ago I was eating my weight in
pizza so
this is why we’re here now this is why
we’re doing keto friendly because your
girl has gained about 27 pounds in the
past month or so it’s just fine body
positive but it’s okay okay so it
doesn’t tell you to like butter the
ramekin or like do a little bit
Pam sprays its Pam spray
I think it’s pan pan its Pam I was
checked I didn’t spray anything like
that on it because it doesn’t tell you
to grease the ramekin watch this is
gonna get completely stuck to it I’m
gonna have to like cut it out
oh my god it’s overflowing it doesn’t
feel cooked though
it smells like eggs I’m concerned when I
do it for 10 more seconds because I feel
like it’s not cooked all the way
it smells heavily of eggs and I don’t
want an egg flavoured bread like I just
don’t not what I ordered it’s not what I
want in oh my god it literally smells
like scream legs I’m sorry do they are
egg bread okay so this is what it looks
like I already gave you the description
of the smell because it’s not good but
now it tells you to like tape okay
reason why I made this is because I’m
really craving like an English muffin
with peanut butter on it I’m really
craving french fries pizza ice cream
chocolate cake cheesecake pasta and
chicken fingers but I’m gonna tell
myself that I’m really only craving an
English muffin and peanut butter so if
this bread it honestly just smells like
egg like I really can’t even get over it
like it doesn’t even smell appetizing at
all it’s gonna be a no for me this is
what it looks like like is that what I
look at the shape I mean I guess I’m
gonna put some peanut butter and try it
but like it looks like bread and you can
see the egg whites in it okay I’m about
to taste it I just don’t want it to
taste like egg and peanut butter because
it’s gonna be nasty I loaded it up with
peanut butter to try and hide any egg
taste but this is what it looks like
I just ate so much peanut butter
it was just like smack dab caught in my
throat okay
here’s my review ooh it’s a good review
if you like drown it in another
say you want jelly on it that would be a
great substitute for the actual taste of
the bread I just took a bite of the
bread by itself without too much peanut
butter on it and I could taste the egg
heavily very heavily oh it’s so not good
10 out of 10 don’t recommend trying this
that’s it for this video
again another fail but I feel like we
knew that that was gonna happen I’ll be
surprised when I make a recipe that’s
like delicious and good make sure to hit
that subscribe so you know when that
video is and hit the like button if you
like these kind of videos because I’m
sure they’re entertaining for people
that are like how is she gonna get up
this time you know yeah thank you guys
for watching if you watched hope this
was entertaining I still have nothing to
eat I’m hangry yeah I’ll see you guys
next time

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